32: "What Is It That You Wanted To Ask Me?"

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Ayato gripped your hand gently, other hand on your lower back as you got into position next to everyone else. Gojo and Haruka were on the other side of the dance floor, and as you looked over, you caught Gojo's eye. You both quickly looked back to your partners.

The music started, and you shut your eyes, taking a deep breath in. You were brought back to all the times you practiced with Gojo, and it almost felt unnatural having a dance partner that wasn't him.

You firmly gripped onto Ayato's shoulder. Opening your eyes, you took your first steps of the dance. They were simple movements, and you and Ayato moved smoothly with one another. Each couple moved around the dance floor with the same elegant pace, moving between each other. Before it was time for you to let go of Ayato and spin, he whispered in your ear, "Don't kill me for this."

Before you had a chance to react, you spun, landing into a pair of familiar hands a moment later. You felt electricity run from your fingertips, up your arms and all the way through your chest. Your breath caught in your throat as you made eye contact with Gojo, him looking back at you with hooded eyes.

You and Gojo moved naturally with each other, hitting every step of every beat perfectly. As he brought you back up from one of the many dips in the routine, he whispered into your ear, causing goosebumps to go up your spine as he said, "Seems I taught you well."

You felt the pressure release from your chest, and you hummed as you looked at him with a small teasing smirk on your face, automatically moving with the music as the ending rapidly approached, "Now now, we both know the reason why I'm so good at this. Don't forget I was mainly teaching myself."

Gojo fake-winced, a small smirk written across his lips as his eye held a mischievous twinkle. "Ooh~ Good one. So I would assume you could do this on your own?" He twirled you, and with one swift motion, dipped you. Your leg hooked around him as you leaned back, placing your full trust in him without even realising it.

The music ended, and the rest of the venue erupted in applause. You felt your heart beat hard in your chest as you slowly raised back up, Gojo's face inches from yours. Goosebumps ran up your arms as you felt his body flush up against yours. His breathing was heavy, and his eyes were slightly widened with exhilaration.

"I uhm. . ." his voice cracked as he spoke in a hushed whisper, eyes flicking to every inch of your face. Clearing his throat, he said, "I just wanted to say--"

"SATORUUUU!" You automatically winced as the high-pitched voice scratched at your ears, Gojo blinking out of his daze as he took a deep breath. You quickly let go of Gojo, ignoring how his grip was still tightened on you momentarily.

Haruka slid next to Gojo, and you forced yourself to stand back as she side-eyed you before batting her eyelashes up at him, arms linked with his. "Babe, I wasn't aware that we would be switching partners at the beginning of the dance! I would've asked your tailor to dance in that case--"

"Ayato." Gojo said, an edge to his tone.

Haruka, shocked with the way he spoke to her, asked, "What?"

"He has a name," Gojo shut his eyes, took a deep breath, reopened them and turned to look down at her, raising his voice slightly. "Ayato Kamisato. He is not just a tailor, he's one of my closest friends, and a damn good one at that. And you know it."

"Satoru," Haruka chuckled out, nervously glancing around as a few people started to look at what the commotion was about. "It's not that serious." She glared at you. "And you. The waft of desperation is beginning to reek. Stay away from my boyfriend." Her eyes widened. "Oops, sorry! Fiancée."

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