Chapter 292 - The Arrangement

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It is now a few hours later, and Kara and Lena are now back at their new house, and have been spending the last few hours just putting together, and arranging, everything they bought for Lori at the baby store. This has also included Lena trying out a few of the different types of breast pumps that they bought, to figure out which one she likes the best, and is the nicest feeling for her boobs. While Lena has been doing that, Kara has been the one that has been assembling most of the furniture, and other stuff, which they bought today, Lena deciding she might as well leave it to Kara to do after what happened this morning, when they tried to assemble the baby crib. Kara, for her part, has been able to assemble most of the stuff, closely following the instructions that come with everything, unlike Lena, who tried to do it on her own, without following the instructions earlier.

Also, when Lena and Kara got home, before they started off with everything, the two wives did make sure to call J'onn first of all, telling him about their conversation with Dr Devall, and making sure it's okay with the Martian for them to have him call Dr Devall to confirm the government legitimacy of what they are doing. J'onn, for his part, agreed, and told the two wives he would get on it right away, but it could require a few hours to do, due to the logistics of not being able to come out and say he's the head of the DEO, as the DEO is still a secret government agency, unknown to the general public. Kara and Lena were both content with J'onn explaining that, and they knew there was nothing they could do but wait until they got an update, either from J'onn himself, or from Dr Devall calling Lena back. This is another reason Kara and Lena decided to occupy the last few hours by arranging everything they bought today, as it gave them a distraction to do, and not think about the fact they are waiting for a call. On top of this though, after they finished the call with J'onn, Kara and Lena did phone Eliza, just to check in, and see how things are going with Morgan and Alura at The Tower, with all three of their grandparents. It turns out, things were going very well, and Kara and Lena were each able to briefly speak to the two girls, who sound very happy that they are getting to spend time with all three of their grandmothers, all in the same room, which is a very rare occurrence, and last time happened at Kara and Lena's wedding. Kara and Lena are happy to know Alura and Morgan are content and happy for the time being.

Once Kara finishes setting everything up, and assembling some more furniture, she heads back into her and Lena's room, where she finds Lena holding Lori in her arms, cradling her, just looking at the new baby with so much love on her face. In fact, Lena is so lost in looking at Lori like this, that she doesn't even notice Kara walking into the room. So, Kara just grows a smile on her face, finding the moment between Lena and Lori to be so beautiful, and quietly pulls out her phone, and takes a photo of Lena and Lori like that. Kara hadn't turned the sound off on her phone though, so as soon as Kara takes the picture, her phone makes a sound, and Lena looks up in Kara's direction.

"Hi." Lena says, with a chuckle, "Taking photos?"

"Yeah. I thought it was a beautiful moment, I wanted to capture." Kara replies, with her own smile, as she approaches Lena and Lori.

Kara now takes a seat on the bed next to Lena, and reaches down to place a kiss on Lori's head.

"I guess...... I was just kind of lost in it all. As.... Lori.... her being here.... it feels so unbelievable. I mean, I love Alura and Morgan, just as much as Lori here, but there is something different about knowing Lori was inside me, growing." Lena explains.

"I understand that." Kara says, with a smile, "It is quite a thing to get over. I was kind of astounded that Alura was inside me after she was born. But really, what you are experience, is different to the love you experience with Alura and Morgan. With Alura and Morgan, you grew to love them, as you didn't know them at first. Alura was just a little girl who I begged you to help save, and I think it's fair to say she slowly captured your heart."

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