Chapter 14

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Sapphire and Darkmoon scan the ocean waters for a ship. They have been searching for an hour and half and haven't spotted anything.

"Lets go check his fort. Maybe, he's there," Sapphire suggests to her hybrid. The dragon changes course and heads north.

Sapphire remembers one night where she went to visit Eret and he told her where his fort was, in case she visited and didn't find him in the open ocean.

The sky is clear, except for a few clouds out. The sun beats down on the rider and her dragon, but it's not too hot. A cool breeze ruffles Sapphire's long hair and she closes her eyes enjoying it. A flock of sea gulls fly below them, as the sea birds search for food in the crystal clear waters.

A small roar from Darkmoon makes her open her eyes. Down below on very small island is a fort. It looks like a house, but much smaller.

They circle the fort trying to find a good spot land.

"ROOOAAARRR!," Darkmoon screeches. Sapphire and Darkmoon lose altitude quickly and Sapphire sees why. A bola is wrapped Darkmoon's tailfins preventing her from flying.

Sapphire struggles to stay on the saddle as the island comes closer. Darkmoon wraps her wings around Sapphire before they make impact with the ground. It feels as hard as Gronckle's body.

Darkmoon groans in pain and Sapphire's head spins. From the inside of Darkmoon's wings, Sapphire can hear muffles voices.

"What the hell! I specifically said,'Don't shoot' and you did anyway!"

"I was doing my job!"

"You were not following orders! You could have hurt her!"

"Who? The dragon? That's what your worried about?!"

Sapphire pushes open her dragon's wings and the yelling immediately stops. She finds herself swooped in a hug and she glances up to see Eret's worried face.

"Are you alright?," he asks cupping her face.

"Uh...yeah. I'm fine." She moves out of the hug and goes to Darkmoon, much to Eret's displeasure.

"Dragons before boyfriends," Sapphire thinks.

"Hey, girl! Are you hurt?" The great beast sticks her tongue out and starts thumping her tail against the ground, like a giant dog.

"I'll take that as a 'no'," she answers,"But just to be safe." Sapphire starts to give her dragon a pat down and concludes that she is fine once she's finished. In return to the pat down, Darkmoon checks her rider out to make sure that she's not hurt, by bumping her head against Sapphire's body.

"I'm fine, Darkmoon. Promise."

Sapphire turns her attention to Eret, who looks likes he is going to start patting her down, too.

"Im fine, babe. Don't worry."

"Babe?," a female voice questions in surprise.

Sapphire's eyes narrow at the voice and behind her a deep rumble follows by Darkmoon. She holds her hand up to silence as the rumbling stops abrutly.

*See how the master and slave role is coming into play*

"Oh shit,"  Eret thinks.

"Who are you," Sapphire asks rudely.

"Saga. And you are?," the girl questions in the same rude tone.

"I'm seconds away from smashing her face in," Sapphire thinks to herself as her anger rises.

"Now why would I tell you that?"

"I told you mine."

"Doesn't mean anything. "

"It will when I pound your face in!," Saga shouts.

Eret's crewmen watch the argument hoping that it will come to a fight. Some are making bets on who would win. Most of it is towards Sapphire.

Sapphire examines Saga. She notices how similar they look also with someone else's features in her face. She swear that she girl looks very famaliar, although they have never meant.

"Sorry to break it to you, Saga, but she would murder you."

"SHUT IT!," both women yell at him.

"Oh gods! We sound alike, too," Saga tells herself as she, too, notices the similar features.

"I'd like to see you try," Sapphire taunts, pulling her axe out from Darkmoon's saddle bag.

Saga agrees to this, by taking out her bow and arrows.

"This is going to be too easy," Sapphire thinks.

Before Eret can interject again, the battle begins.

Saga makes the first move, shooting an arrow at her opponent, who slices it with ease with her axe. Sapphire attacks Saga over again, and the girl surprisingly is as swift as Sapphire, but not as quick. Sapphire attacks with such precision and quickness that Saga can't dodge as fast as she would like. Saga falls to the ground with Sapphires axe at her throat.

Everyone stops breathing, as they wait to see what Sapphire will do. Some of the crewmen are passing money around to the winners, who bet on Sapphire.

Surprisingly, she lets Saga go, but gives her a warning.

"I could kill you easily and not feel bad about it later. Next time, you won't be so lucky."

She turns to Eret and the axe is now at his throat with his hands in the air. He already knows what she's going to ask him.

"I found her in the middle of the ocean in a fishing boat, passed out. I helped her and she was looking for me. All she wants is to be a Dragon Trapper. She heard that I am the greatest and she impressed me with her skills, which is really hard to do, but I let her stay."

Sapphire obsorbed all this and relaxed, with her axe at her side.

"I'm still angry."

"I know. I told her not to shoot, but she didn't listen. She shot you two down," Eret explains.

"I believe you. Cause if you shot us down, you would be laying a pile of your own blood. Plus, I wouldn't feel sorry. Maybe, a little," Sapphire answers. Behind her Darkmoon laughs at the thought of Eret, dead in his own blood. She knows Sapphire will do it and her feeling towards it, so does Eret.

Sapphire mounts her dragon; together they vanish leaving a stunned Saga, a happy crew and a terrified Eret.



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