Chapter 6

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Darkmoon lightly licks her rider. Sapphire twitches in her sleep and then wakes up. Darkmoon softly urges her to get up.

"Hey, girl," she says. Darkmoon purrs and bumps her head against her rider. "Hey! Nice to see you, too!"

Sapphire moves her body, trying to make sure that nothing is broken. She stands up and stretches her body, which is sore and stiff.

"Grww," Darkmoon growls softly. Sapphire pats her dragon down. Everything is fine. Nothing is missing or broken.

"Why don't you go somewhere, while I scout the island," Sapphire suggests. Darkmoon peers at her and growls not happy about the suggestion.

"I'll be fine," assures Sapphire trying to calm Darkmoon. She grabs her bag from the saddle and takes off Darkmoon's saddle.

The hybrid groans but complies to Sapphire's wishes. She spreads her wings and in one leap she's in the air.

Sapphire heads up the beach shore searching for civilization. She hears roars and growls not too far away.

"Are those...dragons?"

As she gets closer, Sapphire can make out the sounds more clearly.

"Those are definitely dragon roars," she thinks.

Shuffling and padding along the soft sand makes her tense, but she continues trekking up the beach. The footsteps sound closer, so she quickly hides behind a nearby boulder. She pulls her axe out of her bag and prepares for an attack. The footsteps are really close now and Sapphire jumps out almost guillotining the person.

"WHOA! Hey!," a boy yells. By his side is a black dragon that Sapphire has never seen before. He growls at her.

"Who are you and why were you following me?" She still holds the ax at the boy's neck and the black dragon gets into a defensive position. He pounces on her.

"Hey! Toothless! Stop!," the boy shouts.

Toothless looks back at his owner with puppy eyes. He backs off and growls, too.

"Sorry, about him. He's very protective," the boy apologizes helping Sapphire up.

Sapphire dusts herself off and picks up her ax.

"I'm Hiccup. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III."

"Fits the bill," Sapphire thinks to herself.


Toothless continues to growl catching Sapphire's attention. She approaches him and his growls get louder. She reaches her hand forward and then spreads her fingertips apart. The dragon falls to the ground purring. Sapphire rubs his belly as Toothless continues to purr.


"I've got tricks," she interrupts.

Actually, Valka was the one who showed her how to do that.

Sapphire examines Hiccup. He is tall, about 6'1, and his hair is slightly scraggy. He has a lean, strong build. He also has a prosthetic leg that appears to be mechanical.

"Really cute."

"Where are you from?," Hiccup asks.

"An island far from here. I live with my mom," she replies, "and dragons."

Hiccup smirks. "No wonder you knew how to calm him down."

Sapphire shrugs. She wish Darkmoon was with her.

"Toothless would like a scuttleclaw next to her."

Toothless wakes up from his trance and gives Sapphire a toothless smile, that makes her giggle.

"If you're here, where's you're mom?," Hiccup wonders.

"We got into a disagreement and I ran away."

"Well, you can stay here if you like?"

"Thanks. Where am I?"

"This is Berk."

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