Chapter 3

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Valka and Sapphire wake up early the next morning, to feed the dragons and do other chores that need to be complete.

They are returning from a fishing trip, with the help of the sanctuary's dragons.

"We're going for a flight, " Sapphire tells Valka.

In all honesty, Sapphire just really wants to be alone. Even though she promised her mom that she won't fly  past the snowy barrier, she really wants to.

Valka gives a her smile. Deep down she's worried that Sapphire will go past the barrier, but also knows that she can trust her.

"Okay. Be safe," Valka responds.

Sapphire returns her smile and tugs left on Darkmoon's crown.

They fly towards the snowy mountain, fooling around while as they go.

Darkmoon soars up into the air and peacefully glides.

"Do you want to practice that trick again," Sapphire asks her dragon. Darkmoon happily gurggles in response.

Sapphire positions herself more comfortably on Darkmoon's saddle. She relaxes her body and then falls from her dragon. Sapphire spins, closing eyes to not concentrate on the dizzines that is settlimg in, and goes into spinning nose dive. Up above, Darkmoon glides until Sapphire reaches a certain height and then she goes into a spinning nose dive.

It doesn't take long for the hybrid to catch up with her rider. As the pair open their eyes and try to stop spinning but their vision doesn't allow it. Both rider and dragon are too dizzy to regain balance in the air.

Darkmoon roars, struggling to shake the dizziness off, while Sapphire screams her head off flailing around also trying to shake the dizziness off.

The vast open ocean comes closer and closer. Both are struggling to regain balance but can't.

"Wait? What's that down below. A ship?", Sapphire thinks.

There was no time to really be sure for both rider and dragon crash onto the boat, but not before Darkmoon wraps her huge wings around Sapphire.

"What's going on?," a famaliar male voice questions.

As the dizziness slowly wears off, Darkmoon unravels her wings to expose Sapphire. The hybrid growls as Eret tries to help her, but is silent by the command of her rider.

"Are you okay?," Eret asks helping Sapphire to her feet.

Sapphire staggers a little but soon regains her balance. When she realizes how close she is to Eret, she blushes and then pushes past him and goes to her dragon. She pats Darkmoon down to make sure that nothing hurts or is broken. She strokes her best friend's snout and Darkmoon purrs.

"Are you okay?,"Eret repeats.

"Yeah. Thanks," Sapphire says. She stares into Eret's eyes and he stares back into hers.

"Um...," he turns to his men,"Get back to work!" The crewmen shuffle around and then go back  their duties.

"Do you want to join me for lunch?"

Sapphire is shocked by this and doesn't answer right away. Should she join him? Is it a date? What would they talk about?

"Sorry, I can't."

Eret's face drops to disappointment. He really wants to go a date with her. To catch up and see if they can have a relationship.

"'s okay."

Seeing the disappointment in his facial expression, Sapphire feels bad for rejecting him.

"But I can come later tonight. If you like," Sapphire suggests.

This brightens up Eret and he smiles. "Yeah. That would be great."

Sapphire smiles to herself as she and Darkmoon lunge back into the air and go back to the sanctuary.

"We're going on date! I'm joining him for dinner!"

The Life I Use to Live (Book1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora