Chapter 1

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Out in the distance, beyond Berk and farther away from other civilizatons, is an ice structure. This was made by the greatest dragon in the world. Also known as the alpha of all dragons. The dragon made this a sanctuary for his loyal subjects.

A Dragon Sanctuary.

But this home is not for just dragons, it also harbors humans. Kind humans. Two women and their dragons. Here, they protect and save wild dragons from trappers and bad vikings.

These women go by the names of Valka and Sapphire. They raid and destroy trapper ships to save their scaly friends. They have been doing this for many years.

For Valka it's 20 years and for Sapphire it's 11 years.

These women are not related in any way, all though, Valka did find Sapphire and her dragon all alone in the wild. She took them to the sanctuary and there the duo stayed helping to protect the dragons.

Sapphire gently pets Darkmoon and her dragon spreads her massive wings and takes off into the vivid skies. Darkmoon levels out, still soaring at blinding speeds. Closing her eyes and spreading her arms out, Sapphire takes pride in flying with her friend.

Sapphire tugs on Darkmoon's crown and the great hybrid glides upwards, into the clouds. She stops and begins falling back down towards the vast ocean below them.

Sapphire skims the ocean with her hands and spots Thunderdrums and Scauldrons deep in the ocean. Darkmoon head up and does a couple of spins and flips.

Sapphire jumps from her dragon and falls from the sky. Her dragon notices and follows close behind her. She takes her claw and gently taps her rider, causing her to spin.

"So big and yet at the same time majestic," Sapphire thinks to herself viewing her dragon. Darkmoon peers at Sapphire and purrs.

Without words being spoken Darkmoon flies below her rider catching her. She pulls up at the last minute scrapping the sea water with her wings. She releases an electric plasma blast.

Sapphire laughs to herself.

"Never gets old."

The duo heads back up into the skies where they glide next to Timberjacks.

Sapphire notices that Darkmoon is way bigger than they are. Two times bigger.

"Maybe because she's part Stormcutter and Valka trained her into a titan."

Rider and dragon turn back to the sanctuary when Sapphire spies a dragon trapper ship. They are trying to haul in a Changewing. Sapphire turns Darkmoon in the direction of the ship.

No words are spoke to her dragon, telling her what she wants her to do. Darkmoon releases a lightning blasts, scaring the trappers.

"Dragon!," a vking trapper roars. More trappers appear and start firing bolas and arrows at Sapphire and Darkmoon. The hybrid evades the attacks easily and lands on the ships. They point their weapons at the two invaders. Darkmoon growls and Sapphire shushes her, while dismounting her.

"Who are you?," a trapper demands stepping forward.

He is a tall, handsome viking with black hair and a patch of hair under his chin. His eyes are a warm brown color.

Sapphire smiles from behind her helmet and then takes it off revealing herself.The trappers grasp, recognizing the young rider.

"Hello, Eret," Sapphire says. The dragon trapper doesn't respond. He continues to stare at Sapphire with wide, shocked eyes.

He had thought the girl died in a dragon attack many years ago. He had heard stories of how she died, but here she is standing before him.

Eret shakes his head realizing that he has been staring at Sapphire for quite some time.

"I thought you were dead?"

Sapphire is surprised by this and glares at him angrily. Clearly he has forgotten at how quickly her emotions can change.

"Do I look dead to you?"

"But...he said you died. Impossible," Eret answers. He is still trying to wrap his head around what he is seeing.

"When I return, I'm going to ask for an explanation from him," Eret thinks.

Sapphire didn't need an explaination to know who "he" was. She already knew. This person was the reason why she was "castout" and pronounced "dead".

"You look good Eret. You haven't changed that much," Sapphire says steering the conversation in a different direction.

"Y-y-you too," he replies.

Really, Eret thinks that she has changed a whole lot. She is slightly taller and has grown into her body. Her curves fit her and her legs look good, too. He moves to her facial appearance and it takes his breath away. Her eyes are now gray and not a dull bluish-gray color. Her hair is black and longer, reaching down to the middle of her back. Her lips are fuller, too.

Eret thinks she is as beautiful as the day he lost her. He missed her a lot and is secretly wanting to kiss her. However, he is afraid of how his crewmen will see him. A weak, vunerable man. Plus, he, himself isn't sure if Sapphire feels the same way.

Sapphire does feel the same way. She was devastated to leave behind someone she loved since she was 10. There wasn't a day where she didn't think about Eret. He was and is her true love.

"Well, I better go," Sapphire says mounting Darkmoon.

"Wait-" But before the dragon trapper can say anything else, both ridet and dragon are gone.

High into air, Sapphire feels sad. She saw him again. Will she be able to see again? If so, when? Where?

Her thoughts are interrupted as she hears dragon roars out in the distance.

The Life I Use to Live (Book1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin