Embers of Hope: Snowheart's Voyage into the Unknown

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Snowheart was snoring softly in one of the larger huts of the Rainwing Kingdom when suddenly, someone slammed open the door.

"WAKE UP, IT'S MORNING!!" A Pink and Yellow Rainwing dragonet bounced into the hut, jumping around the large living room where Snowheart had fallen asleep. At the same time, Snowheart fluttered his eyes open, the strong morning sunlight spilling through the hut doorway before he covered his eyes with his forepaws.

"Ugh, it's Far too early, Who on three moons is banging around at this time!" Snowheart complained before suddenly hearing Queen Glory's voice as she entered the large home, her tail dragging along the individual floorboards, making a THUNK as she seemingly glided over toward him, watching him with her piercing forest green eyes.

"Prince Snowheart, My apologies for my Friend's intrusion on your property and disturbing your rest, but I believe that we require your assistance" Just as she was turning, he swore he saw a flash of something in her eyes, something that seemed to resemble need or want.

"Of course Your Majesty, I shall follow you" Snowheart rose from his floor bed before making his way out of the front door. The sounds of all kinds of birds singing their songs filled his ears while he watched a small group of dragonflies buzz past the front of his home.

"Hi, I'm Kinkajou!" The same small Yellow and Pink Rainwing looked up at Snowheart with excitement in her eyes as she bounced slightly on her paws.

What a curious little dragoness! I thought Rainwings were tired most of the time. Snowheart hummed to himself, staring down at Kinkajou before he spotted three dragons he had never met before.

"Prince Snowheart, Allow me to welcome my Bodyguard, Deathbringer, Secretkeeper, and her Daughter, Moonwatcher" She pointed with a wing at each dragon she called out. From Deathbringer's smug look to Secretkeeper's protective nature towards her Daughter, with worry, hate and an emotion that didn't surprise him all too well, utter rage.

"Your Majesty, My apologies for questioning you. But why on three moons did you let an Icewing into the forest!" Secretkeeper wasn't afraid to show her distaste toward Snowheart, throwing him a deathly stare every couple of seconds. He listened to her and Queen Glory argue about why Prince Snowheart was in the forest, yet his eyes found themselves drawn towards the smaller Nightwing female, seeing that she was staring at him with wide Emerald green eyes.

"Hello Moonwatcher, I am-" "Don't you dare speak to my Daughter!" Secretkeeper hissed at Snowheart, with pain flickering in his eyes when Deathbringer then jumped in.

"If I may speak Your Majesty. Prince Snowheart has shown to not be like any other Icewing I have met, he is caring toward dragons from other tribes, and not once have I heard him speak bad about any of them, only when they threaten the ones he loves." Snowheart was quite a bit stunned that Deathbringer had come to his rescue.

"I... Thank you Deathbringer. I have heard things about a Nightwing assassin which was by far the best, yet never knew their name... It seems I have met them" Snowheart then focused his attention on Moonwatcher, who wriggled out of her mother's tight grip before she made her way up to Snowheart, all the while keeping her eyes fixed on his bright blue ones.

"H-hello... My name is M-Moonwatcher, But! You can call me Moon!" He immediately noticed a few things. One was that she was quite shy and the second being, that she had the same ability as him.

You're a Mindreader. Snowheart said within her mind after several long seconds of studying Moonwatcher's scales, noticing a silver scale on each side of her head, to which the young Nightwing's eyes widened slightly as fear pooled within those stunning emerald green irises.

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