Chapter 363 - Talia's Punishment

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This has been the first time, in almost a year, I've actually had the chance to write in this journal again. My punishment has continued. I have rarely had a moments peace. But where did I last leave off? Yes, after father took Nyssa from me, I spent weeks recovering, physically, and just lived off of the little bits of food that Nyssa and I had left, in long term storage. While I recovered physically, it gave me a lot of time to mentally think about everything. As I first began my physically recovery I was full of so much anger and hatred, all directed at father, and rightfully so. I wanted nothing more than to just gather all my weapons and everything, and maybe even expose Leviathan to the rest of the world, and just bring down an army of hell onto father, so that I could kill him, and rescue Nyssa. However, as I continued to recover, and got a bit more of a clear head, where I could think things through a bit more clearly, I realised that it would basically be impossible to find any allies that could help me, and essentially gather and army to attack father, and Leviathan, as I wouldn't know who I could trust. I had been gone from Leviathan for so long, and father had expanded Leviathan's reach so much in the years Nyssa and I were in New Zealand, that I had no idea who was and wasn't in father's pocket, and who would even be willing or would want to bring down father's shadowy organisation. Then of course there would have been the whole issue of convincing them in the first place. So, ultimately, all of this meant that I would have had to go into Leviathan, to kill father, and rescue Nyssa, on my own. Not impossible, certainly not with the skills I have. I could have used stealth to sneak into whatever Leviathan base father was at, and try and kill father when he didn't expect it, and then save Nyssa, but I still didn't like my odds. At the end of the day, what became more clear to me, more than ever after father's attack on me, was just how outmatched I am. I don't think I could kill father, even if I were to catch up by surprise. Father is too strong, from whatever he has done to himself, and he's already more skilled than me anyway. It's a complete mismatch, and if I were to fail, I would certainly die, and then Nyssa would be left with no one. So ultimately, after a lot of thinking, I realised I only had two options. The first was to never return to Leviathan, as basically father had essentially given me the option to never return, and basically be free, but I would never have done that, because it would have meant leaving Nyssa to father, and likely never seeing her again. I couldn't live with that. So, that only left me with father's option of me returning to Leviathan, on my hands and knees, and begging for father's forgiveness, and accepting whatever punishment father wants to give me. This is the only option, as that gave me the only chance to actually potentially get to see Nyssa again.

After I made that decision, it took me a few more days to be physically ready to leave Nyssa and I's home, but once I did, I packed a few things, and then left. It was incredibly hard to actually leave the home, the farm, that Nyssa and I had built together, and spent many happy years there, away from father, and Leviathan, and everything that comes with that, and a part of me did want to just stay there, in that world we had built. However, I knew, at the end of the day, the world Nyssa and I had built, away from everything, would not have been the same, because Nyssa was not there with me, she had been taken. So, I left our home behind and travelled north, heading for the biggest city in New Zealand, Auckland. It took me about a week to travel on horseback to Auckland, there are these things, that have become a bit more common recently, called automobiles, and they could have gotten me to Auckland within a few hours, but I didn't really like the idea of having a stranger pick me up and take me there. I needed to keep some for of solitude on my travels, just in case father had people watching me or something. Eventually though, I arrived in Auckland, and I was able to book passage on a ship that was sailing to Brisbane, Australia. From there I was able to book passage on a ship that took me to Bangkok in Thailand. My plan, from the offset, was to head to Asia, as that would be a good starting point to try and find father, and where Leviathan is, and more importantly, where Nyssa is. Obviously at this time I had no idea where father had taken Nyssa too, and I had no idea where the new Leviathan bases were, beyond there being one in Asia somewhere, one in Europe somewhere, one in North America somewhere, and one in South America somewhere. Clearly knowing that there is one on each of those continents didn't really narrow it down for me, as that is still a massive amount of area to search. So, after arriving in Thailand I headed north, for the border between India and China, the Tibet region. I knew that that is one of the areas where a lot of Leviathan related personnel travel to, or through, so my hope was I would be able to find someone who could point me in the right direction.

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