Chapter 359 - World War 1

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Father has returned to Leviathan and the war in Europe is ranging on. Seeing father talk about the war, and hear news about it, is frankly frightening. Father seems to be relishing in the death and destruction that is being caused, where mostly innocent civilians are suffering the consequences. The reports already have shown that there are so many deaths occurring. The numbers reported are numbers of dead which are beyond belief. Truly there has never been such a horrific event of mass deaths from war which has ever occurred in my lifetime. That is one of the consequences of the advancement of man, as with the new technologies and inventions that mankind has made, it has also brought with it new ways for man to kill one another.

I have seen some pictures of the aftermath of some of the 'battles' during this war, and what I have seen has been horrifying. The most horrifying of the lot has been the use of chlorine gas, which has been absolutely devastating to anyone in its path, causing mass causalities. It is reported that the first use of said gas was used by the Germans on the eastern front against the Russian army, but it was not effective, due to the freezing temperatures on the eastern front. However, the gas has since been used, by both sides, and it has been horrible. The photos are horrible. Father, he has seen some of these photos, and he has not been horrified, instead, he has been intrigued. He has directed the Leviathan science team to begin work on different types of gasses which could be used by Leviathan to create mass causalities. He believes that with the alien technologies Leviathan already processes, our scientists should be able to create some sort of alien gas which is even more deadly than chlorine gas. I can't even begin to imagine what father thinks he is going to use that for. I'm not sure if father plans to use it as a weapon for Leviathan, meaning himself, or if he wants to develop it, and then sell it to the highest bidder, or the group who he believes will benefit Leviathan the most in the long run. This entire war feels like father is playing a large part of it, hidden from the shadows. It feels like father doesn't care who wins this war, as he has vested interests in all sides, he just wants the destruction to continue.

Outside of father, Nyssa and I have continued to speak, although we both know now that we have to keep our interactions limited, so that father doesn't realise what our relationship truly is, and that his manipulations have not worked. I now see fear in Nyssa's eyes whenever she is around father, and there is nothing more I want to do than protect Nyssa, and tell her everything is going to be okay, and I will never let father hurt us. However, I can't say that, because that would be a lie. Father can easily hurt us both, and I don't have any idea how to stop it.


For the last year and a half father has mostly directed Leviathan resources to help fund the production of ammunition and other arms, for all sides of the war. This has ultimately meant that father has very much increased his wealth, and the wealth of Leviathan, and also his influence. It terrifies me, very much, that he has this much of a finger on the pulse of this war, where millions upon millions of people have died. Father continues to relish in the deaths. He now claims that war is part of the planets natural cycle, as a sort of method of population control, so that the planet does not grow to a population number that is unsustainable. He claims this is similar to how famines and droughts are just other methods of population control. I'm pretty sure, in the past, father has been responsible for some famines and droughts in regions of the world, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he has a similar sort of view on the war that is occurring. A war that really has become a world war now, as it has expanded beyond just Europe, into the middle-east and Africa too. It was even recently announced that the United States of America will be entering the conflict. Upon hearing that news, father seemed to be absolutely outraged by it. At the time, I didn't understand why, as I thought he would have liked another party entering, as it would have been another country, and group, to sell arms to, and continue to increase Leviathan's wealth and influence. However, upon later reflection, and reading some of the limited reading materials I have been able to get my hands on, and also reading some intercepted messages between the allied forces, as well as messages from the German forces, it seems that America joining the war is seen as a turning point. Apparently the strength of the American military machine is not something to laugh at. Everyone seems to think that once America joins the war, the war will quickly be won by the allies, and soon be over. This is why father is angry, if the war ends he will no longer get to relish in all the deaths and destruction, and at the same time, it will stop his flow of cash from the interests her has in the sale of weapons and arms. Father is truly evil. He would rather these deaths continue on, than for peace to be called.

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