Chapter 204 - Wedding Reception Part 2

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It is now a little later, and the wedding reception is in full swing. Everyone is having a good time, dancing, chatting with each other, and laughing. Kara, and Lena, of course, have not been able to stay away from one another for even a second, for obvious reasons. The newly married couple are having a lot of fun this afternoon/evening, but they both still can't wait for what is to come, and that is tonight, where they consummate their marriage, and their honeymoon after that, where they will continue to consummate their marriage.

Right now, Morgan and Alura are both cuddled up with their grandparents, Morgan with Eliza, and Alura with Elizabeth, as it is starting to get to the point where the girls probably need to head to bed. This evening, Kara and Lena do not intend to put Alura and Morgan to bed themselves, instead, they are going to simply wish them a goodnight with Eliza taking them up to the room, probably along with Ruby. In fact, Kara and Lena are about to do that right now, but they are interrupted by Clark and Lois approaching them.

"Hey guys. Do you mind if we have a word?" Clark asks.

"Uhhh.... Can this wait a little bit? We were about to go say goodnight to Alura and Morgan, so Eliza could take them up to bed." Kara says.

"Oh, of course it can." Lois smiles.

"Uhhh.... actually... can we just do this now? It won't take long, I promise." Clark says.

"Clark, you heard what they said. Let them put their girls to bed. We can wait." Lois says.

"You need to go to bed too, Lois. You are pregnant." Clark stresses.

"It's fine." Lena says, "Alura and Morgan can wait a little while. They look happy enough at the moment to be snuggled up with our moms."

"Okay." Lois nods.

"Please, take a seat Lois." Kara says, gesturing to a seat facing her.

"Thank you." Lois replies.

Clark and Lois then both take seats facing Kara and Lena.

"So, what did you want to talk with us about?" Kara asks.

"Well, we wanted to talk with you about the twins." Clark says.

"Uhhh right." Kara nods.

"We would like you both to be the godparents." Lois says, cutting straight to the point.

"What?!" Kara and Lena both say, surprised.

"We have been doing a lot of thinking about this, weighing up our options." Lois says, "And, we have decided that Clark's parents are too old to take care of our boys, if something were to happen to the both of us. Then my parents are in the same boat, and have never dealt with anyone who may potentially have powers. Then, I don't think my sister would be a suitable candidate."

"Yes." Clark says, "So, that is why we have thought of you. Both of you know how to take care of people with powers. I mean, you already have two daughters who have powers, who you are helping. And we know that you have a loving home, and if something were to happen to Lois and I, you would take care of the boys, and love them, as if they were your own. Then.... of course.... it doesn't hurt that you are both now billionaires.... so will have all the resources you need.... and that nice big house which you are going to be moving into."

"So, what do you say?" Lois asks.

"Uhhh....." Kara says, turning to look at Lena, knowing she can't answer for them both.

Lena, for her part, has a very conflicted look on her face.

"Are you really sure you are okay with me being a godparent as well?" Lena asks, "I completely understand if you just want Kara, because she is your cousin and everything. After all, I do remember what you thought of me when we met for the first time, while I was helping Alura."

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