Whispers of Chaos: Snowheart's Journey Through the Flames

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Snowheart, along with the group of Rainwings looked over the scene, watching rivers of magma flow from the volcano and into the ocean, sending columns of hot steam shooting up into the air. Snowheart quickly scanned the island with a careful eye, huffing some frosty breath when he spotted three struggling Nightwings.

"Rainwings, Let's get to work," He said while glancing back at Blueberry, seeing a determined look on her face, he then stretched his wings out, feeling the rough ash-covered ground under his paws before he took flight, flapping his wings as he soared through the ash-filled sky.

"Blueberry, Begin gathering the Nightwings and escort them to safety, Quickly!" Snowheart shouted over the loud hissing of the gas that was forced out of vents from the volcano. Blueberry gave a nod while she hovered in the air beside Snowheart, banking to the left where she made her way towards the main part of the island that wasn't affected by the lava... Yet.

Snowheart wasted no time as he landed rather heavily on the ash-covered rocky ground, helping any Nightwing he came across onto their feet.

"Go to the tunnel that leads to the Rainforest, Quickly!" He explained to a group of six Nightwings who all had a look of pure terror in their eyes, the eldest, a female Nightwing, gave Snowheart a nod before she and the group leapt into the air and made their way toward the location of the Tunnel.

Snowheart watched them leave, wobbling slightly on his paws as the ground under him shook with each eruption and quake.

Prince Snowheart! You must find the Nightwing Queen Quickly! For the mountain is about to explode!" Queen Starstreamer said hastily, the rich sound of fear in her voice while Snowheart glanced towards where the Ancient Nightwing Queen floated.

"I will do my best" He promised, looking to where the Nightwing Palace was before he began rushing towards it, galloping over the sharp rocks that stuck out of the ground, with a few catching the underside of his paw pads. yet he continued, pushing through the intense heat and pain until he entered the dark palace, looking left then right, wondering where to go, luckily, Queen Starstreamer was there to guide him.

He charged down long corridors, turning around corners and weaved his way through fallen pieces of the walls, making his way towards where Starstreamer had said the Queen would be.

Yet, Once he got there, he found that she had already passed away, for a portion of the ceiling had fallen onto her spot, killing her instantly.

Dust and debris fell from the walls and ceiling while Snowheart just stood there, in horror at the bloody mess that used to be the Nightwing Queen.

"Prince Snowheart!" Came Blueberry's voice, the sound was distant, yet got closer, and closer until she popped her head around the corner, seeing the large Icewing gently closing Queen Battlewinner's eyes, even if she was an enemy, he still felt it was right to give her proper comfort.

"She's already gone... Have you got all the Nightwings?" He questioned the dark purple Rainwing, craning his neck to look back at her, watching her shuffle on her paws before she spoke.

"We... We could only save half of the tribe... The rest were already deceased..... I'm... I'm sorry" She whispered the last part, looking torn before she heard Snowheart shift about on his paws.

"It's okay, You did all you could, that's what matters" Snowheart's soothing words filled her ears while she looked up at him, a few tears threatening to slip down her cheeks.

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