Chapter 229 - Lena Flying!

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Right now, Kara just continues to look up at her wife, who literally looks like she is stuck to the ceiling, or that gravity has been turned off for only her. However, Kara knows that there is a more reasonable answer, it all being due to Lena's pregnancy.

"I..... I don't know what to say." Kara says.

Lena sighs, while rolling her eyes, still looking down at Kara.

"Don't say anything. Could you just.... please... get me done from here?" Lena asks.

"Right." Kara nods, and then floats up to Lena, so that her head is basically touching the ceiling.

Lena is still in a position where she is basically lying on the ceiling.

"Did.... did this just randomly happen?" Kara asks.

"Yeah!" Lena exclaims, in a huff, "I was just doing some work on my computer, at my desk, when all of a sudden, I noticed I was moving off the ground. Then, I quickly realised that I was floating, and couldn't control it. Luckily, I was able to grab my phone off my desk before I floated out of reach of it, and up here."

"So..... you can't get down yourself?" Kara asks.

"Kara!" Lena exclaims, "Obviously I would not be up here if I could get down myself!"

"Right.... Yeah. That makes sense." Kara says, still kind of being shocked by this situation.

"Look. Could you please just save all your questions about this until after you have got me down." Lena says, "I'm afraid that suddenly whatever is happening to me is going to cut out, and I'm going to go crashing to the ground."

"Right. Sure." Kara nods.

Kara then goes to reach Lena, but hesitates, unsure how she should do this, or what would be the best way to do it for Lena.

"I.... uhmmm.... I'll just...." Kara mutters, and then settles on grabbing one of Lena's legs, and gently floating down to the ground with her.

Lena huffs.

"I'm not a balloon, Kara!" Lena says.

"Well.... you are acting like one right now." Kara says, with a cheeky smile.

Lena shakes her head, and as she does so, Kara repositions Lena so that her feet are on the ground. Once Kara does this, Lena reaches out for her desk, something to hold on to, so that she doesn't go floating up in the air again.

"Thank you." Lena says.

"Of course. I.... I'm still shocked that this happened though." Kara says, "I mean..... it hasn't happened to Lois."

"Yeah, well, we made this baby through something different." Lena says.

"Yeah.... Right." Kara nods, "Are you okay now though?"

"No! I still feel like if I let go of this desk, or if you let go of me, I'll go floating up into the air!" Lena says.

"Okay.... I uhmmm...." Kara says, trying to think of something to help Lena. The problem is though, this has never happened to Kara. Kara has never had a problem stopping her flight. The only problem with her flight that Kara has ever had is actually enabling it again after not flying for years, which happened just after she saved Alex's plane from crashing all those years ago.

"I have a spare red sunlight bracelet in one of my desk drawers. Could you get it for me?" Lena asks.

"You keep a spare one just lying in your desk?" Kara asks, confused, as she begins looking through Lena's drawers.

"Yes. It's in case Morgan or Alura are in here with me and one of their bracelets breaks." Lena explains.

"Don't you have red sun lights installed in here?" Kara asks.

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