Chapter 226 - Celebration Dinner

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"How in the hell, of all things holy, did Lena get pregnant?!" Nia exclaims, loudly.

After Nia does this, Kara looks towards the front of the car, where she knows their driver likely heard all that, despite there being a divider, simply because of Nia's shouting.

"Shhh.... Keep it down." Kara says.

"Sorry." Nia replies, in a quieter voice, "But.... how did it happen?"

"Well, before you ask anything further, you should know that the baby is both mine and Lena's." Kara explains, "Alex ran some tests and figured out the baby is half-kryptonian. But, as for how it happened, we aren't too sure. However, I'm pretty sure I remember my mother telling me a story on Krypton of kryptonians in ancient times getting pregnant this way, on rare occasions. I thought they were just stories, but clearly not."

"Wow....." Nia says, "That's..... that's amazing Kara. I'm so happy for you. For you and Lena."

Nia then proceeds to take Kara in for a hug.

"Thank you." Kara smiles, hugging Lena back.

"Do Morgan and Alura know yet?" Nia asks, once the hug ends.

"Yeah." Kara replies, "We told them last night."

"How'd they take it?" Nia asks.

"Alura was fine, and even excited about it. But as for Morgan, she pretended to be fine with it, but we soon found her crying, and being upset. She though that seeing as Alura is related to me, and this baby would be related to both Lena and I, we wouldn't want her anymore, because she is related to neither of us. So, she basically thought this baby was going to replace her, or cause us to push her out of our lives." Kara says.

"Poor baby." Nia comments.

"Yeah. We obviously told her that isn't that case, and made sure to give her a lot of love and affection to show her otherwise." Kara says.

"That's good." Nia nods, "Have you done an ultrasound yet?"

"Uhhh.... No." Kara replies, "We literally only found out about Lena being pregnant almost 24-hours ago at this point, so we haven't really got to that stage of things yet. Alex did say that she could do one, but she thought that it would be for the best for us to do it at The Tower, rather than at the DEO. That way it would be a little more private at least."

"Yeah, I get that." Nia nods, "Who have you told so far?"

"Uhhh..... Well, Alex figured out Lena was pregnant, so she knows, and then she told Sam last night, which is when we also told Morgan and Alura. After that, we phoned Eliza yesterday evening, and told her. Then this morning we told Lillian and Elizabeth. I'm not sure who Lena may have told today though. She might have told her assistant Eve. I don't know." Kara says.

"So, you haven't told J'onn or Winn yet?" Nia asks.

"Uhhh no." Kara replies, "Although, I'm sure they have both probably found out from Alex at this point. Or at least J'onn probably has."

"Well, I think it's so cool that you actually are going to have a baby with Lena. A baby that has been born just through the exchange of two women's DNAs, that's incredible." Nia says.

"Yeah, it is." Kara smiles, happily.

Nia and Kara then spend the next few minutes of their car ride chatting happily together, the mood being a lot better and more upbeat now, after their crazy day of all these interviews. Eventually though, they do arrive at their final interview, and get out and conduct the last interview of the day, the energy really being back in them again now.

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