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"Ah,where am I? Now I am lost. I should-" Riku is searching for his things, but nothing is with him. "Oh no, I forgot my phone!". Riku panicked as he realised he had no way to contact anyone for help. He frantically looked around, hoping to find some familiar landmark or sign that would point him in the right direction.

Riku looked around again, but no one was there. He tried his best not to panic himself further and took a deep breath to calm his nerves. Determined to find his way back, Riku decided to retrace his steps and rely on his memory to guide him back to the studio. He just forgot how he got onto an unfamiliar street. Riku is trying to walk another path to find another way again. As he walked, Riku kept a close eye out for any potential clues or familiar sights that could help him find his way. Despite feeling lost and disoriented, he remained hopeful that he would eventually stumble upon a familiar landmark or someone who could assist him. Riku's heart raced as he tried to stay focused on his surroundings, hoping to spot something that would trigger his memory. The unfamiliar street seemed to stretch on endlessly, but Riku refused to give up hope of finding his way back. Once Riku saw someone standing there,he quickly approached them and asked for directions, hoping they could point him in the right direction, but unexpected things happened to Riku. He suddenly got surrounded by a few strangers. That face was so familiar to Riku.

"Glad to see you again; you look grown up so well." Riku's eyes opened wide, and his body was trembling. He still remembers those sounds and faces the one who killed Asuga. "You seem to miss me a lot, right? that man said as he slowly approached Riku, while Riku kept walking back.

"Don't get close." Riku's voice quivered as he tried to keep his composure, his heart pounding in his chest. The memories of that fateful day flooded back, and he knew he had to stay strong in the face of his worst nightmare.

"You look like you really miss me, right? Because you look so excited,Nanase Riku." The man's taunting words sent a chill down Riku's spine, his fear growing with each step the man took towards him. Riku knew he had to find a way to escape, to protect himself from the one who had taken everything from him.

"I don't!! HELP ME!!" Riku shouted, his voice trembling as he backed away slowly. The man's sinister smile only widened as he closed in, making Riku's heart race even faster.

"Poor little Riku,no one's going to hear you." Riku's mind raced, trying to come up with a plan to outsmart his captor and find a way out of this terrifying situation. With each passing moment, the reality of his worst nightmare seemed to be closing in on him. That man carried the bat and was about to hit Riku. Riku tried to think of a way to defend himself, but fear paralysed him. As the bat came down towards him, Riku closed his eyes and braced for impact. He is already at his limit. His feet won't move.

The sound of a bang made everyone stop and look at the police, who were already standing there pointing a gun. Riku opened his eyes and saw Nori. Riku is about to cry and run towards Nori.

"Nori!!" Riku shouted and hugged him. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything." Riku was crying tears of relief as he clung to Nori, grateful for his timely intervention. Nori held him close, whispering words of comfort and reassurance in his ear.

Nori gives orders to capture all the gangs around here. Nori can feel how scared Riku is right now , but he knew he had to stay strong for both of them. As the chaos settled, Nori made sure Riku was safe before turning his attention to the task at hand. He vowed to protect Riku, no matter what.

"Riku,you should go back to the studio. Tanaka will escort you there." Riku nodded, wiping away his tears and mustering up the courage to leave Nori's side. With a final embrace, Riku followed Tanaka back to the studio, feeling grateful for Nori's protection and determined to stay safe.

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