Chapter Twenty Seven

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Bucky parked the car in his usual spot. The three of them stepped out. Haldè followed along closely. He noted the doormat with the cat printed on it. Bucky unlocked the door. Haldè looked up at the two of them.
"Go on." Zemo smiled. Haldè nodded, and stepped in. He glanced around. Zemo stepped in, and took his shoes off. Haldè did the same.
"I'm going to bring our bags in." Bucky said before heading back out to the car. While he was doing that Zemo showed Haldè around the apartment.
"This is the living room obviously, that's the kitchen." He led Haldè down the hall.
"The bathroom is to your right, and this room is Bucky's... Ours." He corrected himself.
"This room to our left is your room."
"My room?" Haldè pointed to himself.
"Yes." Zemo nodded.
"My clothes are in the closet, but we can move them into Bucky's."
"What about his clothes?"
"His clothes will stay where they are." Zemo laughed.
"He, and I can share the closet in the other room." Zemo followed Haldè into the bedroom. Bucky came back into the apartment with their luggage. He set the bags down in the living room. He really wasn't interested in putting everything away at that moment. He stepped back into the smaller room with Zemo, and Haldè.
"What do you think?" He asked with a soft grin.
"It's wunderbar!" Haldè. exclaimed.
"Glad to hear it." Bucky nodded. Suddenly Alpine crawled out from under the bed. She'd been curled up having a nap.
"A cat!" Haldè beamed.
"This is Alpine."
"I see." The doormat made sense now. Haldè got down onto his knees, and reached out to her. She hissed, and he retracted his hand. That's unusual. Bucky thought.
"Here." Zemo chuckled, and got down onto his knees beside Haldè. He held out his hand, and Alpine rubbed her face against it. Haldè held his hand out beside Zemo's, and the cat sniffed him. Slowly Alpine allowed Haldè to pet her.
"Good kitty." Haldè smiled.
"She's starting to like you." Zemo nodded.
"I like her too." Haldè grinned. Alpine walked around them, and rubbed her body against them before stepping over to Bucky, and rubbing against his legs, and meowing at him. Zemo chuckled.
"She's upset you were gone."
"I'm sorry." Bucky giggled. He bent down, and petted her.
"Let's give her some treats. I think she was good for Mrs. Jones."
"I think she deserves one." Zemo nodded.
"Can I give it to her?" Haldè asked.
"Of course." Zemo hummed, and stood up. Haldè jumped up excitedly. He followed Bucky to the kitchen. Bucky showed him where the cat treats were, and Haldè set a couple of treats down onto the tiled floor for her. Alpine purred, as she ate the treats. Zemo watched the boy play with Alpine, and glanced at Bucky.
He motioned Bucky to follow him with his head. Bucky sighed inwardly, and followed Zemo to their room.
"James." Zemo whispered. Bucky sighed out loud this time. Please don't be mad. He thought to himself.
"We need to get him new clothes." Zemo spoke softly.
"Oh, yeah." Bucky nodded. He's not mad?
"He's probably been wearing those same things for sometime now."
"Probably." Bucky nodded, and crossed his arms over his chest.
"I can't believe he's walked all that way."
"Poor thing." Zemo shook his head.
"Tomorrow morning we'll make a big breakfast, then we will take him out for clothing, and essentials."
"Okay." Bucky nodded. He wasn't sure why he thought Zemo would be upset about Haldè's presence, but he did. He thought the memories of Carl would be drugged up. He thought maybe it would put stress on their relationship having the boy around, but Zemo seemed to be responding oppositely. Zemo kissed Bucky's cheeks as he passed by. Bucky blushed, and uncrossed his arms. He followed Zemo back to the kitchen.
"Haldè would you like to have a shower?" Zemo asked.
"Oh yes please." Haldè stood up, and nodded. Zemo nodded, and led him to the bathroom. He showed Haldè where the towels were as well as everything else in the bathroom. Next he showed the boy how the shower worked.
"You may use a pair of my pajamas tonight. They might be a bit large on you, but tomorrow we will get you a pair, or two that fit."
"Thank you." Haldè beamed. My own pajamas! He was rather excited. Zemo stepped out to grab the clothes for Haldè. He came back, and set them on the toilet lid.
"Call if you need anything." Zemo smiled kindly before closing the door.
"Are you okay?" Bucky asked. He was standing in the hall waiting for Zemo to step out of the bedroom.
"Yes. I think he's going to be alright."
"I'm sure he will be, but are you?" Bucky asked again.
"Yes." Zemo nodded.
"I'm just making sure. I worry about you."
"And I worry for you." Zemo smiled lovingly.
"I know." Bucky laughed softly. He watched Zemo step over to the luggage.
"What are you doing?"
"Putting these away."
"You can do it tomorrow." Bucky shrugged.
"I'd rather do it now."
"Alright." Bucky grabbed one of the bags, and carried it to their room.
"You don't have to help." Zemo laughed.
"You sure?"
"Of course. I've got it."
"Alright." Bucky smiled. He stepped over to the living room, and sat down on the couch. He turned on the television. Zemo began to put their clothes, and things away.
Haldè dried himself off, and put on the pajamas Zemo left out for him. A pair of pink shorts, and a matching short sleeved button up shirt. It was baggy, but at least with the shorts he wasn't stepping on pant legs, and tripping. He stepped out into the hall. Zemo had finished putting everything away, and was sitting on the couch with Bucky.
"Feeling better?" Zemo asked.
"Yes." Haldè nodded.
"Very good." Zemo looked at the clock.
"It's getting late." He stood up.
"I think it's time for bed."
"Yeah." Bucky turned the television off.
"I'm pretty tired." He stretched before standing up. They both walked Haldè to his room. The boy climbed into the bed. It was comfortable, and the blankets were soft, and warm. Zemo sat down on the bed, and tucked him in.
"If you need anything we're right in the other room. Don't be afraid to come, and get us."
"Are you sure?" Haldè asked curiously.
"Of course. You won't get in trouble, or anything of the sort."
"Won't the door be locked?"
"I never lock the door, James never has either. I've had to wake him up myself before." Zemo explained.
"Not your door. My door." Haldè clarified.
"Of course not. That's irresponsible, and dangerous. What if something happened, and you needed to leave the room?" Zemo was a bit lost. Haldè looked at him equally confused. Bucky sighed.
"They locked doors at night in the base. His door was locked, the other soldier's doors were locked. Anyone considered an experiment, or a weapon, or part of the winter soldier program were locked up at night."
"He's just a boy." Zemo turned his head to Bucky.
"Not to them." Bucky shook his head.
"It was security. What if any of us decided to revolt, or escape? Zemo, you know what I'm talking about. You commanded EKO Scorpion. You're as much a military man as me."
"I'm sorry." Zemo looked down. He's right. If we had access to subjects such as the winter soldier we would have them secured when they weren't in use. Locked away. Hydra, the soviets. Any military faction would keep its assets secured. Like prisoners.
This boy, in their eyes, was such an asset. An experiment. Of course he's not used to being treated kindly. Zemo felt a sense of anger he hadn't felt in quite some time. I couldn't imagine a child being subjected to such cruelty. If something like that had happened to my Carl I would... I still will burn it all to the ground.
"Zem?" Bucky's voice interrupted his thoughts.
"Yes?" He looked up.
"You okay?"
"Yes, apologies." Zemo smiled softly, and turned to Haldè.
"No. Your door will never be locked by us. If you're thirsty, you can go to the fridge for water. If you're hungry we have snacks in the pantry. You may eat anything you desire. If you're scared, or need me for anything, wake me up. I will not be angry, and I will not shout at you, or hurt you. I promise." Zemo spoke firmly, and his eyes held the truth.
Haldè nodded before hugging Zemo around the waist. Zemo was stunned for a moment. Frozen. Bucky felt concern building in his heart. A moment passed, and Zemo gently hugged the boy back. Haldè let go, and laid down. The pillow was like a cloud.
"Goodnight." Zemo smiled, and stood up.
"Are you comfortable with the light off?"
"Yes." Haldè nodded. Zemo turned the light out, and left the room with Bucky. They left the door open, as well as their own. Alpine jumped up onto the bed with Haldè. She sniffed his face, and licked him. He giggled softly.
"Do you like to snuggle?" He asked, and lifted the blanket. She hesitated for a moment before crawling underneath the covers, and laying beside him. Haldè fell asleep quickly.
Bucky watched as Zemo marched around, getting ready for bed. He was muttering to himself softly in sokovian. Bucky smiled softly. He had already finished getting ready for bed. He was leaning against the doorway, arms crossed.
"I know you're upset."
"I am beyond upset."
"I know. Trust me I know. No one knows more than I do how angry you are by this."
"He's just a little boy. I would see all of Hydra eliminated if I could."
"I would too. Believe me."
"I believe you James. I'm only frustrated, and talking.
Do not listen to me."
"I can't do that." Bucky laughed.
"I like listening to you."
"Thank you." Zemo smiled.
"Even if it's in Sokovian, and it's just cursing, and death threats."
"Thank you, James. That's sweet of you."
"I think we should get some sleep. I don't know if we'll ever be rid of hydra completely, but for now he's here with us, and he's safe. You're safe, and I'm safe. We're all safe. Tomorrow will be a new day, and it's going to be okay." He closed the distance between them, and hugged Zemo gently.
"Okay." Zemo nodded, and hugged back. They climbed into bed together, and fell asleep.
The following morning Bucky was the first one up. He was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. He honestly adored making breakfast. It was his favorite. He heard movement, and turned to see Haldè stepping into the kitchen. He was rubbing his eye, and his black hair was a mess.
"Good morning." He smiled.
"Good morning." Haldè replied.
"It smells gut."
"That's good." Bucky hummed.
"If it smelled schlecht I'd be in trouble." He flipped a pancake. Haldè giggled. He was rather amused by Bucky's joke, and his pancake making skills.
"After breakfast we're going to Walmart."
"Walmart?" Haldè's accent came through as he spoke.
"Yes, it's one of America's favorite superstores." Bucky explained. Haldè nodded. He was very curious about this superstore. What made it super?
"Good morning." Zemo spoke suddenly as he stepped into the kitchen. It was a little cramped to hold the three of them at once.
"Good morning." Haldè nodded. He's quite a well mannered little thing. Zemo thought. He likely had to be. Zemo was very intrigued. Bucky knew more than he did, but at this moment Zemo had no clue how this boy ended up with Hydra, or anything at all about him.
"Would you like to see the morning news with me?" Zemo asked.
"Okay." Haldè nodded. They stepped over to the couch, and sat down. Zemo turned on the television, and the news began. They started with traffic updates.
"Haldè." Zemo turned to him.
"Did James tell you we are going shopping today?"
"Yes. He said we are going to America's favorite superstore."
"I suppose it is." Zemo laughed.
"We're going to get you some new clothes." He explained. Haldè's eyes lit up, and he smiled.
"Thank you!"
"Not to worry." Zemo hummed.
"Foods ready!" Bucky called as he began to put everything on the table. Zemo got up, and Haldè followed. They sat at the table. Haldè was in awe of the meal before him. Pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs.
"Dig in." Bucky grinned. Haldè spread butter onto the pancakes, and cut them. Zemo, and Bucky kept an eye on him as they did the same. Haldè poured syrup over the pancakes. Bucky chuckled.
"I see you like syrup too."
"Yes!" Haldè hummed as he took a bite.
"So does Zemo." Bucky smirked at the man beside him. Zemo scoffed playfully.
Haldè was given some of Zemo's clothes for the day. A pair of black pants, and a button up. The pant legs were folded up so he didn't step on them, and the sleeves kept falling over his hands. Zemo continued to try, and roll them up each time they fell. Bucky got a kick out of it.
They drove out to the nearest Walmart. Haldè looked out of the window the whole ride. He was fascinated by the sights. They parked near the front of the store for once. Zemo was surprised by this.
"You don't mind parking beside other cars today?"
"I don't like it, but I don't want everyone to have to walk so far.." He paused.
"It's because of what happened the last time we came here." He mumbled. Zemo recalled Curtis stalking them before they knew who he was. Zemo nodded.
"Ah. I agree this feels safer." Zemo whispered back. They got out of the car, and walked towards the store. Haldè was excited to see what was inside. Zemo shivered.
"It's getting cold."
"Yeah." Bucky nodded.
"It's the middle of November. It's going to get colder."
"We'll get him warm clothes, a coat, and shoes." Zemo smiled. Bucky nodded.
"Are you cold Haldè?" He asked. Haldè glanced back at him, and shook his head.
"It feels nice."
"Alright." Bucky nodded. I forget he walked from Siberia to Sokovia. He's probably used to the cold. They stepped through the doors. Haldè's mouth fell open for a moment.
"Woah!" He was stunned. There were so many things, and people.
"Let's start in the pharmacy section." Zemo led the way. Bucky listened as Zemo picked out vitamins, and things he thought the boy would need. Haldè picked out a tooth brush, and paste. Zemo also grabbed him some deodorant, and fancy body spray. Bucky held back a laugh. He's thirteen he doesn't need something that expensive, or strong smelling.
  It was just like Zemo to get the best of the best. Bucky found himself smiling as he watched the two of them. They made their way over to the clothing section. Zemo, and Haldè browsed together, and when Haldè found pants, and shirts he liked, Zemo took him to the dressing room, and the boy went in to try everything on. He came back out with the items that fit.
"We have pants, shirts, and sweaters. All for the winter season. Now we will get you a coat."
"Thank you." Haldè nodded. It was so strange having someone to buy him clothes, and necessities. He wasn't sure what to think of it, but he liked it. It was a little confusing. Why did they want to spend their money on him? Why are they so nice? How long will they let him stay? He had so many questions.
Haldè picked out an olive green coat that had soft faux fur lining the hood. It had a lot of pockets.
"This color suits you." Zemo nodded. Must be his eyes, and complexion. He noted the green eyes, and fair skin. Next shoes. They fitted him with a pair of sneakers, and boots for the snow. Bucky insisted they would all need boots for snow.
"Trust me it snows a lot here."
"It snows a lot in sokovia too." Zemo shook his head.
"I am no stranger to it, and I doubt the boy is either."
"I'm just saying we should get some too."
"Alright." Zemo nodded. Once Haldè's essentials were gathered they headed over to the market side of the store. Bucky, and Zemo picked out ingredients for meals, as well as treats. Haldè was rather surprised. Grown ups like candy?
"Pick any candy you want." Bucky said. Haldè looked up at him.
"Anything you want." He smiled.
"Wow." Haldè was almost overwhelmed. He selected a bag of twizzlers.
"Good choice." Bucky laughed.
"Anything else?"
"Hmm?" Haldè thought for a bit. He picked reeses cups.
"I like those too." Bucky nodded.
"Candy, and chocolates are a lot different from when I was a kid, but some of them are the same, just new packaging."
"I've never had any of these." Haldè said to no one's surprise. He was excited. Bucky, and Zemo could feel it, and in turn they were excited for him. They continued on to get popcorn, and a few other things before heading over to the toy section. They looked at family games. Bucky picked out candy land, and Zemo grabbed the basic Uno pack. Haldè asked for a simple deck of cards.
"That's all you want?" Zemo asked.
"I like cards. I like to look at them, and shuffle them." He explained.
"In my room I had a deck of cards. I liked to shuffle them when I wasn't allowed to come out."
"I see." Zemo's face was saddened. He thought about the boy trapped in the base. His room was likely a cell.
"Ready?" Bucky placed his hand on Zemo's shoulder.
"I am." He nodded. Haldè smiled at them.
"Thank you."
"Anytime." Zemo smiled. They made their way to the   
check outs. They let Haldè scan the Items.
  He was fascinated by the self check area. Zemo smiled. He reminds me of James. He thought about the first time he'd gone to Walmart with Bucky, and how Bucky spoke about the self check machines. They finished, and paid for the groceries. Of course Bucky had something to say about the price being outrageously high compared to the forties.
Zemo chuckled, and they headed out to the car. Bucky opened the trunk, and put the bags in. Zemo, and Haldè got into the car, and Bucky returned the cart. He was adamant that he take the cart back, and the two of them got into the car where he felt they would be safe. Once he was back, they returned home.
After the groceries were put away Bucky, and Zemo were cooking dinner together. Haldè was on the couch flipping through the television channels. He was absolutely fascinated by everything on the screen. Zemo quickly whipped up a spicy sauce for Mexican street corn. It consisted of mayo, chili powder, cayenne, lime juice, cilantro, salt, and cotija cheese. Bucky grilled the corn on the stove top.
After that he cooked three ribeye steaks, and steamed asparagus. He also put some frozen rolls in the oven. Zemo was rather impressed by Bucky's cooking skills. He really didn't expect the man to be so good at it.
"It smells wonderful."
"Thanks." Bucky grinned.
"You're probably wondering how I know all of this."
"Perhaps." Zemo shrugged.
"Well I had to learn. Sam tought me some too." Bucky smiled. He finished up, and the two of them set the table, and made up their plates. Zemo cut Haldè's stake for him. Bucky grinned. Such a dad. Bucky set his, and Haldè's plates at the table. Zemo set his plate at his seat.
"It's ready." He said as he sat down. Haldè set the remote on the couch before hopping up, and taking a seat at the table. The three of them enjoyed the meal together. Haldè hummed as he took a bite of the steak. Bucky smiled. Guess it's good. He always felt confident when others enjoyed the food he'd cooked. Really he's only ever cooked for Zemo, and Sam. Haldè wasn't too happy with the asparagus, but he ate as much as he could.
"You don't have to eat anything." Bucky chuckled.
"I don't?"
"Of course not." Zemo shook his head.
"If you're not hungry anymore, or you just don't like it, it's okay. At least you tried."
"Thank you." Haldè smiled. He finished the steak, and the bread roll. He seemed to really enjoy the corn. They all did. The charred areas were delicious, and the sauce was excellent.
"Next time I think I'll add a little more cheese." Zemo thought out loud.
"More lime juice would be good too." Bucky suggested.
"I agree. I was worried it would be too overpowering."
"I think it will be even better." Bucky encouraged him. Zemo nodded.
"What do you think, Haldè?"
"I love it!"
"Thank you." Zemo hummed. After dinner Zemo, and Bucky picked up the table, and washed the dishes. Once the table was clear the group sat down, and played Candy Land. The night was filled with joy, and giggles from all three of them. After the game Haldè played with Alpine for a while before putting on his new pajamas.
He hugged Bucky, and Zemo goodnight before going to his room, and getting in bed. Alpine jumped onto the bed, and curled up with the boy. He pet her for a moment, and closed his eyes. Quickly he fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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