Chapter 19

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So many things have been bugging Sapphire.

Going home.

Her mom.


Her secret.

A new discovery.

The first three she can deal with but the last two are.driving her crazy.

She loves the life and the path she is taking but the last one, especially is going to screw things up for her.

She didn't ask for it. She doesn't want it. But she knows has to do it.

The cool morning air whips past Sapphire face. She takes a deep breath and inhales. The air relaxes her. Relieving her of all her stress.

She looks down below her and admires the sparkling water.

She straightens herself out on Darkmoon and falls.

She closes her eyes enjoying the free feeling of...well being free.

Opening her eyes she doesn't she Darkmoon anywhere.

She smiles to herslef, though. She knows Darkmoon will catch her at the last minute.

She counts the seconds as time goes by and sees that she only has 30 seconds left before she falls into the ocean.

It inches closer and closer and starts putting all her trust into Darkmoon to catch her.


She makes impact.

But with something hard.

She gazes down.


Sapphire laughs at her hybrid and the dragon joins in.

"Very funny Darkmoon."

The dragon just purra in response.

"Wait! That actually worked!," Sapphire yells excitedly fist pumping the air.

The duo fly high into the air and just take a leisurely flight.

Something out in the distance catches Sapphire's antention.


The young rider tugs on Darkmoon's crown and they fly in that general direction.

An entire island burned.

Everything is covered in ashes amd smoke.

Darkmoon lands and Sapphire slides down. When her boots touch land and crunch! sounds.

Sappire glances below her.


Dragon bones.

The bones are big.

Maybe a Typhoomarang? Timperjack?

Sapphire advances into to the smokey forest and examines her surrounds.

Everything is torched.

The once live trees are now dead and even some animals that couldn't escape in time are dead.


Sapphire stops moving and looks down. She stepped on something. She squats and picks up the object. She gasp at what it is.

A golden pendant of a Stoker Class Dragon.

She only knows one person that wears a neckalce like this. However, it has been a while since she has seen that person.

She turns and climbs up onto Darkmoon and they once again ascend upward.

It isn't until a few moments later some commotion below her catches her attention.

"Oh shoot!," she mumbles to herself.

Without warning Darkmoon dives bombs towards the scene causing Sapphire to hold on tight.

The dragon lands with a powerful thud.

"Sapphire what are you doing here?," Astrid ask.

"I could ask you the same!," she shoots back sliding off of her dragon. She sees Stormfly tangles in some nets struggling to get free.

She glares at Eret mentally telling him not to acknowledge that they know each other.

He secretly gets the message.

"This is Toothless and he says 'We're leaving'," Hiccup says.

Eret smiles evilly. "That's what they say."

He gives a signal and the Eret's men attack. They shoot arrows and bolas at the group.

However, before things escalate too quickly Toothless shoots a plasma blast a large chuck of ice.

Sapphire helplessly watches as the ice threatens to smash Eret. Luckily, dives time.

She notices that Stormfly is free and all the riders jump on their dragons and are gone.

The Life I Use to Live (Book1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora