Chapter 4

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"How do I look?," Sapphire asks Darkmoon.

Darkmoon tilts her head to one side, opening her spiked spines to show her curiosority. She softly roars to her rider making her laugh.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

Sapphire does look pretty. She had a long sleeve purple tunic with a black skirt and black leggings under her skirt. Over her tunic is her chest plate and fur vest with a fur collar. Around her waist is a few pieces of cloth. She has on her armbands with spikes and her boots.

Since it is late, and her mom is asleep, Sapphire decides to sneak out of the sanctuary. She silently creeps past Valka to grab Darkmoon' s saddle. She almost drops it and wakes up Cloudjumper. He peers at her and she put her fingers to her lips, telling him to stay quiet.

She saddles Darkmoon up and mounts her. Silently, they fly out of the sancuary, past the snowy mountians and to Eret's docked ship. Darkmoon quietly lands and Sapphire sends her away.

Eret appears and he stares at Sapphire in awe. He is taken aback at how beautiful she looks.

"Hi?,"Saphhire speaks unsure of why Eret is staring at her.

"Hi. You look beautiful," he coomments. Sapphire blushes.

"Seriously? What's happening to you?," she chastises herself. "Your strong. A warrior. Not a love sick girl."

Sapphire then begins to rethink this whole date thing. She's suddenly nervous and starts feeling sick. Maybe, she should not have suggested to coming for dinner.

"So, shall we?"

Eret's words snaps her out of her thoughts. She nods and gives him a genuine smile.

She follows Eret to the small dining room on the ship. There a table, chairs and food is all set up with a romantic vibe to it.

He helps Sapphire to sit then he takes his seat opposite her. At first it's an awkward silence until Eret talks.

"How have you been these past years?"

"Pretty good. I see you have your hands full trapping dragons and all," Sapphire responds.

"Yeah. It's been hard trying to catch some lately."


"Someone keeps swooping in with their dragon and this huge beast. They come and set the dragons free or help injured ones. I don't understand."

Sapphire knows who's doing this is. But she isn't going to tell Eret that.

"How is he?," Sapphire questions.

"Stubborn and demanding as ever. He never seems satified," Eret replies,"Have you visited him, yet?"

"Yeah. A about a week ago I went to his ship. I stayed in the shadows and watched him work. He hasn't changed that much. I bet he doesn't even miss me," Sapphire answers.

Eret is shocked by this. The man never stops going on about her.

"He does. Never stops babbling about you."

"I can't believe he misses me."

"Tell me? Where have you been all time this?," Eret wonders.

He wants to know why she never returned home. To him. Her family. Her friends.

"Maybe she didn't care enough to come back," Eret thinks.

This is something that Sapphire hoped he wouldn't ask. She couldn't tell him. She can't tell him. If she does it will ruin everything. Sapphire sighs.

"I've been around," she lies. It isn't the answer that Eret is looking for but it will suffice. For now.

The two talk more. Getting to know eah other again. Catching up. The adventures they've been on. Eret brags about all the dragons he caught. Sapphire tells him how she got Darkmoon.

Later, Sapphire whistles for Darkmoon and goes to sleep happily dreaming of her maybe future with Eret.

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