Chapter 284 - Kara's Heartrate

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Kara opens her eyes, and as she does, she sees that her vision is blurred, and also she hears are faded voices in the background, and she can tell that she is lying down. Due to her distorted hearing, and vision, Kara does start to panic a bit, while also panicking about not knowing if Clark was able to take Reign back to the DEO in time, and kept his promise to her. A few moments later, Kara sees the blurry figure of someone standing over her, and looking down at her. Right away, even though Kara really can't hear anything, or see anything clearly, she knows that it is her wife standing over her, so Kara knows that she is safe, and everything must be okay. This leads to Kara calming down once more, and her eyes becoming heavy again, lulling her back into the land of sleep. Just before Kara falls asleep though, she hears a soothing voice.

"It's okay, darling. It's okay." Lena says.

Lena then watches as Kara is put back under by Alex.

Right now, Kara is actually laying in the medical bay in the DEO. After Kara passed out, Clark did keep to his word, and quickly put Reign in the cell in the DEO, before coming back to gather an unconscious Kara, and taking her to the DEO too. Once Kara got to the DEO, Alex, and Lena, both sprung into action to help the blonde, as she looked very badly damaged, and wounded from her fight. Kara looked nowhere near as bad as she did after her first fight with Reign, where Reign broke one of her arms, but Lena and Alex were both more so worried about the internal damage, which they couldn't see. They were both worried about this internal damage which Kara may have suffered at the hands of Reign, and also the internal damage that may have been caused by Kara activating the yellow sun lamps inside her suit, to give her those brief few moments of power.

Once Kara was placed in the med bay of the DEO, Alex and Lena worked as a team to assess the damage to Kara, running various test on her. Through it, they found that Kara's heart was still beating really fast, much too fast, and at the same time the tests Lena did showed that Kara has blown out her powers. Due to this, Alex decided to medically sedate Kara, with the hope that would bring her sister's heart rate back down, to more so normal levels, which it thankfully did. The only problem Lena and Alex had after this, is they would have liked to put Kara under the yellow sun lamps, to just try and kick start her powers again, but they knew if they did that, and Kara started to get her powers back, they wouldn't have been able to sedate Kara if her heart started to beat really fast. So, just for now, until Kara's heart returns to a normal rate, Alex and Lena have stuck with the sedation.

The only major issue with the sedation, is Kara seems to need a lot of it to actually stay sedated, and calm. As when Kara just woke up, her heart rate peaked really high, and she woke even though Alex had literally given Kara a double dose. It is almost as if Kara is kryptonian still in terms of her metabolism, but not in anything else. So, Alex just had to act quickly, and give Kara another sedation dose, which seemed to do the trick.

"Okay. That's good." Alex says, releasing a relieved sigh, seeing Kara going back to sleep, and her heart rate going back down, "I don't like that her heart rate still is picking up when she woke."

"Me neither." Lena replies, "But that might have just been because everyone's heartrate goes really high after they wake up the first time after falling unconscious."

"Yes. Maybe." Alex nods, "I just hope this sedation actually lasts a little longer on Kara. I really don't want to have to give her any more, as that could be really dangerous."

"Yeah." Lena nods, as she just looks at her unconscious wife.

Alex and Lena are now interrupted by J'onn walking into the room, and still looking a little worse for wear.

"Is Kara, doing okay?" J'onn asks.

"She's.... sedated.... for now..." Alex says, "I really wish you would lie down, and let me take a look at you."

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