31: "Stay Away From Them Both."

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!!! trigger warning : slight mention of sexual harassment !!!

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You took a deep breath in, trying to focus on the feeling of Ayato's arm linked with yours. The silk cloth of his white suit, his long baby blue hair brushing your fingertips as it hung stylishly over his shoulder. He smelt of vanilla, but not in a strong way. Like a vanilla candle.

    Ayato turned his head to look at you, closing the car door behind him and handing the keys off to the valet standing just a few feet away. "Ready?"

    Your heart was beating erratically in your chest. What if you tripped on the stairs? What if your clothes fell off? What if you zoned out while staring at a really bright light and went blind? Would everyone be in there already? Would they all turn and look at you? You didn't want that. Would Gojo already be inside, arm linked with Haruka? How would he feel if he saw you?

    'Or,' you thought, 'what if you had a good night?'

    You took a deep breath in, forcing yourself to calm your heart. Closing your eyes, you tried to settle your thoughts before looking at Ayato and nodding your head. "Ready."

    "Just make sure you don't fall asleep. I won't be able to carry you back, because I'll be asleep myself." You smiled at him, his little joke easing the pressure off your chest just a little bit. Ayato smirked playfully at you, lightly nudging you with your linked arms before making his way to the front door. You both smiled thankfully at the doormen, who oh-so-delicately opened the two gleaming golden doors.

    You almost felt the air leave your lungs completely as your eyes laid upon the venue. Multiple extravagant chandeliers hung upon different spots on the ceiling, their warm lights casting the venue in the same golden glow that was held within the front doors. Everyone in the room was hot as shit; extravagant dresses and suits and all the in-betweens, hair done either just enough that it looked amazing or so unbelievably intricate that you couldn't help but marvel at it.

    If Ayato weren't clinging to your arm in that moment, you absolutely would've hauled ass right out that front door.

    Ayato went down a few steps ahead of you and delicately held your hand, leading you down the steps. You felt your face flush, immediately picking up on what he was doing. He was trying to show you off as much as possible. You glared as menacingly as you could with your red face, and he just smiled with a cheeky glint in his eye.

You finally descended to the bottom of the staircase, Ayato linking your arm with his again. Leaning in a little bit closer to your ear, he said quietly, "Exactly as planned." He turned behind him to grab a glass of champagne off a passing tray.

You frowned, about to ask him what he meant, before you spotted what he was looking at.

There stood Gojo, in the middle of the venue. Surrounded by a group of elder men and women, all fawning over him and trying to engage in conversation with him. Haruka stood next to him, actually talking to one of the women. Her dress was a mix of white and gold, matching the gold and white flower that was pinning the side of her fringe out of her face. She had very fancy gold makeup on, and the jewellery she was wearing looked very expensive. She looked completely unnatural standing next to Gojo.

Gojo stood there, half-drunken champagne glass frozen in his hand as he stared at you through the crowd. His hair was in its usual style when it was down, hanging over his face and framing his features perfectly. He had black trousers on, a white dress shirt on, and a black waistcoat and blazer, the blazer in which being buttoned up. It was an outfit that would've looked good on him, but something about the way he was wearing it felt unnatural. The tie he had on was loose, almost like it was the only act of defiance he could project. You noticed almost immediately that he didn't have anything covering his eyes, as bright as the sky as they pierced into your soul.

𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕔𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕚𝕥 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕤 | gojo satoru x readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu