Chapter 389 - The Cult of Reign

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Reign has now followed the women back to the motel, which looks to be an absolute dive of a motel. Reign can tell this, not only from how it looks outside, with how run down it is, but also due to the different types of people she sees outside. Reign sees people sitting outside, on the hoods of cars, drinking alcohol, doing drugs, and just other types of things that would not be seen in a normal pleasant hotel. Reign doesn't really care about any of this right now though. Reign knows she just needs somewhere to sleep for the night, and that is all. Tomorrow she will hopefully be able to head more in the centre of Las Vegas, where she can have a complete make over and hopefully become somewhat unrecognisable for Leviathan or Supergirl and her friends to find her.

"Here we are. Our own little Paradise." One of the women says to Reign.

Reign notices that the name of the motel is literally paradise, which is obviously incredibly ironic.

"Hmmm.... Charming." Reign hums, "Where's the front desk? Where can I check in to get a room?"

"Oh, you need to speak to Mrs Crabtree. Let me show you to her. I'm sure she'll be happy to meet you." One of the women says.

A few of the other women let out some chuckles at the one woman saying this, and Reign doesn't know why, but she honestly does not care to find out. One of the disadvantages of not fully having her powers, and consistent control of them, is Reign has noticed she gets tired a lot more quickly, and more frequently, meaning she needs to give into to the necessity of sleep, like most humans do.

"Take me to her then." Reign says.

"Sure." One woman nods.

Reign now begins to follow the woman further towards the motel, with the other women remaining on the street in front of the hotel itself.

"So, what's your name?" The woman now asks Reign, "I don't believe we caught it before."

"Reign." Reign says, accidentally, forgetting she should give a fake name.

"Rain?" The woman says, with a chuckle, "That is a pretty good name to have to fit in here."

Reign still does not know what the woman is talking about, or means by that.

"We already have a Rain though." The woman says, "I'm sure Mrs Crabtree will give you a new one."

"What are you...." Reign begins.

"I'm Candy by the way." Candy says.

"Uhh.... okay...." Reign says.

Reign now opens her mouth, about to ask a question about what is the deal with the names, but the two then enter the front office building of the motel, where they see a woman, clearly in her mid 40s, sitting at the front desk, reading a magazine. Surprisingly, despite being at the front desk of a hotel like this, this woman, who must be Mrs Crabtree, is dressed up pretty well, in some expensive clothing. Upon seeing this, Reign just feels like there is something off here. Something she can't quite place.

"Mrs Crabtree. We have a new..... guest....." Candy says, with a smirk on her face.

Reign now watches as Mrs Crabtree closes her magazine and stands up from her chair, before taking a few steps forward to have a look at Reign.

"Hmmmm..... A pretty one." Mrs Crabtree soon says, after looking at Reign for a few moments.

"She needs a room for the night." Candy says, "We just saw her fighting off some men, who tried to attack her. Us girls stepped in to stop it continuing. I think she can handle herself though."

"Hmmm..... Interesting." Mrs Crabtree says, "I've not had a girl like you before. I think we can certainly put you to good use. Some of our clients like it rough."

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