The next day after the Ninja found their new home, the Destiny's bounty the four ninja sleep in while (Y/N) has been doing chores with Nya, Wu soon walks in banging a gong to wake them up
"Evil doesn't sleep and neither should you!." Wu yells over the gong disturbing the ninja who groan
"In order to reach your full potential, we must greet each day as an opportunity." Wu said
"Okay okay we're up. It if you want us to reach our full potential, shouldn't we get at least a full night of rest?." Kai asked yawning
"That's what we get for staying up and star gazing." Jay said yawning as well
"You call that rest? I think my back has more lumps than the mattress." Cole groaned
Jay walks over to the sink
"We were up so late, talking about how cool it is to have a new headquarters, I guess we lost track of time. Since the serpentine burned down our monastery. I'm just glad we have a roof over our head..." Jay said as he turned on the sink, only for sad to pour out instead, as he went to brush his teeth he spat out the toothpaste in disgust
"What is our lesson today Sensei?." Mastering the strike of the scorpion? Or perhaps the grace of-." Before Zane could finish the floor underneath him breaks as he coughs
"I think today's lesson would be chores." Wu said much to the ninjas dismay
"Chores?!." They yelled as (Y/N) passed by
"Oh hey you guys are finally awake." (Y/N) said as he walked into the room
"Where have you been?." Jay asked
"Doing chores with Nya, like you guys should." (Y/N) said as they sigh in annoyance before looking at Wu again
"Ninja fight Sensei! They do not clean." Cole said
"In order to respect ourselves, we must respect our new home and where we are from. And this place is a long from becoming a headquarters. I expect things to be spotless when I return. And put your backs into it, would you like to accompany us?." Wu asked as (Y/N) shook his head
"Nah someone needs to keep these guys in check. (Y/N) said as Wu nodded before he leaves banging the gong again
"This place is gonna take forever to clean and fix up." Kai grumbled
"Unless we put more than our backs into it?." Jay hinted as (Y/N) smiled
"I get what you're putting down." (Y/N) said
"But he isn't putting anything down?." Zane asked confused as (Y/N) sighed
"I'll explain later." (Y/N) said before the five quickly smirk at each other
"Ninja! Go!." Cole yelled as he cleans up the room with Spinjtizu. Throwing all the trash outside
Zane throws the shurikens towards the walls of the bounty to freeze it, while Kai melts it with the sword of fire
"Ninja! Go!." Kai and Zane yelled using Spinjtizu to clean up the rest
(Y/N) walked onto the deck and used his Spinjtizu to clean off the extra junk off he then noticed the Falcon pass by and he waves at it
Inside Cole and Kai try to fix the machines inside the bounty, Jay pulls off a cloth off a huge computer system and uses his nunchucks of lightning to fit it all
"Ninja! Go!." Jay yelled as they finally finished cleaning
A while later, Wu and Nya can back to see all five ninja playing video games
"What took you so long?." Kai asked
"Yeah we've been done for ages." (Y/N) smirked
"Wow. This place looks amazing! You guys did all this?." Nya asked
"You underestimate us Nya." (Y/N) smirked
"Ninja don't just fight Nya, we clean." Cole said
"Oh you have exceeded my expectations." Wu said amazed
They soon heard a car horn
"But can you keep it up?." Wu asked as a car drives over
"Looks like we're about to have some visitors. And loud ones at that." Nya smirked as (Y/N) smirked at Jay
"Seems like there's some similarities with our surprised guests and our blue friend here." (Y/N) said as Jay pushed (Y/N) away
"Ugh... it's my parents. Please. If they start yapping. Just don't get going okay? They don't know when to quit. And if you start talking, then they'll start talking. And suddenly, half the day is gone before you know it ends...
"We get it! They talk a lot!." Kai cuts in before mumbling to Zane
"The cherry doesn't fall far from its blossom." Kai mumbled as Jay heard him
Ed and Edna arrive bumping into the junk
"Sounds like they're here Jay." (Y/N) said as Jay groaned
"Oh heh take a note, Edna. Either better brakes or a better bumper... oh will you look at all this great stuff? They can't just get rid of it. We should have brought the trailer Edna." Ed said
"This ain't a flea market Ed. We're here for Jay!." Edna said
"What was that? Did you take a note?." Ed asked as Edna wrote it down
"I'm writing it down Ed." Edna said as Jay walks up to them acting happy
"Mom! Dad! What are you doing here?." Jay asked
"Oh look! It's my baby boy! It's been so long since we heard from you!." Edna said smiling
"Ma, I called you two days ago." Jay said slightly annoyed
"Oh well... it's not soon enough son. When are you coming out to the junkyard? You say you are coming an... an... and you don't." Ed said as (Y/N) felt bad for them
"Dad... do we have to talk about the junkyard in front of my friends?." Jay asked
"He hates it when we tell people he was born in a junkyard." Edna said as (Y/N) walked up to them
"Hi my names (Y/N) pleasure to meet jays parents, I just have to ask. Did you make that car?." (Y/N) asked as Jay groaned
"Well yes we did! It's as fast as the newest models. And we constantly upgrade it." Ed smiled as (Y/N) looked awed
"Jay, you've kept these guys hidden from us all this time? Your parents are awesome." (Y/N) said as jays parents smiled
"Oh you're too kind." Edna smiled as Wu walked up
"I've taught him to be a very kind student, would you like a tour?." Wu asked
"We'd love a tour!." Ed and Edna smiled as Jay knocks his head and sighs giving them a tour
"And this is the bridge. This extends into a periscope. This tells us what's going on of Ninjago. And this... if a serpentines not giving us the answer we want, and we're late up night....
"A neuro apparatus to read their minds?." Edna asked cutting in
"An audio appliance to make them talk?." Ed asked as (Y/N) wrote those down
"Genius." (Y/N) said
"No, a cappuccino machine." Jay said as he poured a cup
"Haha amazing Son! We're so proud of you." Ed said as Cole butted in
"Why don't you tell them about the button?." Cole asked
"Heh heh it's not ready yet." Jay said
"Oh what's the button?." Edna asked
"He's working on a special defence system." Zane said
"Something every headquarters needs." Kai said
"Oh really? What does it do? Can I help?." Ed asked
"No it's okay. I don't need your help dad. Let's just leave it alone. Hey look at the time. Don't you need to get back before it gets dark? I told you, there's dangerous serpentine out there." Jay said trying to get his parents to leave
"Uh, I suppose we could get back." Ed said
"Edna it was a pleasure hearing about Jays first potty time." Cole said trying to annoy Jay
"Oh if you thought that was good, wait until you hear the story about the time I caught him kissing his pillow!." Edna smiled
"Snakes. Ma! Snakes." Jay reminded
"Okay we're going we're going." Edna said as they walked outside
"So you promise to come to the junkyard to visit your mother and father?." Edna asked as Jay hurried them
"Yes I promise! But only if you leave. I don't want you to get hurt. It's getting dark. Uh, your headlights are working right?." Jay asked as they got blinded before covering their eyes cause of the headlights
"Heh. Like 'em? I used a little extra juice." Ed said as he turned off the headlights
"Yep, bye sone. I couldn't be more proud." Ed smiled as (Y/N) spoke up
"I can't wait to see more of your inventions!." (Y/N) smiled at the duo
"We can't wait." Edna smiled
They soon drove off with everyone waving
"Now that they have left, perhaps Jay can teach us. The art of... kissing pillows." Wu snickers as Jay groans annoyed
Everyone laughs as they walk inside the bounty
Meanwhile with Ed and Edna
"I don't think he's coming dear." Ed said sadly
"Stop it Ed, he's coming." Edna said hoping
"No he doesn't need us anymore. I just have to remember that, uh write it down for me would ya?." Ed asked
"Oh dear. Lights dear, it's getting dark." Edna said as they kept driving
"Right, heh, thanks sugarplum." Ed said as he turned them on
In the cemetery of souls Lloyd walks around while holding the map he stole looks around scared
"It's not scary, um maybe just a little, but I like scary. Yeah, that's it. I'm the son of the Dark Lord. I love the dark. I eat this stuff for breakfast." Lloyd said before screaming
"I'm gonna make those Hypnobrai pay for betraying me. I have to find the Fangpyres. If there's anything a snake doesn't like. It's another snake. Here, by the mutated tree. I have found it! Soon the serpentine will know who their master is! And it will be I, Lloyd Garmadon!." Lloyd laughs evilly just as Lightning cackles making him scream, as he opens the Fangpyre tomb, he screams again as the Fangpyre emerges
"And who... may I say released us.... From our captivity?." Fangtom asked from both of his heads
"Uh, Lloyd. I released you to make the Hypnobrai pay for betraying me." Lloyd said
"The Hypnobrai?! Those hypnotising deceivers!." Fangtom yelled before looking at Lloyd
"It'll be... our pleasure." Fangtom said
"Oh good. I'll leaf the way. Then after that, there's some ninja I want dealt with." Lloyd said
"Sounds like... you know.... What you want. But the Hypnobrai are strong.... And we are few in numbers... we need.... Reinforcements!." Fangtom yelled
"What did you have in mind?." Lloyd asked as Fangtom hisses as the rest of the Fangpyre rise from the tomb as Lloyd laughs evilly again
At the Junkyard Ed and Edna pulled up getting off the car
"Home sweet home. And back to the grind." Ed said as he picked up a toolbox and walked over to a mech
"Oh sweetie. You've been working on that thing day and night." Edna said
"Well you never know when Jay may show up, and besides his friend (Y/N) would love to see this if Jay brings him over." Ed smiled
"Oh you're right. You never know." Edna smiled walking inside
As Ed begins working a dark silhouette runs past
"Uh, Edna? Was that you?." Ed asked looking confused
"What Ed? Are you hearing things again?." Edna asked from inside
"Uh you uh you turned on the security system before you left didn't ya hun?." Ed asked as Edna walks over to the alarm but nothing happens"uh must be broken." Edna said as the power goes out
"Whoever's there. My son knows Spinjtizu!." Ed threatened only to hear a Fangpyre hiss
"What is it Ed? Oh why are the lights out?." Edna asked as she walked over to him
"Call Jay hun, someone broken in!." Ed yelled as Lloyd emerges
"How about we wait until he calls you?." Lloyd asked holding the phone by the broken cord before he laughed
"Be strong Edna, I won't let them hurt you." Ed got defensive
"If we plan... to attack... the Hypnobrai... we'll need to grow... our army." Fangtom said
"And uh, how do we do that?." Lloyd asked
"Let's just say... we Fangpyre bite off more... than we can chew." Fangtom said before looking around
"Have at it boys!." Fangtom yelled as the Fangpyre began biting old vehicles
"My creations! They are turning them into-
"An army?... You are correct!... but we can also... turn people too." Fangtom said as the Fangpyre surrounded them
The next day in the bounty, Jay is working on the button as Kai and Zane pass by
"Sure got a lot of junk piling up, if only there was a place we could get rid of it." Kai hinted at Jay got annoyed
"If you don't mind. I'm trying to focus." Jay spoke annoyed as Cole passed by pretending to be on the phone
"Hi Mom and Dad. Of course I'd love to visit. What kid of son would I be if I didn't want to?." Cole asked as Jay got irritated
"Heheheheh. I know what you're trying to do! Okay, look, I might have promised to visit my parents, but there's a lot of stuff on my plate." Jay said as (Y/N) hanged from above lowering himself to jays level
"Like what exactly?." (Y/N) asked making Jay scream and fall to the ground as (Y/N) laughs
"Stop doing that!." Jay yelled
Nya then walks inside as (Y/N) waves at her before he lost his grip and fell down on the ground face first making Jay laugh and Nya chuckle
"Hehe. Hi. Nya." Jay wiped grease and oil off his face
"You gonna visit your parents today?." Nya asked
"Uh, sure am. Just about to leave." Jay said as (Y/N) raised his fist into the air pumping it up
"Yes!." (Y/N) muffled as Nya chuckled again before helping him up
"Thanks." (Y/N) smiled
While the other Ninja look at Jay
"What? So my plates not that full." Jay argued
Soon they walked outside and Jay tried to get Wisp, but he won't budge
"Come on Wisp! It'll be a quick visit, just in and out. Nothing more." Jay tried to reason with Wisp
"Hm, it is as I suspected. The dragons are molting. They're shedding their scales." Wu said looking at them
"What does that mean?." Jay asked
"Every adolescent dragon goes through a transformation before it becomes an adult. We must allow them to migrate to the Spirit coves for their transformation." Wu explained
"Will we see them again?." Jay asked as Wu looked at him
"It is hard to say. But we need to allow them to follow their path." Wu said
"Rocky's going east?." Cole asked as he pets him
"Say it isn't so Rocky." Cole asked sadly
Zane let's shard, jay walks over to Kai, Nya and (Y/N) who are with flame
"Well I guess I gotta go in this long walk all by myself. Sure be nice to have company." Jay said as Nya nods
"Of course we'll go buddy." Kai said
"I could use a break." Cole said
"All you had to do was ask." Zane said
"Finally! I can't wait!." (Y/N) said excitedly making them chuckle but Jay sighed in annoyance, the gang including Wu walk to the junkyard while the dragons fly away, Wu plays the flute
"Of all the days to lose our rides." Jay sighs
"If it makes you feel better, I never had a dragon." (Y/N) said as Jay ignored him
"That flute. You've never told us why it's so special." Zane said
"Long ago there were many flutes, created to combat the powers of the serpentine and drive them underground. But over time, Ninjago's forgotten its ancestors wisdom, and now this is the only one." Wu explained before playing the flute again
"I get the lesson, respect your elders or else suffer the consequences. Boy you guys are laying it on thick." Jay groaned
"Perhaps you are only hearing what you need to hear." Wu chuckled
"Hey there it is!." (Y/N) pointed at the junkyard ahead but Jay stops walking
"What is it?." Nya asked concerned
"It's quiet. My family's never quiet." Jay said as he runs into the junkyard, the others right behind him, he hears groaning from a locked fridge. Jay kicks it open
"What happened? Who did this?." Jay asked as he ripped the tape off Edna's mouth
"Sweetheart, you came!." Edna said happily
Jay ripped the tape off Ed's mouth
"Oh you gotta get out of here. You shouldn't have come here, it's the ssssnakes!." Ed yelled as Wu noticed what happened
"The bite of the Fangpyre! Once they sink their teeth, their venom can turn anything into a serpent. It's only a matter of time before the full transformation is complete." Wu explained as the Fangpyre hissed, looking over they see the Fangpyre walking up with a giant wrecking ball
"Uh is that wrecking ball staring at me?." Cole asked
"Duck!." Jay yelled as the wrecking ball came towards them, Jay quickly saved his parents
"Thankssss ssson." Ed groaned
"Lloyd!." Wu yelled noticing his nephew
"Hello uncle. Looks like we're not the only family reunion. I'm glad you brought the ninja. I could use some help taking out the trash." Lloyd laughs
"If we want to turn your parents back, we need the anti-venom in the staff." Nya said
"Second dose, to the dirt!." Cole yelled as they ducked under the wrecking ball
"This is starting to get annoying!." (Y/N) yelled as the Fangpyre yelled
"Easier said than done sis, we're abit outnumbered." Kai said as Jay runs and attacks the Fangpyre
"Nobody messes with my family! Ninja! Go!." Jay yelled attacking
"You tell them Jay! Ninja! Go!." (Y/N) yelled as he followed behind
"Ninja! Go!." Zane, Cole and Kai yelled as they attacked
Nya and Wu fight together, Wu uses the flute while Nya attacks
"I don't know Sensei, I think we make a pretty good duet." Nya said as Lloyd plays loud music on a boom box
"Young nephew, must I teach you whose side you should be on?." Wu asked as Lloyd turned up the music
"Sorry uncle, can't hear you!." Lloyd yelled
Edna hits a Fangpyre in the head with a frying pan before it could but Wu
"Yeah way to go Edna!." Ed cheered
"Ninja! Go!." The ninja yelled using Spinjtizu to follow some Fangpyre who run into the Jay statue and biting it, the music turns down as the robot appears
"Ah! What is that thing?!." Jay yelled
"It was supposed to be in your honour son! But do you like it?." Ed asked
"Thanks, but no thanks." Jay said as they began running away
"This would be so cool if it wasn't so uncool!." (Y/N) yelled as they ran
"Why'd you have to be born in a junkyard?." Cole asked Jay
"I know, tell me about it." Jay groaned
As the Fangpyre crane attacked again, the five ninja ducking under it
"Uh wasn't there five of us?." Kai asked as they saw Jay on the wrecking ball before landing in the cockpit
"Let's see if I can work this." Jay said as he moved a handle
The Fangpyre robot attacks Cole
"Don't worry! I got it!." Cole grunted as Jay saved him using the wrecking ball
"I told you I had it." Cole said annoyed
"Deal with it." (Y/N) said as he kicked a Fangpyre in the head sending him flying back
"Retreat!." Lloyd yelled as he and Fangtom get in the rattlecopter
"He's getting away with the staff!." Nya yelled as (Y/N) grabbed his sai
"Not if I have anything to say about it!." (Y/N) yelled as he threw it at Fangtoms hand dropping the staff, before it could land Fangtoms tail grabbed it
"Haha! Better luck next time ninja!." Lloyd laughed as they flew away as (Y/N) grunted
"Right now would be a good time to have those dragons." Jay sighed
"Itssss okay sssson." Ed said reassuring his son
"There is still a way." Wu said
"How?." Jay asked
"Part of reaching your own full potential is understanding your weapons potential. Once it is in tune with a focused heart, its secrets and powers can be unlocked." Wu explained
"Oh this is not the time to be cryptic." Jay groaned
"He's saying our weapons are vehicles themselves." Zane explained
"Don't tell me I have to ride this thing like a broomstick." Kai asked worriedly
"That would be hilarious." (Y/N) said
"Jay concentrate on unlocking your Golden Weapon. Let your heart guide you. Imagine you're taking flight." Wu said as Jay focused and did some movements before turning his nunchucks into his storm glider
"Woah! Haha. Did I just do that?." Jay asked excitedly
Kai concentrated his weapons and did some motions before he created his blade cycle, Zane did the same with the Snowmoblie and Cole with the Tread assault
"Ha! I hate to hurt Rocky's feelings, but I think he's just been replaced." Cole said as (Y/N) sighs
"It's always the odd one out that doesn't get the cool weapon, dragon or vehicle." (Y/N) said sadly as everyone but Jay chased Lloyd
"Hey! (Y/N)! Hop on!." Jay yelled as (Y/N) looked up and hopped on jays glider
"You're not gonna be left behind, you're one of us, now let's go stop a brat and save my parents." Jay said as he flew off at a really fast speed
"This is awesome!." (Y/N) yelled as they flew away
"Does your flute turn into anything?." Nya asked
"I wish." Wu looked at the flute
As Lloyd and Fangtom fly, Jay and (Y/N) passed by
"Woah, what the heck was that?." Lloyd asked
"Jay you went to far!." (Y/N) yelled as he held on for dear life
"Oops, over shot that a little." Jay said as he turned around
"Let's see what this baby can do." Jay said as he pressed a button which makes the ship malfunction
"Ahhh!." (Y/N) screamed
"Duck!." Fangtom yelled
"The staff!." Jay yelled as (Y/N) grabbed it
"I got it!." (Y/N) yelled as the flew away
"The staff!." Fangtom yelled
"We got it! We got it!." Jay cheered
"Jay focus!." (Y/N) yelled too late as the ship disappeared, the duo screaming
"This cannot be seriously how I die!." (Y/N) yelled
"Jay, you have to concentrate!." Kai yelled
"I CANT!." Jay yelled
"I think we need to catch them." Cole said
"I got (Y/N)!." Kai yelled
"I got Jay!." Zane yelled
"No I got him." Cole yelled
Their vehicles disappeared as they lost focus
"Okay you're joking." (Y/N) crossed his arms as he accepted his fate
"How are you calm about this?!." Jay yelled
Before they hit the ground Nya saves them in the Jalopy
"Heh nice catch." Jay chuckled as (Y/N) smiled at her
"You're a literal guardian angel." (Y/N) said as Nya smiled back
"Aw I knew I liked thissss girl." Edna smiled
"Everyone! Attack!." Fangtom yelled
"Huh? Why isn't this thing working?." Kai asked as they couldn't create their vehicles
"Your weapons is merely an extension of your mind, if your mind is immobile so is your weapon." Wu explained as they pulled up to them
"Oh boy, gosh oh golly, oh uh. Get in boys!." Ed yelled as they got in a drove off
"We have to get back to headquarters!." Jay yelled as they zoomed off
"Go! They're getting away!." Lloyd ordered
The ninja get back to the bounty before the Fangpyre and they get in
"Come with me. Once we reverse the venom, we can fix you." Nya explained as they got inside
"Man the stations, everyone!." Jay yelled
"Jay. We better hurry." Kai said as the Fangpyre near closer to
"I've been waiting for this moment." Jay said as he pressed the button for nothing to happen
"They're ganging on us!." Kai yelled
"Bottoms up." Ed said as they drank the anti-venom and reverted to normal
"Oh that's good." Ed said smiling
"Ugh, I don't get what's wrong. I spent forever on this. It's supposed to work!." Jay yelled
"Jay whatever your doing hurry it up!." (Y/N) yelled
"I'm trying!." Jay yelled as Ed walked up.
"Uh, son? Maybe I can help?." Ed asked as Jay gasped seeing his dad back to normal
"Dad! You're okay!." Jay said surprised
"You're darn tooting. Oh let's have a look." Ed says as he looked at the wiring fixing it
"Oh yeah. Uh-huh. Oh, that should to it. Now try it." Ed smiled as Jay pressed the button which activated the Bounty's wings and boosters, allowing it to fly away
"No! No! No!." Lloyd yelled coughing
Nya stumbles and loses balance and drops the staff, but she was saved from falling by (Y/N) who was in front of her
"This is like the third time I've saved you now, we really gotta stop doing it." (Y/N) smiled as she quickly fixed herself up slightly blushing
"Right." Nya said as she walked away
Outside Fangtom picks up his staff that fell and continues to fly in the rattlecopter
"These ninja... they must be stopped." Fangtom said as Lloyd agreed
"Oh tell me about it." Lloyd said
Back on the bounty later on Jay is seen taking to his parents
"We'll get back to the junkyard just as soon as we see the coasts clear. But stay as long as you'd like. It's nice having you here." Jay smiled as they smiled back
"Oh take a note Edna, of all our inventions, this one is our greatest." Ed smiled
"I already know dear." Edna said as she tossed the notebook away as the three embraced on a hug while Wu watches them

Lego Ninjago The Purple Ninja (Male Reader)
ActionLong before time had a name, the first spinjitzu master created Ninjago, using four elemental weapons, but when he passed a dark presence sought out to collect them all, Lord Garmadon, so I, sensei Wu, his brother sought out four ninja to collect th...