Regal Reflections: Icesheet's Sovereignty Amidst Dreams and Tears

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Nearly three years later

Icesheet walked through the palace halls, greeted by every IceWing she passed. They nodded respectfully before continuing on their way. She approached the large double doors leading into the main Royal meeting room. Before announcing her presence, she signaled one of her personal guards to ensure her jewelry was perfectly in place.

Today, Queen Glacier had decided to put Icesheet to the test by allowing her to take her place as Queen for the time being. King Frostbite had been wounded in battle, losing his right forearm when a SkyWing slammed her axe down upon him as he tried to shield his wife from harm.

"You look stunning, Your Majesty," the guard she had asked to check her said, bowing, the IceWings with her or passing by bowed as well. She took in a deep breath, raising a forepaw, yet the same guard took a step forward, gently sliding the Queen's Tiara back to the centre of her head before he stepped back.

"Thank you, Snowstriker" Icesheet smiled gently at him before she banged her staff against the door three times loudly, then, after five seconds, the doors opened, allowing the royal council, Narwhal, Tundra and their dragonets to see Icesheet, in all her gorgeous glory.

"Your Majesty" Prince Narwhal made his way around the oval table, stopping before Icesheet before he bowed toward her, as did Princess Tundra, Winter, Icicle and the whole Royal Council.

Icesheet knew that Glacier didn't fully trust anyone else besides her to take over her reign until Glacier knew that her husband would be alright. But, for now, Icesheet would now be known as Queen Icesheet.

"Shall we get started with this day's meeting?" Queen Icesheet said, making her way regally up to the table as did everyone else, with the royal guards standing at their posts, ready to defend Queen Icesheet with their lives.

"Your Majesty, Our forces have encircled many of their northern forces. We have also been able to take the North-Western slice of the Sandwing Kingdom, after we took this area, we made sure to strengthen the border so we could send troops to the Rainwing Kingdom, yet the main Sandwing forces that bordered the Rainwing border have shifted to block off our advance to provide assistance to our United Kingdoms allies"

Snowcast said before he relaxed himself, taking a step back before he sat on his haunches. A few of the council members whispered among themselves while Queen Icesheet looked over the map, carefully scanning the updated map borders with a careful gaze. That was until the double doors opened before a little whimper was heard.

"mummy" Came a little voice, followed by a shaky little breath. Icesheet turned on the spot, looking down to see one of her daughters.

"What's wrong Borealis?" She lowered herself, scooping the little Icewing up while a few tears rolled down her little white freckled face.

"Me had big scary dream" Her little bottom lip quivered before she burst out crying, her little wings flapping a bit while Icesheet held her daughter in her forearms, sitting on her haunches while the council waited patiently, for they knew that a mother caring for her little ones came first.

"It's okay, shhh, it was only a dream, it's okay, mummy's here" Icesheet whispered to her crying daughter before she felt a paw on her shoulder, making her look to the left of her, seeing Tundra looking at her.

"Your Majesty, please, allow me and my husband to try" Icesheet gently passed her still crying daughter to the older female, watching as Tundra made her way back to where her husband was sat, moving slowly while she gently rocked her forearms side to side, like a log on the ocean. This action caused the little Icewing to slowly calm down, from full on crying to sniffling as she looked up at Tundra, seeing her aged face while the adult Icewing stared down at Borealis.

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