Chapter 361 - Nyssa's Secret

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Nyssa and I haven't heard from father in a year at this point. This has been the longest that we haven't directly heard from him. Every time there is a gap in our communication like this, my hopes are raised. Raised that father is dead, or has forgotten about us, or is just going to let us be free, and leave us alone, not drag us into his terror and destruction, which he calls Leviathan. Deep down, I know father is still alive though, and is just biding his time, rebuilding Leviathan, putting other plans into motion, and waiting for the perfect opportunity to reach out to us, and tell us, or more specifically, demand, that Nyssa and I return to him. I dread about when that day will come, and it puts me on edge, almost every day, expecting the worst at all moments. Nyssa though, she does not have these worries, she is more free, and relaxed. I guess that is what is the case with most of the young, even if Nyssa is not really young anymore. Given our lifespans, and how old we look, she might as well be young though. After all, it's not like Nyssa was truly ever able to be young when she actually was a child, as even when we were living together in England, she really couldn't be as free as she can be here.

Over these last months it has warmed my heart to see how much Nyssa has flourished, and relaxed, and grown into more of a normal person, almost as if she has been able to shake off all the darkness that has been brought onto her by father, using her as a weapon to kill, and cause destruction. A part of me is amazed that Nyssa has been able to do this, as I know it's something that I will never be able to do. I am too tainted with the darkness. But Nyssa, she has grown to love this freedom she now has. It has allowed her to connect with other people, have friends, and enjoy other aspects that this world has to offer. Nyssa has been almost constantly reading, with her head in a new book almost every week. Most recently, one of Nyssa's favorite new books, which has just been released, is a book called The Great Gastby. Nyssa adores it, and has already read it three times. I am glad she has a hobby, and something she enjoys.

One of the unfortunate developments over this last year, has been that Nyssa and I have had to relocate from our home and lives in Christchurch, on the South Island of New Zealand, to a small town called Fielding on the north island of New Zealand, which is a small town just south of the centre of New Zealand, and only a few days horse ride to the capital city of Wellington, which is at the very must south point of the north island. The reason that Nyssa and I had to make this move in the first place though, was unfortunately due to Nyssa herself. As Nyssa has been coming more out of her shell, and actually talking with other people, unlike myself, as I very much am okay with my solitude. But with Nyssa communicating with more people, this has led to some to ask questions, most specifically about who Nyssa and I are, what our history is, and why we, two women, are living on our own without any men. At first, these were questions that Nyssa was able to bat off, and make up lies about, but her answers clearly didn't satisfy everyone, as people then began to ask more question. The peak of this included multiple people, mostly men, coming to our home and asking me questions about who Nyssa and I were. It was clear these men were not happy with the idea that two women could live on their own, without a husband. Rumours had even began to spread that Nyssa and I were lesbian lovers, which really was not something people, mostly men, were happy about. Unfortunately, all of this meant that I could see no way out of the situation, so Nyssa and I had to pack up our things and leave one day, with Nyssa leaving a few of her friends behind. When I told Nyssa this, I thought that maybe she would argue with me, but she actually seemed just as eager to leave as me, although a bit upset. I tried not to press her on the matter.

Now that Nyssa and I are living in a smaller town, with less people, away from a big city, it has meant that we have been able to purchase a home with even more land than before. Nyssa, for her part, is still working a normal job, this time as a waitress in a local restaurant. As for myself though, there are not any major forest areas around here, so I have not been able to get another job similar to the one I had before. Fortunately though, the amount of land Nyssa and I now have is ideal land for a small farm. So, I have been staying here, and creating a farm, raising a few livestock, but mostly planting various different fruits and vegetables. My hope is that in the coming months the food from the farm should be more than enough for Nyssa and I, and at the same time we should have some extra that we can see, and make some money from. We already have been selling some milk, from our cows, to one of the local stores, as we have more than enough for ourselves already. This extra money has come in handy.

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