Chapter 10

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He was once a simple man, but quickly changed when his family was attacked and presumably killed by dragons, except for his eldest son, even losing his arm in the process and replacing it with a metal arm. He briefly lived in fear after witnessing his family being killed by dragons.

Later on, he eventually became dark, violent and without conscience or mercy and became a tyrannical leader. He learned how to control dragons and make them bow down to him and taught his son the same methods.

He controls harshly, proclaiming himself as "The Dragon King" and his son "The Dragon Lord". With this power they wish to conquer the world, crushing anyone who is foolish enough to stand in their way. This is something that they may accopmlish.

During his early conquest he and his son found a Bewilderbeast hatchling and decided to take it with them as a slave and abused it until it grew to full size and used it to gather a huge dragon army.

He visited Berk, along with his son, where a gathering of chiefs occurred in the Great Hall. He quietly told them that he and he son can bring Berk peace and promises them that the island will end its war against dragons, but only if they chose to bow down and follow him. The chiefs took this for a joke and laughed at them, humiliating the two. After they warned them and walked off, two armored dragons quickly descended into the hall and burned everything in sight. Only one chief managed to escape, of which the Dragon King and the Dragon Lord was anaware.

The Dragon King and Dragon Lord are feared by all will destroy those who get in their way. Their madmen and arbitrary leaders of their dragon and human army. He is ruthless, sadistic, callous, arrogant and power-hungry tyrant who seeks to enslave both dragons and humans and take over the world. His son is as equally insane as his father. But worse. He is brutal, unpredictable, short-tempered, blood-thirsty and relentless.

Father and son intimidate the dragons into obedience and controls them by swining their bullhook above their heads and roaring like an animal in a frightening display of power. They emphasis this relationship with dragons as one of master and slave, rather than trust and quality.

Paradoxically, their greatest strength is also their greatest weakness.

"WHERE ARE THE DRAGONS!," the Dragon Lord shouts angrily. Scared, tearful, frightened women, children and men all stare at the men and their army not saying a word.

The Dragon King smiles evilly looking at the sea of fear before him, just the way he likes to see it. His son is about to yell again, but is gently hushed by his father.

"Hehehehe. You are trying to protect your dragon friends. But no dragon can resist the alpha's command."

The crowd of villagers on Shamrock Island mummer I confusion. The Dragon King nods to his son and the young one smiles ruthless.

"AhAhAhAhAhAh!," Dragon Lord bellows. In response a deep rumble sounds from underneath the ocean and the villagers eyes widen as they take in the all powerful alpha dragon, the Bewildrrbeast.

The alpha roars thunderously causing the darken skies to shake and the houses lit in flames to bounce around joyously.

"Witness the true power of the alpha," Dragon King states.

The Bewilderbeast alpha roars again and as it gets a sense of where the dragons are hiding, it eyes slit.

"Hey! No!," a child screams as she watches her beloved Deadly Nadder fly over to the alpha with hundreds of other Monstrous Nightmares, Hideous Zipplebacks, Gronckles and Terrible Terrors folowed by other Nadders. The women, children and men and all call for their companions to no avail.

The two dragon controllers laugh as the villagers try to get their dragon back.

"Will I get to spill blood?," Dragon Lord asks.

"You will. There's always one," his father replies.

He is right. There is always one.

A young teenage viking no more than 17 years of age shakes with anger. He grabs a neighboring spector's dagger and shouts a battle cry charging at the men. Dragon Lord smirks as he grabs the boy's arm holding the dagger. He twists the boy's arm making him drop the weapon and cry out in pain. The boy's mother runs forward trying to help her son, but stops in her tracks as Nadder spikes cut her off.

The boy stares death in the eyes and silently begs for the man to not kill him. He glances at the Dragon King hoping that he will convince the Dragon Lord to release him. He notices all the scars and what the dragon controller is wearing, which makes his attempts of ever being released futile.

The Dragon King is a very intimidating person and has the appearance to match. He is very tall, reaching 6'10, is well built, has long waist length hair styled in dreadlocks, a full beard styled with bands and sunken green eyes. He is slighlty tanned and has quite a substantial amount of scars on his body. He has a scar a across his left eye, the forehead, nose, across the right side of his mouth that travels up his cheek and all over his right arm and hand.

His attire consists of a sleeveless shirt made from dragon skin, a thick waist belt with looks like a symbol of the sun, and a huge black cape made from dragon skin that covers his prosthetic arm. Attached to his belt he wears what appears to be a dragon scaled loin cloth, blue trousers and boots covered in fur.

The Dragon Lord takes no mercy in what the young boy is trying to say. He merely takes out his sword and stabs the boy in the gut. His mother and the other villagers scream in horror as the bloody scene is taken in from of them. Children cry uncontrollably and holding on to their parents.

"That's what happens when you try to get in our way," Dragon Lord explains as he pulls a bloody sword from out of the boy. He drops the boy on the ground, who still alive but is suffering from the attack. Blood pours out of him and his face goes paper thin. His mother runs around the Nadder spikes and kneels besides her dying son's body.

The Dragon Lord cleans his swords with a cloth and then he and his father along with the alpha, the new dragon slaves and the crew aboard the ship and set sail to another island to conquer more dragons and have more people fear them.

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