Chapter 23 - Unable

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"Tenn-nii!! I finally got everything!! Thank you!!" A little Riku is running toward Tenn.

"Good. Riku is hardworking." A little Tenn patted Riku's head.

"This is Riku's memory?" Mitsuki said as he looked around Riku and Tenn's house.

"I think. Honestly, Tenn looks so cute." Gaku said as he chuckled at little Tenn. Tenn gives a kick at Gaku's leg. "Ouch! Hey!! You don't look like little Tenn!" Mitsuki chuckled at the playful interaction between Tenn and Gaku.

"Who are you guys?" Little Riku looks at them. They panic for a moment because Riku can see them.

"Riku can see us? I thought we were in memory space and could only see someone's memory, Sougo said.

"Riku? Who are you talking to?" Little Tenn asks as he looks around Riku; there's no one around him.

"Tenn-nii didn't see? There are so many people here! And you look like Tenn-nii! as he points at real Tenn.

"Riku, stop saying nonsense! Come one, mom, call us to clean the pot outside." Tenn said.

"I remember, Riku did say something like this at that time." Tenn said as he remembered a similar situation in the past.

"Maybe Nanase has a special ability to see things others can't," Gaku suggested, intrigued by the mysterious circumstances.

"He already has that ability. I don't realize it because everything he said that time, I keep believing because since it was at the hospital. I thought, Oh, Riku got so many friends at the hospital." Tenn said.

"Nanase-san didn't really show those, but I caught one time Nanase-san talking with someone." Iori said.

The memory suddenly changed to another memory. The memory shows that Tenn left Riku and followed Kujou Takamasa.

"Mom, I'm sorry for burdening you and dad. You should have left me. Riku said.

"Why would we do that towards you? You know you are my precious son!" Miyou said.

"But Tenn-nii left us because of me. I should be a healthy son for you, but I burden everyone.

Even Tenn-nii said he was tired of me." Riku said this as he was crying. Miyou slowly hugs Riku, caressing him.

"Riku, my dear, you don't have to think that again. Tenn didn't do that. Trust me," Miyou said.

Tenn only watch how hurt Riku was. He keeps crying with his mother too. Riku got an asthma attack and can't stop crying.

"Riku is sorry." Tenn whispered, feeling guilty for not being able to support his brother.

"Rikkun really cried a lot for a week." Tamaki said. They watch another scene the day that Riku lost his parents and every pain he suffered. Tenn didn't stop watching everything that happened to Riku. Riku can't stand anything but is still strong to keep alive. It's made Tenn feel more guilty seeing all the painful memories.

"That's why Riku can't talk about this. It's really hurt to remember all of this..."Yamato said.

"I wonder how Riku can endure this much?..."Sougo said.

Suddenly they heard someone crying. It was a familiar voice. They search and follow the voice. They walked together in that memory space and saw Riku's memory too. Then they saw a memory that Riku cried alone.

"Please, just take me away. I don't have any strength to stay alive. I don't want to burden them. I don't want to burden Kichiro-san too. So Tenn-nii won't be worried at me anymore since he has a good life. I'm really grateful that Tenn-nii had a good life with Kujou-san. I don't have anyone anymore. I keep putting people in danger. Hatsu and Asuga almost die because of me. Everyone's work got held back just because of me. I give up. Please just take me. Riku said while crying, which made everyone feel sad with Riku's word alone. Tenn accept that and touch the memory.

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