Chapter 354 - Lena & Alura

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Back in National City, Winn has now arrived at The Tower, after Lena called him in regards to the results of the satellite programme that he and Lena put together. In all honesty, Winn didn't have much hope for the programme, as while he believes in both his and Lena's abilities, the task that the programme was undertaking was basically looking for a needle in a haystack. So, Winn thought that either the results of the programme would just be inconclusive, or show evidence of Reign mistakenly, where there is none, upon closer inspection, or it would take so long for the programme to run to completion, that it would basically be pointless anyway. However, if what Lena told Winn on the phone is true, then the programme really has produced some results that they will be able to go off. From what Lena has said, it didn't actually find Reign specifically, but it most definitely identified something worth having a look at. As certainly if the thing the programme identified wasn't caused by Reign, then whatever it was caused by is worth looking at anyway.

"Lena, show me." Winn says, as soon as he enters The Tower, no greeting hello or anything.

Lena, for her part, jumps right to it, and pulls up the image onto one of the big screens, an image of a crater in the Mojave desert, which previous satellite images show (as Lena has checked), was not there a few weeks ago.

"You can see a clear crater, right in the middle of the desert." Lena explains, as she points to it, "While you were getting here, I mapped out how this crater might fit into the trajectory of Reign's flight path that you created, and while it isn't perfect, it certainly fits within the margin of error, especially if we take into account the possibility of Reign descending slowly, but then suddenly losing her flight. The crater alone is evidence that whatever landed there did not do so with any grace, but quite a lot of force."

"Yes, I agree." Winn nods, "Has the programme picked up anything else from around that area, and signs of life, or a body, or anything?"

"I think..... a body would be too much to hope for, if we are being honest, Winn." Lena says, "A body, alive or dead, to be picked up by satellite would be nearly impossible, even more so in a desert, where said body could have been buried by the sands blowing over them, in the winds."

"From the way you are phrasing things, you are suggesting Reign is dead?" Winn asks.

"No.... More so.... hoping." Lena says, "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, right?"

"Right." Winn nods, "Either way, even if she is alive, the sand could conceal her unconscious body for a time too, or at least conceal it enough to stop the satellite from detecting it."

"Yes, so what do you think we should do now?" Lena asks.

Winn sighs at Lena asking him this.

"Honestly, we can only do so much looking at these satellite images. We need to send someone out there, and with Kara off universe, which is a weird sentence to say by the way, the only person we can send is J'onn." Winn says.

"And you are concerned about sending J'onn?" Lena asks.

"Yes." Winn nods, "I mean, he might have kind of recovered, and be back up to flying around and using his powers and everything, but I know he holds himself responsible for Reign escaping from his care, and all the DEO agents who lost their life the other day, when Leviathan attacked. If we send him out to have a look, I don't trust that if he were to spot Reign, he wouldn't try and apprehend her, and if he tries to do that, I worry that he will not be able to defend himself from Reign."

"I see." Lena nods, "I get what you are saying."

"Yeah." Winn replies, with his own nod of his head.

"But the only problem, Winn, is this is really a matter of time. If we don't follow up on this lead, the trail may go cold, and we can't afford that." Lena says.

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