Chapter 360 - Gold Kryptonite Research

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Kara and J'onn have now left The Tower, and are heading in the direction of the Mojave desert, and more specifically, the location where Lena and Alura searched, where they found the crater from the impact Reign must have made when her fly cut out, as well as the destroyed rocks, and scorch marks. Before Kara and J'onn left though, the two were equipped with some nano tech tracking devices, which hopefully they will be able to use on Reign, so that they can track her, and not worry about finding her and then keeping a constant eye contact on her. Despite this, J'onn was a bit worried about using these tracking devices, and just relying on them, instead of watching Reign at all times once they find her, but Lena assured J'onn that her nano tech tracking devices are not just any normal nano tech devices. The devices are very small, so while Reign might be able to notice them with her enhanced vision, due to her powers, it's unlikely that will be the case if they put it on Reign's back, as no one can see their own back, despite all the powers in the world that they may have. Then, at the same time, Lena has told both Kara and J'onn that the tracking devices not only are able to ping the location of where they are at all times, but also report back about the biology of the person that they are closest to. So, this means that after a while the nano tech tracking device will sync to what Reign's biology is, and then be able to report back that it is tracking her at all times. Then, if the device were to get too far away from Reign's biology, or be attached to someone with different biology, it will send out an alert to the team at The Tower, and thereby allow them to quickly fly out to Reign's last known location. Obviously it is not a perfect method, but it is all they have right now, as none of them really want to get into another major fight with Reign, especially now that they are unsure how strong, or weak, her powers are. Then, on top of all that, even if they were to successfully fight Reign, seeing as the gold kryptonite will likely not be ready for a while, they have nowhere to actually hold Reign anymore, as the cell she was inside previously at the DEO was destroyed in the attack on the DEO by Leviathan, and will just take too much time for Lena and Winn to rebuild, when they could just focus on the gold kryptonite instead.

"Okay, you are only a few miles away from the crater." Winn says to Kara and J'onn over comms, "Keep heading in that same direction, and you should see it in a few moments."

Kara and J'onn now glance at one another, as they fly next to each other, and then start to fly lower, closer to the surface of the Earth, so that they can actually more easily see the crater which Lena and Alura saw earlier. After a few more moments, Kara and J'onn do finally see the crater, with the duo both landing in the very centre of it.

"We have arrived." J'onn says over comms.

"Yeah." Kara nods, "This.... this looks like it was a pretty hard impact, just from looking at the size of the crater."

"Yes." Winn replies, "We could probably measure the exact size of the impact, and calculate the force at which Reign hit the Earth by measuring the size of the crater itself, and the diameter, but that's probably not an ideal use of our time."

"No. It's not." J'onn says, "Now, what direction did you say Lena and Alura believed Reign was heading in again?"

"East." Winn replies.

"Okay. That means that if we head east, we should come across the broken rocks, and the scorch marks that Lena and my mom saw." Kara says.

"Yes." J'onn nods, and then looks up at the sky, obviously trying to figure out which direction east is, from the position of the sun, "Okay, it is passed midday, meaning that direction is west, therefore this direction should be east."

J'onn now begins to move in the direction that he believes east to be, with Kara following the Martian closely behind, thinking is logic is sound, and not questioning it at all.

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