Chapter Thirteen

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I shot out of the bed when the alarm clock woke me up, I noticed Suki was already up and probably in the bathroom, turning off the alarm, getting up from the bed. I walked into the kitchen and saw mom cooking breakfast. I smiled at her. "Good morning sweetheart. Big day huh?" She said and I nodded sitting down at the table. "I'm really excited, I just hope everything turns out just fine today." I said with a yawn, mom handed my food to me. "I doubt anything will go bad, Austin." Mom tells me with a warming smile. I started to eat my breakfast.
Mom, you do not understand what goes on at school, for all I know Anna could show up or Cody and start something. Hopefully not, knock on wood.
By the time Suki got into the kitchen, I was done with my food and headed to our room to get ready for school. We got to school on time, but not as early as Wednesday, so we quickly went to our classes. First period was boring as fuck. Alice was not here today. So, this class went slowly. Second period was English which had my baby girl who I am marrying today! Third period was French, but we learned Cerca Trova which Seek and ye shall find, I doubt was French. I did not bother to pay attention. Fourth and fifth was football and the whole time I was teaching Cooper how to do my part more to refresh his mind, because I have this I will not be there. My last class of the day, I am getting more and more excited for today. That I cannot hold it in, I want to scream, but I cannot cause I am a man. Rylee was in class, we talked; I told her I was getting married, and she squealed then hugged me. I felt so happy, my future is right there. Mr. Graves told the seniors to get out, I booked it to the door, I was heading to my truck when I got a text from Suki:
(Suki)Can you come get me? I am at the nurses, being thrown up they are going to send me home.
(Me)Okay love, I will be there in a sec, good timing I have not left school.
(Suki)Okay babe
I put my phone in my pocket and quickly head towards the nurse's offices and see Suki laying on one of the beds. "My ride's here, thank you for the fruit, Mrs. Bell." Suki said getting up and walking over to me. "You're welcome sweetheart I hope the baby is okay." Mrs. says. We got to my truck and quickly got home. "Baby can you put our bags in our room?" I asked her to turn off my truck, handing her the keys to the house. I got off the truck, grabbed the dozen roses that I hid in my truck. Suki came out in a black skater dress with her knee-high converse. "You are looking as beautiful as ever." I told her as she walked over to me. I handed the roses to her, watching her blush then smile to cover it up. "What's this for?" She asked, looking around the roses. "You'll see my love." I saw her run into the house to put the roses down and jump into the truck. We got to the state fair and I saw Suki's eyes light up as a little kid. Therefore, I am marrying her; the way little things make her happy as a little kid in a candy shop.
Candy shop... let me take you to the candy shop... let you lick my lollipop... ha sorry could not help myself.
"Oh my god! Austin, you shouldn't have!" Suki says as she gets out of my truck. I followed her to the ticket line, but I grabbed her hand. "Don't need to worry about that." I said and handed her a day pass, she squealed loudly and hugged me.
There is going to be a lot of those cute squeals throughout the night.
We went on the fairest wheel when we got to the top, we took a picture of us kissing. Suki pointed out a rollercoaster she wanted to go on. I had other plans, but we went on all the rides she wanted to, and it was so cute, all lit up like a Christmas tree. I pulled her along to the games where you can win prizes, we were on that for almost the rest of the night, we stopped to eat then decided to head to the truck to put all the stuffed animals I won, and I have one more surprise for her. I won her on a big unicorn, a big bear, an alligator, Suki's reaction when I kept winning stuff was priceless. We went on one more rollercoaster ride before we left the fair. "Holy shit that was awesome! You were so scared! You should've seen your face!" Suki started to ramble, but her face was still glowing with happiness. I shook my head. " I wasn't scared, it was just going too fast." Suki gave me a look. "That's what she said." She said, we both broke out in laughter. We got to the truck; I kissed her on the lips as I opened the door on her side. "We have one more stop to go tonight then we'll be going home." I told her, getting into the truck. "Where are we going?" She asked me with a big smile. "You'll have to wait and see." I told her to turn the truck on. I heard a big high pitch squeal as my truck came to a halt. "Wet pets N critters!" Suki says, runs into the store, I followed in behind her watching her run over to the cats, I stood behind her. Suki picks up the cat with the bow. I got down on one knee and pulled out the ring. I heard her gasp; she turned around holding the kitten with tears running down her cheeks. "Suki Foster Davis, will you make me the happiest man on this and be my wife forever?" I asked her, she nodded. "Yes, yes of course I'll be your wife." She says, I got up and put the ring on her finger. Suki hugged me and the kitten meowed. "Come on stubby let's go home." We pull into the driveway; Suki runs our stubby in our room then comes back to help me with her stuffies. We got them in our room, I got in the room to hear her laughing.
I love her laugh; it is so cute and adorable.
"What's so funny baby girl." I asked, getting in bed and stubby jumps on me. "Stubby freaked out because Marcus was kicking." She tells me, I quickly put my hands on her belly to feel my son kick. Soon as I put my hand on her belly, I felt the joy of being a father. When I felt Marcus kick, I could see me playing catch with him, teaching him how to play football and fix a car. Even how to treat a lady. Watching him grow up to be the best man I know he will be. I smiled, kissing Suki on the lips. "You know how happy I am to be a father to our baby." I say laying down, Suki scooted closer as much as she could with stubby in between us. "You'll be a father to a blood son or daughter soon." Suki says. I felt my heart stop when her words finally hit me.

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