New York, New York.

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Erin looked up at the tall, tall buildings that surrounded her. She thought to herself: she was here. Finally here.  The song Welcome to New York was playing in her head. It really felt like it had been waiting for her. 

They had earlier on that day got a bagel and a coffee as Erin wanted to try New York city bagels. Now, they were on their way to the Empire state building. Nothing more tourist than that. 

Once they got there, Erin took in the height of the building before they would go inside. Once inside, she and Taylor walked down to the elavoter and got on after showing their tickets.

The elavoter jolited up and it scared Erin a little, but she took a breathe to herself to claim herself down. Taylor noticed this and took her hand and brought her close to him and whispered in her ear. "Just think of how much fun we'll have once we get there. He kissed her on top of her head. 

Erin smiled at the relief of it and turned to him. He looked down to her. Their lips moved towards each other, and meeting. They embraced, and kissed until the elevator opened. Taylor looked over as people were staring at them. "Sorry. Come on. We're not getting off here." 

"You most certainly will not." Said an older woman with her other older woman friends.

Erin rolled her eyes and looked up to the ceiling. The women got off at the 87th floor. While Erin and Taylor were going to the 102nd floor. The best view, Taylor said. They had the rest of the ride alone, so they kissed again and once the elevator dinged.

They got off on the 102nd floor. There were so many people there. Though, they both had the tickets, that allowed them to skip the line, they still had to wait their turn on this. They smiled and waited. Erin wished that she brought a book with her. Same with Taylor. He pulled out his phone, which he hardly ever did, except when he needed to answer an important text or email. Which he was doing right now. 

Then, he pressed the camera button on his phone and put the timer. "Say Pizza."  He told Erin with joy. She opened her mouth into a wide smile. Taylor took the photo and looked at it. "We make a cute couple." He said, half joking and half serious. 

She nodded. "I would say so." She teased. She put her hand in his. They waited and waited after an hour, it was their turn. Erin looked out and saw everything. The building around them. Some birds. Lots of things. She stepped off the stool and stepped back to let Taylor have a look. "It's amazing. I mean, I've seen it before, but I'm seeing it with you, so it feels new for me." He smiled to Erin and continued to look.

After another hour of looking, they stepped away to let other people have their turn and they walked down hand and hand to the elevator. They got on and kissed again till they got to the street. It helped Erin with her nerves and took her mind off the fact that she was going down 102 feet. Once the elevator dinged, they walked off, and out the door to the street. "That was lovely."

Erin cocked her head to Taylor. "What the landscape, or me kissing you?"  

Taylor smiled. "Well, both, but I was just talking about being up there, with you."  

Erin smiled, "Yeah, it was. Cross that off the list. Glad I got to do it with you too."

They looked at each other, before Taylor asked, "So what do you want to do now?" 

"How about we walk till we hit a pizza place." 

"Sounds good to me." He smiled and they went to the right and started to walk.


They made it to Joe's a nice little pizza joint. Erin had a slice there in Hollywood, but she wanted to try it here. She wanted to try many places, but she wanted to start here. They stood in line and waited. Erin smelling the pizza in the air around her.  She wanted a cheese slice so bad right now, and a chaser salad. Man, she was getting hungry.

Soon it was their turn. Erin ordered a cheese slice and a Caesar salad. Taylor ordered a slice with Pepperoni and a Caesar for himself. They manged to get a place to stand while they ate. 

Erin took a bite of the pizza. Tasting the cheesiness, the crust on the button that didn't taste like a pastry. The sauce that also tasted like a sweet, savory candy. "Oh." She said, surprised.

"Good?" Taylor said after taking a bite of his. 

She nodded and ate her salad and took another bite of the pizza and made yummy noises. People turned. Taylor looked around embarrassed. "She's never had New York pizza before."

Erin looked up at everyone. "Sorry." She said and continued to eat without the noises. It was the best Pizza she ever had. 

A/N: Sorry I didn't post last week, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. -Dreamcast45

Falling for a Demisexual-Taylor Zakhar PerezWhere stories live. Discover now