Chapter Nineteen

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We arrived at the hospital. Mom, Suki's parents, Jimmy and Rylee, Cooper, and Cody all were there.
Yes, Cody came, and I called him.
"Marcus, stay with grandma, I'll let you come see mamma as soon as you can," I said kissing his forehead, then ran where the doctors took her. "The baby is coming fast; we have to go to an emergency C section." One nurse told me. My face went pale at the thought of them cutting open my wife. "Isn't that dangerous?" I asked, not barring the answer. "Yes, it can be. You can either lose the baby or the mother, but sometimes nothing goes wrong. Mr. Smitty, you must be prepared for the outcome." The nurse told me before walking off to get the doctors. I went back into the waiting room, told Cody to take Marcus to get something from the snack machine. "Okay so, the doctors have to do an Emergency C section on her. The possibility of that outcome is that we can lose Suki and have the baby or lose the baby and have Suki or have both. Apparently, it's a 50/50 chance." I said as soon as Cody and Marcus were out of the waiting room. "I would advise all of you to say your goodbyes, but don't act like it so she wouldn't suspect a thing," I added, and everyone nodded. I told everyone to go, I will be with her throughout the procedure. "Where is everyone?" Cody asked when he came into the waiting room with Marcus. "They went out to eat." I lied with a jerk of my head that pointed to Suki's room, Cody nodded in return. He knew what I was saying without saying it. "Marcus, this is your father," I said breaking the silence. "I know." He quickly replied. I looked at Marcus, his face was emotionless and unable to read.
I hope this does not affect him badly.
"When can I see mom? I know what's happening, I know I may be six, but I'm mentally strong enough to know what's going on." He burst out. I was going to reply when I saw everyone coming back, which I knew it was about to start the C section. "Mom, tell Marcus what's going on, please. He wants to know." I whispered to her before heading towards Suki's room. The doctor put Suki under anesthesia, which sometimes took 20-30 minutes. They draped half of her body so Suki could not see what they were doing. I took hold of her hand and gently rubbed it. "It's going to be okay baby, we are going to get our baby pretty soon," I told her. The doctors went through multiple layers to cut into her body to reach the baby, your surgeon must go through before reaching the baby. I could smell the blood in the air, my heart was beating fast. "I see the head!" The doctor said and continued. Then it all hit me.
My nightmare. My nightmare is going to happen. I cannot lose her. Stop. This is not the nightmare. She is going to be simply fine. The cries of a baby filled the room and my ears once again, but the words the doctor says made me freeze. "It's a beautiful healthy baby girl." He comes over to Suki and places the baby in her arms. "What should we name her?" Suki said look at me, the color of her face was gone, it was pale. My world soon collapsed under my feet when the doctor said three little words. "She's losing blood." The nurse took the baby girl out of Suki's arms, taking the baby out of the room. I could see the light flicking out of her eyes and the color draining out of her skin. "Please baby girl stay with me, hold on. Do not let go. Keep fighting! You can push through!" I cried tears rolling down my face, my heart-breaking piece by piece.
No. No. No. No.
"Mr. Smitty, we need you to leave the room now we can't work with you in the room." The nurse said, pushing me out of the room. I slammed into the wall and left the hole in the wall. "Son, better control that anger. It's not particularly good for your kids to see that, especially a little girl." Said a deep voice from behind me. I turned around; my face went pale as if I saw a ghost. Even if I have not seen him in years, I still know who it was no matter how long has been. "Dad?"

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