Chapter 16

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I dedicate this to Dragonfan808 and Krissy1314

All around the island of Berk, people are busy setting up.

The cold air blows in their faces, but the vikings keep working. Dragons help too. Carrying the heavy objects that the vikings couldn't carry.

The center of the island stands a large, tall wooden tree. It is decorated with shields and little viking ornaments.

Sapphire is amazed at how the Berkians celebrate the best time of the year.


Why the vikings named it that, remains a mystery. But every year Snoggletog will always be the year that the vikings will always remember.

Usually on the upcomimg days of Snoggletog, Sapphire and Valka would fun activities that they do with the dragons for each day.

On the first day of Snoggletog, is the Dragon Race. Valka and Sapphire race around the entire isalnd.

On the second day of Snoggletog, is the Dragon Competition. The two riders would try to outbest each other in showing off their dragon training skills.

On the third day of Snoggletog, is the Rescue. "Mother" and "Daughter" would go around in search of the trapper ships and try to see who can find and rescue the most dragons.

On the fourth day of Snoggletog, is the Dragon Challenge. Valka would give a random challenge and theyn have to conplete it in a certain amount of time.

On the fifth day of Snoggletog, is Gift Hunt. Sapphire and Valka spend the entire day making gifts for each other.

On the sixth day of Snoggletog, is the Annual Dragon Leave. The duo watch as the dragons leave to go and lay the generation of dragons.

On the seventh day of Snoggletog, Valka and Sapphire spend the entire day making a wonderful Snoggletog dinner.

On the eve of Snoggletog, they snuggle together and exchange stories of their favorite days in their lives. They also exchange one gift at midnight.

On Snoggletog, they open their gifts and spend the rest of the day relaxing. The dragons return and they go out at midnight for a flight around the island.

"Can't do that now," Sapphire thinks.

"Hey. You alright?," Hiccup asks.

Sapphire stares at him and stares. "I miss my home."

"No one is stopping you from leaving."

"I'm still upset. Plus, I love Berk. My mom always told me that people are incapable of changing. But, the proof is right here," she confesses.

Hiccup doesn't speak.

"Today, we would be the Gift Hunt."

"Gift Hunt?," he questions.

"Me and mom have tradition of Snoggletog activities that we do. Today we would be out looking for gifts to give each other or make ourselves. But..."

"But what?"

"I can't do that today," she explains.

" can," Hiccup says with a smile on his face. A plan is beginning to form in his mind.

"What do you mean?," Sapphire asks.

"Well, if can't spend Snoggletog with your mom during the fun traditions. You can do it here."

"You would that for me?," she puzzled.

"Of course. Your my friend."

Sapphire grins broadly and playfully punches Hiccup in the shoulder.

"Ow!," Hiccup yelps in pain but he smiles anyways.

"So, what is the first activity?"

For the rest of the day the gang participated the Dragon Race (Sapphire won), the Dragon Competition (Hiccup won), Rescue (Sapphire won; they used Terrible Terrors for this activity), the Dragon Challenge ( Astrid won; they had to find Gobber's missing hammer hand) and they are either searching or making gifts.

Sapphire and Darkmoon make thier gifts. Astrid is getting a new and improved axe. Snoutlout is getting a necklace with the symbol of a Monsteois Nightmare. Fishlegs is a getting a small book on hybrid dragons. Tuffnut is getting a mase. Ruffnut is getting a hammer with a Barf's head imprinted on the handle.

However, Sapphire has no idea what to get Hiccup.

Maybe a new sword?

Sapphire spends all day in the forge making her gifts and even something for Eret.

"I brought you something," Sapphire tells Eret.

"Ooo! I love gifts!," Eret exclaims. Sapphire holds back her present and glares at him.

"Of course, not more than I love you."

"That what I wanted to hear"

She hands the gift to Eret and opens the small box. Inside is a leather necklace with a pendant of  purple sapphire.

"Did you make this?," he questions.

Sapphire nods. "Do you like it?"

"No." Eret shakes his head and Sapphire suddenly becomes angry.

"How could you not like it! Do you know how long I spent making-"

Sapphire is cutoff from her rant by Eret's lips on hers. She tries pushing away but finds her herself sinking into the kiss.

They pull away and Eret looks into Sapphire's grey eyes. Love and admiration shine in his dark brown eyes.

"I love it."

Sapphire punches Eret in the gut and he doubles over in pain.

"What the hell?!," he shouts.

"Rule number one: Never ever try to trick me."

She giggles and kisses Eret once more.

The following day, Sapphire spends with Darkmoon. They fly around the island and enjoy the time together.

However, lately something has been bothering Sapphire and she was very pissed when she found out.

"Grwww!," Darkmoon bellows.

"I'm find girl. Just...wish things could be different."

She tugs on Darkmoon's crown and they head in the direction of the sanctuary.

Darkmmon lands on the outskirts of the isalnd and she starts shaking her head trying to get the command of the Alpha out of het mind.

"Go!," Sapphire commands. The hybrid flies away, but not before Sapphire takes something out of her satchel.

She creeps to the entrance of the sancruary where she is greeted by purrs of the dragons.

"I miss you guys, too."

She travels deeper into the islce cave and stops when she spots a shadow.


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