Chapter 225 - Elizabeth and Lillian Find Out

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It is now the following morning, and Kara and Lena are just arriving at The Tower along with Morgan and Alura, ready to drop their daughters off for the day, so that they can spend it with their grandmas again. Of course, another reason that Kara and Lena are at The Tower together right now, is because they intend to tell Lillian and Elizabeth the news about Lena being pregnant. After all, they have already told Eliza, Morgan, Alura, and sort of Sam and Alex, so it's about time that Lillian and Elizabeth are told the good news too.

Speaking of the news of Lena being pregnant, this morning, since the family woke, Kara and Lena have each played close attention to Morgan, wanting to make sure that the young girl isn't secretly hiding that she is still upset over Lena being pregnant or anything. Thankfully, Morgan seems to just be her happy self again, and has even suggested a few things that she would like to do with Kara and Lena on her 'Morgan day' this coming Saturday. So, both Kara and Lena are relieved that it seems that Morgan isn't upset over Lena being pregnant anymore, and doesn't think she is going to be brushed to the side or replaced or anything.

"We're here!" Lena calls out, as soon as she, Kara, Morgan and Alura step out of the elevator, into The Tower.

A few moments later, the family are greeted by Elizabeth wheeling Lillian into the main entrance area of The Tower. Upon seeing this, the sight of Lillian back in a wheelchair, Lena gets a bit concerned, worried that Lillian has had a step back in her recover or something.

"Hello, girls." Lillian says, with a smile.

"Hello grandmas!" Alura says with a big smile, as she moves over to Lillian and Elizabeth, giving them each a hug.

Morgan follows Alura, giving Lillian and Elizabeth a hug too, although once she is done, she moves back over to Kara and Lena's side. The couple can tell that clearly Morgan may have some attachment issues to them again. But for now, they are just happy to let their youngest daughter remain close to their sides.

"You're back in the wheelchair again." Lena says, as she approaches Lillian, "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, dear." Lillian says, "Elizabeth and I were doing some more of my rehab this morning, and it has made my legs a bit sore. So, Elizabeth has forced me to relax and just sit down in my wheelchair for now, to rest, and not strain myself too much."

"Well, it's better I make you do this, than you pretending that everything is okay, and you walking about still, using your cane, and then falling over or something when your legs give out, putting your rehab back weeks, or months." Elizabeth comments.

"Hmm.... Well, I guess that's just the stubborn Luthor pride in me." Lillian comments.

"It's a good thing that Elizabeth is here helping you then." Kara says, with a smile.

"Yes. It is." Lillian nods, "But enough about me. You left us on the hook yesterday. We want to hear about your news. We want to know what happened with you yesterday."

"Yes. We've both been nervous and worried ever since you left yesterday." Elizabeth says.

"Sorry about that. We didn't mean to make you worry. We just wanted to tell the girls the news first." Lena explains.

"Okay. What is this news then?" Lillian asks.

Lena then turns to look at Kara, and as she does, she realises they haven't really planned as to how they are going to tell Elizabeth and Lillian that they are going to have another baby. However, after a few moments, Lena sees that Kara is just nodding her head, encouraging her to break the news to her moms. So, Lena turns back to face Lillian and Elizabeth, and opens her mouth, about to speak.

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