Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up with stubby around my neck. Stubby looked up at me and I busted out laughing. "What's so funny?" Suki groaned. "Stubby looked at me and his tongue was sticking out." I told her to catch my breath. "Good morning my wife, did you sleep well?" I said sitting up, putting stubby on the bed. "I slept kind of well. The baby was active not of the night." She told me as she sat up. "You'll get some sleep as soon as the baby is out of you." I told her getting up from the bed, heading to the bathroom to freshen up. When I stepped out of the bathroom, Suki was in sweats and a baggy sweater. "You look so adorable my love." I said with a smile on my face. "Bill, I look and feel horrible today, Austin." She groans, walking out of the bedroom. I got dressed, I put on my football jersey with blue jeans and cowboy boots. "Can we get breakfast at McDonald's today? I really want a McGriddle." Suki said coming out of the bathroom. "Yes, anything for my wife." I said and kissed her. We got to the school after we stopped at McDonalds to get breakfast. I walked Suki to her class, there was Cody, my ex-teammates and friend. "Are you going to be okay in this class?" I asked her glancing at Cody now and then. "Yes, I don't even sit near him, plus Jimmy is in here, he'll protect me while you're gone." She told me. "Okay baby... Just text me if there's any problems." I said, kissing her goodbye. I went to my first period class. I spoke too soon yesterday; Cody better not say anything to her or the baby.
Even if it is not mine, he is not taking that boy from me. I will beat his ass to hell.
I slammed the door when I walked in the classroom and sat down. "Mr. Smitty, will you go back to the door and not slam the door." Mr. Hebert told me. I looked at him, "No." I told him then looked down at the floor. "Mr. Smitty go-" he did not get to finish because of Cooper. "Sir, I don't believe you want to mess with him when he's mad." He told the teacher, Mr. Herbert nodded then went on with the class. Let me tell you, I was so pissed I did not listen to what Frank was talking about because of Cody. Just the thought of him back in the school. My phone buzzed twice, it was either Suki or Cooper.
I hope it is Cooper.
I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and saw a text from Cooper.
Thank god it is just him.
(Cooper)Dude, what is up with you today? You are never like this. What is going on.
(Me)Cody is back. I am afraid he is going to do something to Suki. Plus, Suki am not feeling too well either.
(Cooper)oh shit. I will help you beat his ass. What is wrong with Iggy?
(Me)I know you would help. Well, she has been throwing up a lot.
(Cooper)baby is coming, I got your place in the game today fam.
(Me)The baby is not going to come today. It is way too early.
(Cooper)trust me man, I know.
The bell rang and I put my phone away then headed to my second period. I do not know what Cooper is talking about. The baby cannot come now, it is way too early, but the doctor said three or four months and Suki is getting big.
Kind of way too fast. Cooper is probably in mushrooms that would explain everything.
I sat down in my seat and waited for my lovely wife. The Tardy bell rang, Suki was not here. I started to get worried. I pulled out my phone to text her:
(Me) Baby girl, where are you? Are you okay?
(Suki)Yes, my love. I am at the nurse's office. I keep throwing up. I think I need to go to the hospital.
(Me)I will text my mom and tell her to come get you.
(Suki)thanks, you love.
"Mr. Smitty, get off your phone in class." Mrs. McBride told me. "Okay, I'll just go outside and call my mom only for a second." I said, walking out of class to call my mom. I went back inside; quickly texted Suki's mom is on her way to pick her up. " my phone is away Mrs. McBride, I'm ready to learn." I told her as I took my seat again.
Maybe Cooper is right? The baby is coming today.
The end of the class Mrs. McBride got a phone call then she looked at me after the call ended. She did not have to tell me anything, I got up, grabbed my stuff, ran down the hallways towards my truck shouting. "I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER!" I got to the hospital and to Suki's room, mom came out of the room and hugged me. "I know the baby isn't yours, but I know you'll be a good father and treat him like he's your own." Mom says letting go of the hug, she whips away a tear from her eyes. "I know momma, I can't wait to see my baby boy." I said with a big smile. "I'm going to be in the waiting room. I'll text Jimmy and her parents." Mom told me before I went inside Suki's room. "How are you feeling baby girl." I asked as I stepped in the room. "Like I am ripping apart." Suki snapped then groaned. " okay baby, take it easy." I told her as I pulled up a chair next to her bed. "Don't tell me to calm down, you're not pushing a fucking human out of your whooha." She snapped again. I was trying my best not to laugh.
Picture this, Suki is 4'9 and pregnant. She is tiny as hell, so to me her being mad is cute as hell. I cannot help it, everything she does is cute.
Mom poked her head in the room. "Austin, I need you." She says closing the door. "I'll be back love." I told Suki as I walked out of the room. "Yes mom." I asked, closing the door behind me. "Suki's parents are here and they want to talk to you." She told me with a worried look on her face. "Okay, tell the nurse I'll be in the family waiting room if there's news on Suki come get me." I told mom before heading to the family waiting room.
I am not ready for this.
Last time I saw her parents was when Suki told them she is pregnant, and it was my baby. Then her father hit me. That pissed me off and it is making me mad thinking about it. I saw them stand up as I got close to the door. I hesitated to open the door. When I opened the door, her mother hugged me. "Thank you for marrying my little girl. You were the best boyfriend she ever had even if it took forever." Mrs. Davis said then letting go. Mr. Davis just stared at me for a while. "I am sorry for punching you, I got so angry. That my baby girl and you got her pregnant." He said with a coarse tone. "Mr. Davis, I need to confess something, but you have to promise to me that I never told you this, Suki is too scared to tell the truth." I told them, they both nodded at me. "I'm not the father." I told them, before I could explain more in detail why I am not the father, my mom rushed in out of breath. "Austin," pauses. "Suki," pauses. "Baby," pauses. "Coming," pauses. "Needs," pauses. "Daddy," pauses. "Now." She finally got out, I took off running down the hallway towards Suki's room, screaming,
I entered the room, the doctor pulled me in. "Just in time, Mr. Smitty the baby is on his way." The doctor says. I stood by Suki, she grabbed my hand, holding it tight.

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