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Hola friends 🫶🏻 how are you doing?

The NY show was giving me lotssss of fomo hahaha and the announcement for London is giving me major anxiety as well so 🙃 stressful week this week haha but it's fine, I was still able to write and we're still back with a new chapter!

Today's the day we've all been fearing sooo.... 😌 be prepared

I really hope you'll enjoy the chapter! Thank you for being here and for all your support! Really means the world to me and I appreciate it so much!

Please enjoy this chapter, thank you for being here, can't wait to read your comments and see your votes 🫶🏻♥️

Word count: 3744


"...what are you two doing here?" Lucas' voice sounded, and both of them looked up, still cuddled up in that chair.

"Hi", Tyler smiled sheepishly. "...don't tell me you two pulled an all-nighter", Lucas said. "...Josh slept for an hour?" Tyler said, making it sound more like a question. Lucas chuckled. "I can't believe you two", he said as he shook his head. "I'm making breakfast. You two hungry?" He asked. "Starving", Tyler replied. "Same", Josh blushed. Lucas still couldn't believe they truly stayed up all night. "You two are lucky that you're cute and this was the last chance to do so. I would've been mad otherwise", he said as he walked back inside.

"Luke never gets mad at those things", Tyler said with a laugh. "He just likes to pretend he would." "Does Luke ever get angry at all?" Josh asked. "Uhm, rarely. But he can", Tyler replied. "Usually if he feels a negative emotion, it's him being fed up or annoyed but never really angry. Though in exclusive situations, he can get actually truly angry too", he said.

"I can't imagine Lucas being truly angry", Josh said. "Only happens when someone truly wronged someone else, or something similar like that. But you'll never catch him yelling for not taking the trash out or being home late for dinner, failing to pick something up from the grocery store or even if you'd talk behind his back negatively about him. He's not like that", Tyler said. "Seeing Lucas angry, you know it's justified if you ever see that happen. He doesn't just get angry. It's really only in incredibly rare situations where something truly did something really wrong", he said.

"I hope people will never drive him to the point where he genuinely gets angry like that again", Josh said. "Yeah, me too", Tyler said.

"Morning my loves", Steve then sounded, and Tyler looked up. "Hey baby", he smiled. "Hi Steve", Josh said. "Hey you two. So you pulled an all-nighter, I heard from Luke?" He asked as he sat down on the couch. Josh got up from the chair and so did Tyler as they walked to Steve, sitting down on the couch they always sat at, joining him. "Josh slept for an hour", Tyler brought up again. "...so you pulled an all-nighter. Got it", he chuckled. "I get it. Gotta cherish those last few hours", he said. Tyler nodded. "I needed it", he said. "Can't sleep those hours away... I really needed it." "That's good, baby. Then you made the right call", he said. "You can sleep later."

"Do you know if Michael's still here?" Tyler asked. Steve nodded. "Yeah Myles and I texted yesterday. Mike's still here too, waiting for your message", he chuckled. "Think he wanted to go home in about two days or so." Tyler nodded. "I'd ask you to stay two more days but I won't, I know I can't do that", Tyler said. "I wish", Josh said. "But you can't, I know baby. I'm not asking you to, you don't have to tell me you can't or turn down an offer. I know that's no option, I didn't mean for it to be one", he told Josh, who nodded softly. "Yeah, okay", he said.

"Three hours 'til we gotta go to the airport", Tyler sighed softly. "Can you believe it's really almost over?" He asked. Josh shook his head no. "And LA is 3 hours earlier so when I get off the plane it'll only be an hour later and I still actually have to live the rest of the day instead of just going to bed and sleep", Josh replied.

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