His burning Madness

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A/n- It's a dark novel, and you've always been warned, so don't show any hatred in the comment section.. Thank you for reading


"Did your ex- lover ask for your consent before kissing you?" He seethed out at her.

Y/n's breathing halted, and her heart completely stopped pumping blood. She got frozen at her place, hearing as soon as those words escaped from his mouth.

Taehyung smirked by watching her utterly startled reaction and hid his one hand in his pocket. Tilting his head a bit, he stared directly into her soul with his terrifyingly icy and inky gaze and took a step towards her.

"You didn't mind kissing your ex lov.... Oh... My bad... Just lover cause I guess you both reconcile.. Right, Mrs. Kim,"

Her heart dropped to its lowest, and her face drenched its all colors as the scene of Jungkook's lips on her for a mere second flashed in front of her eyes like lightning.

Taehyung stared at her deep and dengerously blank, watching her stunned reaction and stated.

"If he, even after being the other man can kiss you, then why are you acting fucking naive if I, being your bloody husband wants to fuck you." He let out through his slightly clenched jaw without caring about how cruelly his words were going to pierce in her heart.

His cavernous eyes turned more predatory as he started taking his remaining steps towards her making Y/n, who was staring at him stunned, feel her heart throbbing in her chest in terror. Her insides filled with fear watching his extremely calm, cold and unbothered expression as if whatever he was saying and got to know, nothing mattered to him.

"Now shocked... huh?..." He smirked, eliminating the distance between them. His deep, cold gaze refused to leave her stunned eyes as he stood before her, towering her small figure, but not a single part of his body touched her skin.

He leaned closer to her face, his expressions were stoic while she gawked at him astounded, holding back a breath.

"What you thought, Kim Y/n.. .." He asked in his dengerously lower voice, his warm breathing hit her lips

"That your dumb husband wouldn't know... What you're doing behind his back... Whom you're meeting... hugging... KISSING... "

Y/n badly flinched, stepping back when he abruptly growled, his eyes burnt up like two balls of raging inferno.

Taehyung scoffed at her fragile state and stretched out his hand to touch her arm, but she crawled back in fear to avoid his touch, causing his hand to freeze in midair. He noticed her already shivering at her place, while staring at the ground terrified of him, making his eyes to turn fatally blank.

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