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Hi friends! I'm back with a new chapter!! Thank you so so much for being patient and I'm so sorry for not uploading Friday. I was still in London and also recovering mentally from the show bc it was a lot but in the best way & felt so many emotions and also hurt bc I wasn't able to get the m&g tickets and it just was a lot to handle, but I'm back with a new chapter now!

I know last time was a bit of a cliffhanger and you had to wait extra long for the next one so I'm really sorry for that 🥺 but I'm really glad that I'm back & I'm so excited to write again and show you what I got in store for the next chapters!

I'd love it if you could leave a vote and maybe leave a comment to let me know what you think of this ♥️ thank you for being here, means so much to me!


Word count: 2981


Josh: Hi!

Josh: Sorry it took over an hour ugh my parents had so many questions!! They wouldn't let me leaveee sorry for making you wait so long! I'm here now if you still wanna do it though!! But I understand if not :) Just let me know!

Tyler's reply was quick.

Tyler: no no don't be sorry. I absolutely still want to. so glad you're back, j. I'm gonna go inside. give me two minutes? do you have discord?

Josh: Uhh no but I will in a minute! Take your time!!

Tyler: thanks. (:

He exhaled a little shakily. Okay. Josh was there. He was the one now calming Tyler down. He came back just at the right moment. Tyler inhaled and exhaled shakily. He was fine, he didn't need to go to Steve and Lucas for help. Josh was there with him. He was gonna hear his voice again in a few minutes.

He went inside with Snickers and closed the door after he extinguished his cigarette. He started to set everything up and let Josh know how to add him on discord so he could stream the game on there, just to Josh only, while calling him through Facetime so he could see Josh's face.

Josh got ready for it too, settling in bed but not lying down so he wouldn't look weird. He connected his laptop to his tv so he would be able to watch Tyler playing the game on there.

Then suddenly Josh's phone rang, and he saw the facetime pop up. Oh god. He sat upright a bit more, making sure he looked presentable, then while still hesitating he hit the green button. Tyler's camera turned on, showing the couch - it was empty, and Tyler wasn't there. But then Josh saw Tyler in the background in the kitchen, and Josh's heart started racing already. Oh gosh, he was in so fucking deep. Even just seeing Tyler do whatever in his kitchen was making him fucking weak.

He then saw Tyler approach, and he noticed Josh as a smile formed on his face. "Oh baby, hi!" Tyler said, and it made Josh wanna scream it out, but he kept his cool. "Hi Ty", he blushed. Tyler smiled as he sat down. "Sorry, had to get the essentials quickly", Tyler said as he showed his red bull can. Josh let out a laugh. "Isn't it a bit late for that?" He asked. "It's only just past 8 PM", Tyler replied.

"Yeah, in LA", Josh chuckled. "Not in Detroit. It's almost midnight where you are", he said. Tyler laughed softly as he shrugged. "I've decided to just start living in your time zone, I think", he said. "...don't know how well that's gonna work", Josh giggled. Tyler smiled.

"...nice hoodie", he said. Only then Josh realized he was wearing Tyler's, and he blushed deeply. "Oh, uh..." he trailed. Tyler laughed softly. "I'm so sorry, I accidentally packed it and-" "no you didn't", Tyler interrupted. "I put it in there."

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