Chapter 12

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Valka paces worriedly from one side of the sanctuary to the next.

"What have I done? This is my fault. I shouldn't have.taken Darkmoon from her. Now she hates me, but she did bring this on herself. I told her not to see him again and she defied me. Then she said that awful thing about me,"  Valka thinks to herself.

It's been about week since Sapphire and Darkmoon have left the Dragon Santuary. Valka noticed the next that day that a sad and depressed shadow wasn't sitting in the corner of the sanctuary. She freaked when she saw that Darkmoon's saddle was gone, too. Instantly, she knew what had had happened.

"What if she hurt? Or dead in a cave somewhere? What if Darkmon is captured or worse, dead. She is the only hybrid that we know of. No! No! I will not think like this! Sapphire is fine and so is her best friend. They know how to get out of tough situations. Their probably on an island nearby."

This is not true(obvisously). Valka, Cloudjumper, the sanctuary dragons and even the alpha searched every neighboring island. The caves or crevices of caves. Everywhere. No sign of Darkmoon or Sapphire. The alpha couldn't even call the hybrid.

Cloudjumper views his upset rider and feels her apprenhension. The Stormcutter is lonely without his friend. He and Darkmoon usually would going out for a morning flight. Now Cloudjumper has no dragon that is like him. Serious. Confident. Motivated. Strong. He is even thinking that maybe, just maybe...

"I have to know if she and Darkmoon are okay," Valka states interruping the dragon's thoughts.


Eret and his men are sailing the vast open oceans, keeping a keen eye on the skies hoping to find a lone dragon.

"Just a few more,"  Eret thinks.

"Sir! We found something!," a chubby crewman yells.

"Grab your nets, boys!"

"But, sir? It's not a dragon. It's a-"

"A what?," he questions rather annoyed.

"A boat," another crewman answers.

The man points to the west and out in the distance is a small fishing boat. Eret glances at the boat. Should he risk it? What if it is someone dangerous?

He sighs. "Alright, make course for the boat!"

The men go their stations and Eret takes the steering wheel heading for the lonely boat. They pull right next to it and the men grasp. Eret leans over and his eyes widen. He pushes his men out of the way and heads for the ladder.

"Cricket! Come with me!," he yells to a large muscular man. The man grunts but follows.

They decend down the ladder and jump onto to the boat, swaying it slightly.

Eret peers at the girl laying in the boat.

She is pretty with dark brown hair. She is wearing a gray tunic with a black fur vest on top. Her skirt is brown has three belts wrapped around it. Her boots are brown and high lace ups and she has fingerless gloves on.

Eret looks over a Cricket who nods. Together they carry the girl and Cricket slings her over her shoulder and climbs up the boat. When they are on deck Eret takes over and takes the mystery girl to his room. He lays her on his bed and leaves. When he returns with water the girl is awake.

Her eyes are also a dark brown color much like her hair.

The trapper smiles at her and her eyes widen. She takes the water and drinks it all then continues to stare at Eret.

"If Sapphire finds out about this, she skin me alive."

"I knew I find you," the girl talks.

"Excuse me?"

"Your Eret? Right?," she asks.

Eret nods confused at where this conversation is going. The girls smiles big.

"Who are you?"


"Where are you from?"

"Richland Island," Saga replies.

"Were you looking for me?," Eret asks.

Saga smiles and nods.

"Sapphire REALLY is going to skin me alive when she sees her."


"Well, I heard that you were the greatest Dragon Trapper in all the seas. My village got burned by dragons and my parents and little brother died not too long ago in the in the dragon attack."


"I want to be a Dragon Trapper." 


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