Chapter Three

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God, can't I get anymore stupid than what I just did? I just let Cody Barker, the worst football player on my team get to me by using my crush on Suki against me. I am so fucking stupid! I can easily beat the fuck out of him.
I parked my truck in front of the school in my normal parking spot. "Thanks for the lunch, Austin, that was really sweet of you." Suki says as she grabs her bag and gets out of the truck, I smile at her. I saw Barker go into the school and I frowned.
She is going to hate me for ignoring her.
I felt the guilt crawl up my back and stab my heart ever so slightly. "Yeah, dude thanks for the grub." Cooper said as he grabbed his backpack out of the back, got out of the truck and closed the door behind him. I turned off my truck as I watched them walk towards the school. I could imagine Suki running towards Barker and hug him like he was the air she breathes. I sigh and glance at my radio. It was twelve. I stumbled out of my truck, slinging my bag over my shoulder. I closed the door of my truck and headed towards the school.
I will not let Barker bloody control me. I am stronger than him. I will not lose my best friend over this stupid deal; I would rather get rejected by Suki not loving me like I love her than losing her completely.
The doors of the school slammed open, and I got dirty, scared looks by everyone, but right now i do not really give two fucks. I saw Jimmy, who I believe is Barker's closest friend, and I walked over to him. "Look, Jim, don't lie to me if I ask you this question." I paused looking at him, giving Jimmy my death glare. I continued to ask the question before he could reply. " Where is Cody right now? I know he never shows up to football practice during the third period." Jimmy started to bite his lip nervously like Suki used to do and there was when I realized this was the guy that Suki always hung out back in middle school. Jimmy is Suki's GBF, and I am here getting into his face like he's Barker's best friend. "He's with your ex... Anna. I-In the sex room." He is whispering looking down like he was guilty about it. "Cody been using her, Austin. Ever since they got together Barker does not love her and I tried to tell her, but he said if I ever tell her, he'll get his friends to beat me." Jimmy said and it sounded like he was about to cry. "Homes, I'm sorry I came up to you like this... I just want to protect Suki, but thanks for telling me this I promise I'm going to stop this." I told him and punched him softly in this shoulder, I turned around heading to the sex room.
No, our school does not really have a sex room, basically it is just an empty room that fuck boys like to use to fuck girls in. The guys started calling it that when they noticed it was unlocked and unused. No, I am not no fuck boy, I know how to be a gentleman and not use girls for the game and ease their hormones some of the guys do not even use freaking condoms! Like come on, do you really want to be a baby daddy in high school?
I stopped that the room and leaned against the door listening to any sound of sex of Anna's annoying voice. "Cody when are you going to break up with her and be all mine?" The voice of a female that sounds needy slips under the door.
There is the annoying voice I do not miss.
"Soon, baby girl, I promise then we don't have to hide-" I cut off Barker, "Get your ass back to football before I tell coach that you have been skipping since Monday!" I said in my low voice and out of the corner of my eye, Anna flinches. "You can't do that, I have the-." I cut him off again and smiled. "Watch me, and you don't have the upper hand." I paused, " I do." I quickly took out my phone and took a picture of them with the flash was on. Now it is time to tell Suki about this, she will probably kill Anna. I head toward the locker room for the football player, on my way there I notice Jimmy laying on the floor of the gym. "Jimmy!" I shouted and ran over to him. "T-They jumper m-me." He choked out barely keeping his eyes open and his lips were bleeding. " who are they, Jim?" I asked him to help me out by wrapping my arms around his waist and throwing one of his arms around my neck. "A-Adam, Z-Zack, a-and D-Devon." Jimmy says softly and his eyes finally closed. "I'm taking you to the nurse and you will be okay, mate." I told him as we headed to the nurse's office. "I'm going to tell Suki about Barker's cheating then I'm going to find those dick heads and kick their ass that did this to you." I said in my low voice.
Barker is getting himself in a deep hole.
After getting Jimmy to the nurse, I started to head to the football locker room. I spotted Barker with his back facing me.
Hope you find a better sport to play when you get kicked out of football Barker.
I walk over to coach Lucas' office where he is all the team before he yells at us to go workout in the gym.
Yes, our school has its own gym, pretty cool huh. Well Austin All schools have gyms I'm not talking about regular high school gym. I'm talking about a gym where you can go after school hours anytime you want, you can use it just have to have a student ID.
I knocked on the door before walking in, the coach's chair slowly turns around like you are in a spy movie.
I think coach Lucas watches too many James Bond movies.
"Ah, Austin I wasn't expecting to see you today. What brought you to my office?" He asked me as he rested his head on his fist. I stayed quiet and just the picture of Barker and Anna naked in the "sex room" coach's eyes shined as he looks at my phone. "Is that Cody Barker and the head cheerleader?" He asked, looking up at me then back at my phone. "Yes, Sir it is." I told him and he handed my phone back. "Barker hasn't been to practice since Monday, he's been messing around with that girl in that room nobody uses." I said as I put my phone away. " I think he should be kicked off the team because he's never here for practice. He's going to make us lose the game next Friday." I said leaning against the door. Coach looked at me and stood up from his chair. "Son, I'll handle this. Thanks for telling me." He said and I nodded in my response to him before I left his office. My phone started to ring, and it was Suki on caller ID.
Now I get to tell her about Barker and how I feel about her too.
I answered my phone:

(Me) "Hey Suki? You, okay?"
(Suki) "No, No I am not... I-I am crying please help me."
(Me) "Hey breathe Suki, I will be over at your house?"
(Suki) "Yes, please come over. I need my Batman."
(Me) "Okay Suki, I will be overnight over. I will see you soon. Love you, Suki."
(Suki) "I love you too Austin."

The phone call ends.
I ran towards my truck to go over to Suki's house. Did she find out about Barker? Did something happen to her family?
Okay I need to be calm before I freak out and end up freaking out Suki.
I get into my truck and drive towards Suki's house to see what is wrong with her.
Do not worry Suki, your Batman is coming to save the day!

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