Chapter 221 - Back in National City

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It is now a few days later, Monday morning, and today Kara and Lena both have to return to their normal lives after their wedding and two-week honeymoon. Lena has to return to work as CEO of L-Corp, and Kara has to return to her work as a reporter at CatCo, and also her secret job of being Supergirl. However, and issue with the fact that Kara and Lena are both going back to work today, is they need to do something with Morgan and Alura, as neither of them will be going to school/back to school, until the end of the summer. Of course, the ideal solution would be for Morgan and Alura to be watched by Eliza or someone, while staying at the penthouse, but Eliza did have to go home yesterday afternoon, which both Morgan and Alura were a bit upset about. After all, Morgan and Alura had just spent the past 2 weeks with Eliza, so it is only natural for the two girls to be somewhat upset that their grandma is gone. Then, on top of all that, the girls are also now getting used to the fact that Nia is no longer living with them too, and is staying in her own apartment, which is Kara's old apartment. So, needless to say, yesterday, the first day the family had since returning home, was a real adjustment for everyone, particularly Alura and Morgan. However, after a few tears, and some hugs, Kara did fly Eliza home yesterday, and once she returned, she and Lena just made sure to spend the entire day being affectionate with their daughters, which seemed to work out pretty well.

Presently though, Kara and Lena are both getting ready for their days at work. Kara has already had her shower and gotten dressed and everything, using her superpowers to do it, seeing as she and Lena both slept in past their first alarm. So, right now, Lena is getting ready herself, and Kara is undertaking the task of making sure that Alura and Morgan are fed, dressed and ready to go. This is because, seeing as Kara and Lena can't just leave Alura and Morgan with someone today, the two girls will be coming into work with Lena, and sitting in her office, spending their day that way. Of course, Kara would love to have both of the two girls with her, but both she and Lena think that CatCo is not the ideal environment for that, as Kara will have to be moving about all day, and may even have to go and carry out some interviews somewhere or something. Then, that is on top of the fact that Kara and Lena think that Morgan and Alura might be distracting at CatCo, seeing as Nia will be there with them.

"Okay, have you two girls got everything that you need today?" Kara asks, as she, Morgan and Alura are all downstairs eating their breakfast.

"Yes, I have some colouring books that Morgan and I can use." Alura says.

"Okay." Kara nods, with a smile.

"Morgan, do you have everything you need?" Kara asks.

"Yeah. But why can't we come with you? Being in momma's office is boring." Morgan says, in a bit of a moan.

"I know, baby." Kara says, as she reaches down to place a kiss on the top of Morgan's head, "But I work as a reporter, so that means that I might have to go out somewhere in the city to do an interview or something, so I can't really have you at work with me. However, I promise, sometime this week I'll be working from home, so we can all stay here for the day."

"Okay." Morgan says, but in a bit of a solemn voice.

"Alright." Kara says, deciding that that is the best she can hope for right now, "You two finish up your breakfast, and I'm going to go check on momma, and see if she's going to be ready soon."

Kara then leaves Morgan and Alura alone downstairs, eating their breakfasts, and heads upstairs to her and Lena's bedroom. However, as soon as Kara does this, she knows that something is not quite right, simply because of the sound that is coming from her and Lena's bathroom, the sound of Lena throwing up.

"Lena?! Are you okay?" Kara asks, as she comes rushing towards the bathroom door, which is shut closed.

"Yes, don't come in!" Lena calls out.

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