Chapter 373 - Reign's Wild Night

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It is now a little while later in the bar, and Reign has had a few more drinks since her first one, trying different types of drinks which this Trevor seems to be happy to buy for her. After having these few drinks, Reign is starting to feel a little strange, and feel unfamiliar from anything else that she has felt before. Reign feels a bit more relaxed, and at ease, and just loose and willing to let go, not really thinking too much about how she is potentially being hunted by Leviathan, and Supergirl and her friends. Then, at the same time, as Reign has drunk more drinks, and continue to talk to this Trevor human, she has noticed that Trevor has become all the more appealing to her, which she thinks is a bit strange, and can't put her finger on why it is happening, but doesn't think too much on it, and is happy to go with the flow, and relax.

"Why don't we.... play that game..... like other are." Reign says, soon point in a direction of the bar.

"You mean, darts?" Trevor asks.

"Yeah? Is that what it's called?" Reign asks.

"Yeah." Trevor nods, "Sure, we can play darts. Have you ever played before?"

"No." Reign replies, "You'll have to teach me."

"Okay." Trevor smiles.

Reign and Trevor now get up from their seats and make their way over to the darts board, where Trevor collects all the darts from the board, and brings them back over to Reign.

"Alright, well, this game can get a little complicated. So let's just teach you how to properly throw a dart first." Trevor says.

"Okay." Reign nods.

"See this line on the floor?" Trevor asks, tapping his foot on the ground next to a white line on the wooden floor.

"Yes." Reign says.

"We need to stand behind this when we throw." Trevor explains.

"Alright." Reign replies.

"After that, you grab a dart like this, see?" Trevor says, now standing behind the line and holding a dart in his hand, "And then you throw it like this."

Trevor throws the dart at the dart board, with it hitting just to the right of the bullseye.

"Think you can do that?" Trevor asks.

"I can try." Reign replies.

Reign now takes one of the darts from Trevor, and then begins to aim with her mind. A few moments later, Reign throws the dart, but much to her annoyance, it ends up not hitting the darts board at all. Reign lets out a very unhappy sound at this happening.

"That's okay. It was your first try." Trevor says, "Here, try again."

Trevor now hands Reign another dart, and Reign takes it and begins to aim at the darts board again. A few moments later, Reign throws the dart, and this time, while it does land on the darts board, instead of the wall, it doesn't actually land inside the circle at all.

"Damn it!" Reign says, in an annoyed voice.

"Don't worry too much. It takes a little practice to get the hang of. Here, let me show you." Trevor says.

Trevor now stands behind Reign, pressing is body close behind her own, and places the third dart in Reign's hand. Trevor then uses his own hand to help guide Reign's hand, and aim it at the dart board. As this is happening, Reign feels a strange feeling in her body, one that she does not recognise at all. Her heart rate has quickened, and she feels a little flustered, while also feeling a bit weird in her centre. Reign has no idea what is happening to her, but she doesn't feel like it's anything bad. So, due to this, Reign instinctively presses her body back against Trevor's feeling her ass brush against Trevor's crotch. Just as this happens, Trevor helps Reign throw the dart, and it hits about and inch away from the bullseye.

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