Chapter 17

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Its been so long since Sapphire has seen her.

She has missed her.

It is taking a lot in her, her not to run and hug her. Even though she misses her, she can't go home. Not yet. Sapphire hasn't completely forgiven her for what she has done.

"I doesn't mean I don't want to come home."

Silently she sneaks around the cave and hides behind a boulder not too far the entrance. She listens as Valka speaks to Cloudjumper.

"I searched everywhere. Even on the viking islands. Nothing."

Cloudjumper whimpers feeling his rider's pain. He, too, is worried. But more worried about Darkmoon.

"I just want her to come."

Sapphire's chest tightens in pain. Her heart beats painfully and she can feel liquid surfacing to her eyes.

NO! She will not cry. Its been over 14 years since she's done that and a month ago since she did it for the time.

"Oh, Cloudjumper. Its not the same. I will spend Snoggletog alone. I need Sapphire here. I know she needs me, too."

"Maybe, she hasn't forgiven yet. You know how stubborn she can be. Plus, she knows how to hold a grudge," Cloudjumper roars. The Stormcuuttter knows ahe can't understand him, but he also knows that she gets what he is trying...wanting to say.

Valka smiles. "Yea. I guess I need to her time. Plus, she has Darkmoon. They'll be fine."

Cloudjumper bellows at the name Darkmoon. He misses her. His eyes become sad and full of worry.

Valka giggles when Cloudjumper bellows. He just glares at her evilly.

He jerks his head up sniffing the air and looking all around him. A shadow bolts away and then turns to shush him and gives a warm smile.


The shadow is gone.

Cloudjumper walks away and goes towards the entrance. He peeks outside. Nothing. She's gone.

"Why was she here? Did she not want to stay home? Where's Darkmoon?"

"Cloudjumper?," Valka calls worriedly.

He turns to her and spots something behind a boulder. He saunters over to it and sniffs it.

An egg?

He sniffs again.

A dragon egg!

Valka curiosly follows his gaze and sees the egg. It is nicley wrapped in a balnket a with red bow.

"What's this?"

Valka picks up the foreign object and observes it. There is also a note.

Dear Mom,

I miss you and I know you miss me, too. I promise I will come home soon. Just not now. I'm angry but I know you understand. I brought you something for Snoggletog. Hope you like it. I found it on an island and thoughy it would good to have something keep you company while the dragons gone. I love you.


Tears silently fall from Valka eyes. She re-reads the note and smiles and her heart melts atbthe thought of Sapphire. She loves her. She hadn't forgotten about her all.

She glances down at the dragon egg and her tears fall faster.

"Guess we have a new member."

Out in the distance a girl on a hybrid dragon is smiling away at the good she has done.  

The Life I Use to Live (Book1)Where stories live. Discover now