Frozen Torment: Interrogation Amidst Birthing Pains

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Snowheart was honestly more pleased with how everyone had taken the news. Glory, Thorn and Coral all talked to him more, asking him questions and even at times asking him to ask the Queens or Kings questions. Of course, Diamond and her fellow royal friends were more than willing to answer the questions fired at them.

Princess Orca had also improved during this time, becoming more happy while she spent time with Rainwings, Nightwings and Seawings near her age. Yet, she also at times spent time with her Mother and Queen Glory, joining in on some meetings.

But today, Glory was very pissed, her scales had a red-orange colour to them while she paced back and forth, shaking her head while she snarled every once in a while.

"Glory, darling, do relax, we may have not got as much information from the Sandwing as we liked, but have you thought about perhaps allowing Snowheart a try at interrogating him?"

Coral spoke while she remained sat on her haunches in her place around the large wooden table, as did Thorn, Cobra, Qibli and the Royal councils of both the Rain/Night Kingdom and the Sea Kingdom.

Glory glanced at the large blue Seawing, coming to a stop before she let out a huff.

"I suppose we can allow Prince Snowheart to try" She waved a paw at three of her royal Nightwing guards, signalling them to bring the prisoner while Blueberry scurried off to find Prince Snowheart.

After around twenty minutes, General Blueberry came back with Snowheart, who looked like he had just left the river. That was confirmed by Blueberry telling her Queen she had found him lying in the river, cooling himself off due to summer creeping in.

"What do you require, Your Majesty?" Snowheart bowed his head toward Glory, watching her with a careful gaze as she took a more regal stance, raising her head high.

"Prince Snowheart... We have been unable to claw out enough information from the Sandwing than we had hoped. I am willing to let you try since I know Icewings are the most intimidating out of all of us" Glory admitted, watching as a few of the newer Nightwing guards who didn't know Snowheart that much, cowered slightly under his stare.

"I understand, though where is the Sandwing? If I may ask" Snowheart questioned, yet quickly got his answer when three Nightwings came in with a struggling Sandwing, which Snowheart recognized as the one he had captured and made as Queen Glory's prisoner.

"Ah, here he is. Hello Sandwing, you may have heard, but if you didn't. Queen Glory has suggested I try to rip information from you" The Sandwing's eyes filled with fear while Snowheart made his way towards him, standing over the wounded male as he stared down at the yellow Sandwing with cold blue eyes.

"Let's get right to the point. Why did you attack Princess Orca" He questioned the Sandwing, who only growled, yet yelped when one of the Nightwing guards cracked a whip against his hind.

"I'm going to ask again... Why did you attack Princess Orca? What was so special about her" He lifted his snout slightly, looking down upon the yellow male who looked side to side slightly before giving an answer.

"Because she was in our territory, and she also had one hell of a body!" The Sandwing laughed, watching as Coral was held back by everyone.


Snowheart's paw hit the Sandwing in the snout, sending the male sliding across the room and crashing into a small desk in the corner.

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