Chapter 15

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"Who are we waiting for?," Tidal Dragon questions.

The Dragon King peers at her and smiles at her evilly.

"A very close friend. And personally, one of my favorites," he answers.

A guard of the Dragon King's comes running out of breath. "You have a vistor." The Dragon King nods signaling the man to bring the vistor to him.

A few moments later someone comes walking up to the Dragon King and Tidal Dragon. Reef growls and is silenced by his rider.

"It's good to see you again Mystery. How long has it been?"

Tidal Dragon couldn't see the person due the fact that they were wearing a mask. However, she could tell that this "Mystery" person was female. Also, she didn't have a dragon.

"A long time," Mystery simply responses. Then she notices Tidal Dragon glaring at her. "What are you looking at?"

Tidal Dragon scoffed. No one disrespects her.

"I'll teach you a lesson."

She takes a step forward drawing her sword. Mystery just smirks at her and rolls her eyes. This causes Tidal Dragon to attack.

She breaks into a full run with her weapon raised. Mystery grabs aholds of the sword and swings Tidal around. Tidal loses her grip and finds herself on the ground with her sword at her neck, barely touching it.

"Nice try."

Mystery throws the sword down and turns her attention to the King.

"Who else are we waiting for?," she asks.

Tidal Dragon, picking herself off the ground, is curious too.

"A dragon rider named Shadow Dragon."

"How long?"

"Not long. She may toy with us. Seeing as no one knows when she arrives. She's silent and blends in. For all we know she could be here now."

She isn't there but not that far away.

A few minutes later Reef starts getting fidgety and growls.

"It's nice to see you again Shadow Dragon," Dragon King speaks.

Mystery and Tidal Dragon look around themselves trying to find the rider. Then steal glances at Dragon King and then each other.

A voice startles them.

"It's good to be back. For now."

"No worries. Your job is almost finished."

Shadow Dragon refuses to show herself, but likes the reaction to the other two ladies. She grins evilly amd holds back her laughter.

"What are we here for?," Mystery questions.

"Surely there's a reason behind why you gathered us here?," Tidal Dragon spectulates.

Dragon King sighs. He knows it won't be easy for the three of them to accept what he is about to say or rather hear.

"I gathered you here, because..."

He stops.

He sighs.

He recollects his thoughts and then speaks.

"Maybe it would be better if you heard this from Dragon Lord."

Right on cue Dragon Lord steps from his hiding place. He wears a worried expression on his face.

"I see you have all met. Well, now that your together, I want to tell you guys that...your..."

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