Chapter Fifteen

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"Push! You got this! Couple more pushes and you'll have the baby in your arms." The doctor told Suki and I kept holding her hand. "You got this baby girl, almost there." I said to her and squeezed her hand. Suki screams tears rolling down her face. A cry of a baby filled the hospital room. "It's a healthy baby boy." The doctor said, handed the baby to Suki.
I am a father now; I cannot believe it. I am so happy.
"I'm going to tell momma that Marcus is here." I said kissing her forehead before leaving her alone with our baby. I found my mom with Suki's parents, so I opened the door. "Marcus is here, he's delivered at 12:05 in the afternoon. Is one healthy baby." I told them, mom hugged me, and I felt tears fall on my shirt.
Aw, man she is going to make me cry.
I felt cold eyes burning into my skin, I let go of mom to turn around to see Suki's father. "Why are you so happy? It is not your child. You just married her. The real daddy of the baby should've married her." He said and I just looked at him with no emotions on my face. "The real father of the baby isn't man enough to be a father or a loving husband that your daughter needs. I do not care that I am not the real father of the baby, but I am going to treat Marcus like my own blood. If you do not like that you can leave. You kicked Suki out and abandoned her when she needed you the most and I'm still picking up the pieces, you broke." I growled, leaving the family waiting, heading back to where my little boy is, and wife were. I heard footsteps following and I knew it was my mom, but when a small hand touched my wrist, it was not my mom. "Mrs. Davis?" I asked, turning around to look at her. "I know my husband is stubborn. That day, I did not talk to him. It broke my heart that he would choose that for our daughter. I guess he forgot we were just like you." She pauses to whip her tears away. "I love Suki, I'm so glad you took a stand like you did, I didn't like that boy, he wasn't good for her.... my point is, thank you." She says, I smiled and hugged her.
She knows who the baby daddy is...
"you are always welcome to come to see her and the baby." I told her. "You are sweet. I'm so glad you are in Suki's life." She said and squeezed my hand. "I'll come by Y'alls house when my husband is at work. Tell Suki I love her." Mr. Davis hugged me goodbye.
Hopefully, her dad comes around too.
Suki loves her parents, I know it broke her heart when they kicked her out, but she is happy that I am here. I went into Suki's room to see her sound asleep with Marcus in her arms. I smiled, walking over to Suki, kissing her forehead. I took Marcus into my hands; she rolled over onto her life side. I looked down at my baby boy, tears of happiness fell from my eyes as I held my son. "I know you probably won't understand what I'm going to say, but I'll tell you again once you are older. Marcus, no matter what you hear I am your father. I was there when you were born. I will watch you grow up into an amazing young man, will one day find love just like mommy and I. Make sure she's or he's your best friend." I paused then whispered to Marcus. "If you ever went to know about your real father, just ask me. Mommy doesn't like talking about him." I smiled at my baby boy and kissed his forehead. I already love this kid; I will not let nothing hurt him. I will do anything for him. I will raise hell for this kid. Suki rolled over, rubbed her eyes. "You talking to Marcus, my love?" She asked me with a lazy smile. "Yes, my love. I was telling our boy that if he was going to fall in love make sure it's his best friend." I told her to get up, putting Marcus into her arms. "Oh, your mom told me, to tell her that she loves you and she's sorry." I said sitting on the bed with her. "Really? She apologized, what about dad?" She said looking up at me.
Geez did not think she would bring up her dad. Well, her dad kind of hates me.
"Yes, but not your dad, he'll come around and your mom is coming tomorrow." I told her to scoot up closer to her. " Thank you! I missed my momma." Suki says with tears rolling down her face, I whipped them away. "You're the best husband ever." She kissed me, I smiled. "I try my love," I replied. "Let me put Marcus in the crib so you can sleep." I said then take Marcus from her and put him in the crib. "Come cuddle with me!" Suki whines holding out her hands, I obeyed.
It feels great to be the next Suki. Everything is falling into place. I have a beautiful wife, and a beautiful baby boy. What can go wrong?

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