Chapter 303 - Preparing for Scan Results

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Today, for Kara and Lena, is the start of yet another busy day. The two women, and most especially Kara, may be carrying some emotional baggage from what happened yesterday, with Morgan's mom dying and everything, but that doesn't mean they get a chance to continue to relax and recuperate. After all, one of their main missions recently, is to try and see if they can save Sam, and bring her back out of Reign's body, to save their friend, for themselves, and more importantly, for Alex and Ruby. Then, at the same time, Kara and Lena are well aware that the longer it takes for them to save Reign, the longer Reign remains at the DEO, putting everyone and risk. Kara and Lena do both worry that it might be only a matter of time until Reign is able to escape from her cell, and when she does, it will be all the more difficult to defeat her, and put her in a new cell again, and start this whole process over. Lena certainly doesn't want Kara to have to go through another fight with Reign, like she did the first time, blowing out her powers, and getting very injured, even if Kara was able to recover from those injuries quickly.

So, to start off their day, Kara and Lena simply get up and ready, with Eliza helping get Morgan and Alura ready too, while Kara and Lena take it in turns to watch Lori, as the other gets ready. The family all then have breakfast together, before heading back to The Tower once more. Kara and Lena know that the goal for today is going to be to further study the results of Lena's scan, and see if there are any viable options to actually get this material that the sword is made from, that was able to hurt Reign. Kara and Lena each know that this really is a long shot, as even if the weapon can hurt Reign, they still don't know if it can do anything else, to actually bring Sam back. However, it's really the only option they have right now. So, today, everyone, apart from J'onn, is going to be meeting at The Tower to discuss the findings of the scan, and figure out what to do next. J'onn will be joining them, but only via a video call, so he can stay close to Reign at all times, the martian still not wanting to let the evil Kryptonian out of his sight.

Kara and Lena are now just arriving at The Tower, with Morgan, Alura, Lori and Eliza in tow. All Kara and Lena have told Morgan and Alura, is that both of them are going to need to do some work today at The Tower, so they will be looked after by their grandmas again. Of course, Morgan and Alura don't mind this one bit, as they absolutely love getting to spend time with all three of their grandmas, who they love to bits, and they know love them to bits too. Kara and Lena are rather relieved by this, because they know if Morgan and Alura weren't happy with constantly spending time with Lillian, Eliza and Elizabeth, they would start to moan about it, and even begin to ask questions about what they are doing, and when they can go home. Kara and Lena still haven't told Morgan and Alura what is truly happening, because honestly, at this point, they really don't know where to begin. The two mothers really don't know how they could possibly explain to Morgan and Alura that an evil Kryptonian woman has taken over Sam's body, and wants to kill them all, but it's okay, because now they are trying to bring Sam back, all by trying to use this material that they found, and have located somewhere out in space, with a proximity of the coordinates being provided by them by Alexander, their younger brother, from the future. Honestly, all of that is a lot to get your head around, even for an educated adult, so it certainly would just be too much for Morgan and Alura, who are 4 and 6 years old respectively. So, Kara and Lena just think it's for the best to keep Morgan and Alura in the dark, as they see no reason to tell their two daughters anything if they aren't asking them questions. In this case, Morgan and Alura can remain blissfully ignorant.

For today though, Kara and Lena do know that finding out more about the results of Lena's scan is not the only thing that they have to do today. Another thing that they have to do today, is actually look through the USB drive, which Vivienne has left for Morgan, and the two mothers know that is going to be really emotionally heavy for both of them. A big part of them really doesn't want to look through the thumb drive, because they know it will destroy them emotionally, for Morgan's sake. However, at the end of the day, Kara and Lena each know that they have to, because there is information on there about Morgan, their daughter, that they don't know, and they really should know, including when her birthday is. Obviously, knowing when Morgan's birthday is, isn't really essential, or life or death, it would just be something nice to have for Morgan. However, Kara and Lena each think that there might be something else on there. There is the possibility that Vivienne has left information about Morgan, and their species, which could be crucial to Morgan's health and general wellbeing moving forward. So, the two mothers do know that they have to actually look at the USB stick today, even if they really don't want to. They will do it for Morgan's sake.

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