Chapter Twenty

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*** Suki's POV***
What is the meaning of love? One it is an intense feeling of deep affection, two a great interest, pleasure, a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone. Lastly, love is unconditional, which means that there are no expectations or limitations set. To love unconditionally is a difficult thing, and most humans are not good at that, but true love really does love without trying to change the other person. Let me tell you when I was a little girl, I thought love was about red roses and experiencing dinners. Truth is that love is giving her half of your fries when she said she was not hungry. It is waking up at 4 am to her snoring and refraining from shoving her off the bed. It is talking in an accent, just getting shots and trying to embarrass one another in public. It is going on adventures and making fun of each other. It is stupid fights and memorable makeups. Love is not pretty and romantic. love is just stumbling through life with your best friends. Yes, Austin may have taken his time on finding out that I was his soulmate; it may also have been the worst boulevard of a broken heart in my side. Watching him pick other girls beside me, after his fight with Anna, he saw me cry, but Cody from my first period cheered me up. Yes, I kissed him to get back at Austin, but I did not mean to fall for him... then you know the rest. I know bad things happen for a reason, we could learn from it or run from it.
Austin busted into my room; I felt his hand grab mine. I know the doctors are yelling at him about something then a low growl came out of nowhere, the nurses and the doctors shut up. My breath was shallow, and I was getting weaker. "You said it yourself... it's fate she tells you when it's your time to go..." I began, I had to catch my breath... I know I do not have enough time. I could feel the tears roll down my cheek. "Now it's my turn." I smiled weakly. "No. baby. you cannot leave me... our babies need you... I need you." I grabbed his face and rubbed my thumb against his cheek.
I stared at his face like looking at it for the first time but knowing it is my last.
"I'll be with you always; our babies have a strong daddy to protect them... I love you." I kissed Austin's lips even though he could not feel it, I kissed him one last time. I whispered, "Until we meet again."

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