Chapter 318 - Returning to Earth

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It is now a few hours later at the DEO, and both Nia and J'onn are very visibly struggling to maintain Nia's ability to lock Reign in place like this, which is understandable, as Nia has been at this for over 5 hours at this point, with it currently being around 7 in the morning. Then, as for J'onn, even before he began to help Nia, and enhance her powers, he was not at full strength, due to his failed fight with Talia, so he is really struggling. J'onn is literally feeling the pain all over his body from the fight again, knowing that he didn't give his body much of a chance to heal or anything. Both Nia and J'onn know that it's only a matter of minutes, not hours, at this point, in regards to how much longer they can hold this out.

Over the last few hours, while Nia and J'onn have been together, holding Reign in place with Nia's powers, Winn has still come and checked in on them, at various intervals. Winn specifically has told them that Alex is recovering from being beaten by Reign, and she just has a few broken bones, and some swelling, nothing that is going to do any permanent damage. Winn then went on to tell them that Lillian did arrive at the DEO, and he had her, along with a few DEO agents, escort Alex to The Tower, so that she could recover there, and use some of the more enhanced equipment there, which will help her heal. Lillian will be staying with her the whole time. Also, during Winn's visits with Nia and J'onn, he has obviously been checking in on his two friends, trying to gauge just how much longer they can hold out, and check to see if they need anything, such as food or water. In response to this, Nia and J'onn have basically declined every one of Winn's requests, just listening to what he has to say to them. They both did this because they know that they have to keep their concentration as focused as possible, and the longer they have been doing this, the more difficult it is becoming, due to how tired both their minds, and their bodies, are becoming.

Presently, Winn has just walked into the room where Nia, Reign and J'onn are to check on his friends yet again. Even Winn realises that neither J'onn or Nia can hold out for much longer. As Winn walks in the room, he sees how both Nia and J'onn's bodies are visibly shaking due to how exhausted they have each become, and he can also see sweat rolling off the brows of each of his friends. This does really worry Winn, as he has no idea what can be done, or what will happen, if Nia and J'onn both pass out, and Reign is free. Obviously, Winn thinks that a lot of destruction will likely happen, and death, with no one being able to stop it, as the only other powered person on the planet who might potentially be able to stop Reign, is presently also back at The Tower, along with his wife, and two sons, laying under a yellow sun lamp, recovering from being exposed to so much kryptonite. Of course, over the last few hours, Winn has had the thought to just have a look at the destroyed computer system for Reign's cell. Winn thought that maybe if he could repair that while J'onn and Nia hold Reign in place, they could then put Reign back in her cell, and everything would be solved. However, the big problem Winn faced upon looking at the computer system, is that it is destroyed beyond repair. To fix it, Winn would literally need to move a new computer system into the room, which could take a long time, and after that, load all the software onto the computer to run Reign's cell. The big problem with the latter though, is the software of the cell was very much Lena's field, and remaking the cell from the start is certainly a two person job, and really there is no one else currently who could help Winn to remake the cell. Then, even if Winn were to start rebuilding the cell, and try and figure everything out, building the computer system from scratch again is more than likely to take much longer than how long Nia and J'onn are able to hold Reign.

"How are you both doing?" Winn asks Nia and J'onn, with clear concern in his voice.

"I......... we..... can't...... hold out..... much longer........" Nia says, struggling.

"I know." Winn nods, "Just hold out a little longer...... I'm sure Kara and Lena will be back soon."

Nia just groans at Winn saying that.

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