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Hello friends, here's chapter 230 🫶🏻

I'll be flying to London tomorrow morning and I'll be seeing the boys tomorrow night! Feels absolutely insane to me! I'm so excited and so happy I get to see them live again. I tried so hard getting tickets to the signing but omg the way hmv released those tickets sucked so bad and I couldn't make it unfortunately 😭 I was so fcking sad last night I cried for like 3 hrs lmao but right now I'm trying to focus on the positive again which is that I'm seeing them tomorrow night in a fairly small venue ♥️

Anyways, here's the new chapter! We're really at chapter 230 already which feels insaaane! This story has gotten so far already and we're definitely nowhere near done yet and it makes me happy that I'm able to continue this story for so long and you're all still here & reading it 🫶🏻 genuinely makes me the happiest person 🥹

Please enjoy this chapter ♥️ as I said, I'll try to upload Friday but I'll still be in London at that moment so I'm not sure if I'll be able to, but I'll try! Just know there miiiight be one less upload this week because of it. But I'll try my best!

Can't wait to hear your thoughts and see your votes and I really truly hope you'll enjoy this one. Much love! ♥️

Word count: 3349


When Josh landed, he waited together with Narai as he waited for his suitcase. Josh only had a carry-on, so he didn't have to be there, but he and Narai were getting along really well so far and he wanted to hold on to that for a while longer.

As they waited, they exchanged phone numbers. Josh was actually really happy and excited about it; he hadn't had a friend in LA in a long time, except his siblings and parents - them being his only friends in LA was pretty damn sad, so he was stoked about making a new, potential, local friend.

Narai was the one to ask for Josh's number, which made Josh realize that Narai actually wanted to connect more with Josh too, not just the other way around. He hoped he wasn't doing it out of pity 'cause Josh had been crying on the flight. He hoped he actually was interested in Josh's friendship.

As Narai got his suitcase, they left and went to the arrival hall. There they found Josh's parents who hugged Josh tightly and kissed his cheek firmly. He introduced Narai to them briefly, then he said he wouldn't keep them up any longer so he was gonna go find a cab.

Upon hearing that word, Josh's parents insisted on them bringing Narai home, as he didn't live far from them. They were just as excited - if not more excited - about Josh making a new local friend than Josh was himself.

They found their car and got in. They drove Narai to his small, but beautiful looking house just several minutes by car from Josh's. Josh commented about the look of the house and the garden, telling him he couldn't imagine how cool the interior of the house must be, since that was Narai's job. Narai told him he should come by some time soon so he could show him. Josh told him he'd love that, and they gave each other a hug before Narai got out and waved at them as they drove off.

As they got home, Ashley immediately attacked Josh in the tightest hug and she dragged him upstairs to his bedroom so she could hear all about his week with the guys. As Laura called out to them, wanting to hear stories too, Josh promised he'd tell her over dinner that night.

"I wanna hear everything. Everything! Every single detail", Ashley said as she and Josh sat down on his bed. Well, Josh knew there was no way he could tell her everything. He wasn't gonna tell his sister that he touched Tyler's cock through his pants, made out with him while grinding against him, and his skin was littered with hickeys created by Tyler just mere days ago. Nuh-uh. Only his two best friends got to know about that. And while Josh truly saw Ashley as his best friend too; she was still his sister. Josh couldn't imagine the thought of him telling that to his sister.

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