Loyalty, Deception, and Borealis's Shy Strength

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It was the next morning when Snowheart woke up, lifting his head from the grass-covered ground. The gentle morning breeze blew through the forest, carrying with it the myriad sounds of countless insects.

From the buzzing of winged insects to the chirps of various birds, the forest was alive with sound. By now, he was used to the symphony, yet the occasional sensation of insects crawling on his legs or tail still made him itch at times.

"Good morning, Prince Snowheart. How was your rest?" Princess Orca's voice broke the tranquillity. He turned to his right to see the seaweed-coloured dragoness already fully awake, shaking off some leaves that had fallen on them during the night.

"Morning, Orca," he replied simply, stretching and yawning. He shook off the sleepiness before rising to his paws. Standing tall, he flared his wings to their full extent, stretching them to their maximum before tucking them back against his sides.

Snowheart then sat down on his haunches, facing towards the desert as he slipped into deep thought. His tail swished from side to side while he tapped a forepaw talon on the soft ground.

"Look, Orca," he suddenly began, turning his head to face her. Orca tilted her head slightly, listening attentively.

"What happened yesterday... I'm-"

"It's fine, we all have our limits, and you found yours yesterday. No harm done," she interrupted, smiling as she moved closer to lean against his larger form. She sighed, her eyes scanning the seemingly endless desert before looking up at Snowheart once more.

"You know, the IceWings are going to be in very good talons, with you and Icesheet," she said, watching Snowheart carefully as he absorbed her words. She studied his facial expressions before turning back to the desert.

"I hope so, Orca. I really hope so," he said softly, flexing his wings slightly. Suddenly, he felt Orca's tail intertwine with his, making him look at her before she placed her right forepaw on his cheek.

"You'll be a great King, maybe even the best," she said. They stared into each other's eyes until Snowheart replied.

"And you'll make a fantastic Queen, Princess Orca," he said, smiling softly at her. He leaned into her touch while stretching his right wing out towards her, brushing his wing against hers. They held each other for a few moments longer until Snowheart pulled away, sitting up straight as the morning sunlight filtered through the dense rainforest canopy, reflecting off his clean white scales. He moved about, retracting his wing from the smaller princess before fully standing up, shifting on his paws.

"I think we should go and see if the Queens need to talk to us," Snowheart suggested, turning on the spot. Orca got up, shaking the leaves from her body before following the icy prince as he made his way through the dense foliage.

Queen Icesheet was curled around her three little dragonets, who were called Borealis, Aurora and Frostwind. Right now, Aurora and Frostwind were wrestling, with Aurora tackling her brother to the floor, which had been covered by a thick layer of Polar bear skin, for Icesheet had requested it.

"Haha, I pinned you Brover" Aurora shouted triumphally while Frostwind wriggled under her, hissing at his sister who sat on his chest.

"Can you two get any louder" Icesheet muttered while she was pulled from her slumber as was Borealis, who lifted her head from the bed to stare at her triplet siblings, tilting her head slightly before she got up, rump in the air while she stretched like a cat, even letting out a cute little yawn before she jumped over her mother and off the bed to join her siblings.

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