Shocked accord: Shock, questions, answers

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A whole week flew by, with Snowheart keeping a close eye on Orca, bringing her things to eat and taking her to the river whenever she felt like exploring. Not once had he left her side for he felt terrible.

Yes, she may have upset him, but he should have acted like a true Icewing and made sure that he let her know that he was fine. Yet he allowed his emotions to dictate his motions.

Right now, he was lying on the bank of the main river, watching Orca tackle her younger sisters, Tsunami and Anemone. Anemone had forgiven her eldest sister, which stunned Snowheart if he was honest.

He also had yet to explain to everyone of what had happened a week ago, since they were more focused on drawing out information from the Sandwing they had captured.

It is time you tell them all about who you truly are. you can't keep the truth from them any longer, for the more time you keep it from them, the more damage it will cause when they finally figure it out.

Snowheart turned his head to the left, noticing the soul form of Queen Pearl lying on her side, looking at him. She was a beautiful Seawing, with features that made her look like a larger version of Orca. Yet he had no interest in Orca. and it appeared she had snuffed out her interest in him.

He was glad she didn't see him romantically anymore. Taking a deep breath, Snowheart returned his gaze to the three Seawings who laughed and played around in the deep river before another voice echoed in his mind.

Queen Coral did at one point play with the idea of you being an animus, yet she dismissed it. Snowheart looked to his right, noticing a small female Sandwing curled up. He knew only he could see them, and that urged him to be careful when he focused his gaze upon any of the ancient Kings or Queens that appeared before him.

Please, forgive me Prince Snowheart. My name is Queen Scorpion. Scorpion bowed her head toward Snowheart while he kept his eyes on her, tilting his head slightly before he spoke.

You are very small for an adult Sandwing. Honestly, it's rather cute! He chuckled softly, watching Scorpion's face flush red before she hissed playfully at him.

Snowheart relaxed once more, shaking his head before he got up and told the three girls he was heading back, since Tsunami had told him she could keep an eye on Orca, and Orca herself had even said that she was a tough girl and would be okay.

Meanwhile, Glory was talking with Queen Coral, Thorn, Cobra and her Royal Council about strengthening the frontline. Some Seawings had already arrived, along with the Royal Seawing Council who were escorted into the Royal Pavillion.

Each one of them gave a bow towards Queen Coral, before doing the same for Queen Glory. They proceeded to sit around the large oval table, waiting for the rest to join, which wasn't many, for Coral had disbanded her old Royal council due to corruption and made a new one not even a year ago.

The Royal Seawing Council had six members, with each one assigned to their task. sometimes one if not two council members will be given two roles if some things raise their heads.

Lately, Coral had appointed the newest member of the council, Bringing the number up to seven.

"Right, let us get right to business" Glory said, tapping her tail against the wooden floorboards. yet, just as the meeting was about to start, Prince Snowheart made his way through the entrance, his white scales reflected the sunlight that bled through the large open windows.

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